by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A lady wrote:
Could you tell me where I could purchase the “Please face me, I lip-read” buttons?
I don’t know of any commercial enterprise that sells these buttons. However, I do know some HLAA groups make them for their own people, for example HLAA of Washington state does.
Now for the good news. The Ear Technology Corporation, makers of the wonderful Dry & Store systems for removing moisture from hearing aids and cochlear implants, gives them away free.
Their yellow buttons are 2 1/4″ in diameter and say in bold black letters “Please”, then in smaller letters on the next line “I hear you better when you” and then in bold black letters again on the third line “Face Me”. At the bottom in smaller letters is the Dry & Store contact information.
More good news. You can get as many buttons as you need for yourself, family, friends or hearing loss group or organization. All you have to do is contact “Dry & Store”. You can phone them at 1-888-327-1299 and request some “Please Face Me” buttons. Or you can go to their Contact Us webpage and fill in their form and request the buttons. That is all there is to it. Soon your buttons will be hurrying on their way to you.
Alternately, you can send me a dollar to cover the postage and I’ll send you a couple of these buttons as I still have a supply of them also. My address is at the bottom of this page.
I went to the site on to obtain the buttons. There is no button to click on. Furthermore, I tried to write a comment and got a vunerability report. It sounds like I may have gotten a virus. I really want the buttons, but how do I do so?
Hi R:
You can still get these buttons, but they are not shown on their website. I’ve modified the article to show you how to obtain them. Please reread it.