Special! Buy Dr. Neil’s eleven book set on various conditions pertaining to our ears and hearing and save more than $50.00! The 11 book set includes the following books:
Ototoxic Drugs Exposed (4th ed)
- Take Control of Your Tinnitus—Here’s How
- Hypersensitive to Sound?—Successfully Deal with Your Hyperacusis, Recruitment & Other Sound Sensitivities
- Phantom Voices, Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds (Musical Ear Syndrome)
- Say Good Bye to Meniere’s Disease—Here’s How to Make Your World Stop Spinning
- Keys to Successfully Living with Your Hearing Loss
- Help! I’m Losing My Hearing—What Do I Do Now?
- Grieving for Your Hearing Loss
- Talking with Hard of Hearing People—Here’s How to Do It Right
- When Hearing Loss Ambushes Your Ears
- Hear! Here”—You and Your Hearing Loss/You and Your Hearing Aids
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