This professional audio-frequency Test Signal Generator (TSG) produces a selectable audio-frequency test signal. Inserting these constant sounds into the induction loop while setting it up makes it easy to accurately measure the loop’s performance and ensure it meets the IEC 60118-4 loop standard.
Dr. Neil’s 11 Book Set
Buy Dr. Neil’s eleven book set on various conditions pertaining to ears and hearing and save big bucks! The 11 book set includes such popular books as “Ototoxic Drugs Exposed”, “Musical Ear Syndrome”, tinnitus, hyperacusis, Meniere’s disease, coping strategies, etc.
I Can’t Hear You!
“I Can’t Hear You” teaches you about your ears and the many things you need to know in order to successfully live with your hearing loss. You’ll learn about hearing loss, hearing testing, hearing aids, assistive devices, coping skills, support groups and resources that are available to help you.
131 Poems from the Heart
131 Poems from the Heart contains the best of Edeltraut’s poetry. Her poetry (rhyming couplets set in free verse) details many of the struggles she has experienced due to her various ear problems. As you read this book, you will identify with Eddy as her poems tug at your heartstrings.
CentralAlert (CA-360) Alerting System
The CentralAlert system is a well-rounded, all-in-one alerting system for your home. It has a number of optional modules to alert you to alarm clocks ringing, door bells chiming, the baby crying, landline and/or cell phones ringing, plus smoke detectors, CO detectors, SOS alarms, etc.
Weather Alert Radio
This NOAA Weather Alert Radio works with the CentralAlert 360 and the Silent Call Signature Series systems if you have a Weather Alert transmitter installed, or you can use it as a stand-alone weather radio. The LCD display identifies the specific warning, such as tornado, fire, flood, etc.
Bargain Basement Items
Welcome to the BARGAIN BASEMENT! Here you will find items at great prices that are either: Clearance items (new) (May be discontinued products, opened/returned items or items that have slight imperfections) Used items ________________ SKU: 10175-3 (1 only) Ototoxic Drugs Exposed – 3rd edition New Clearance Ototoxic Drugs Exposed reveals the shocking truth that drugs […]