by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote, Generally speaking, if a person has tinnitus and sound sensitivity caused by taking medications, does the tinnitus level go down once the medication is discontinued? What is the normal time period to cause such a side effect? Does it happen even if the medication is taken for only […]
Hearing in the Classroom without Expensive Hearing Aids
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady asked, I was wondering if buying the PockeTalker would help me instead of purchasing hearing aids? I have a mild sensorineural hearing loss (25 to 40 decibels) and I have had trouble understanding speech. I am going back to school in the fall and need to be able to […]
Why Having a High-Frequency Hearing Loss Causes Problems Hearing in Groups
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote, I am 23 years old and I have recently started to believe that I may have a mild hearing loss. I often have trouble understanding other people in noisy environments, such as cars or restaurants, and I seem to be the only one having difficulties. In quieter environments, […]
T-coil Orientation and the Secret of Where to Sit in a Room Loop
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Several people have commented on the orientation of the t-coils (telecoils) in their hearing aids and cochlear implants and it’s impact on whether they hear well in looped rooms or not. For the best transfer of signal from a room loop to the t-coils in your hearing aids, both the room […]
Jobs for Hard of Hearing People
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Sepember 21, 2012 Hard of hearing people often ask, “Where can I get a job that doesn’t penalize me in any way for not being able to hear well?” Such jobs are typically few and far between. The good news is that currently North Carolina has two job openings for […]
Hearing Loss and Social Security Disability (SSD)
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. From time to time people ask me whether they are eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) because they now have a hearing loss. This most often occurs when someone has had normal hearing and then experiences a sudden hearing loss. Compared to before they lost their hearing, it now […]
Musical Ear Syndrome Update
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Over the past few years I have been conducting a large-scale study of people who experience Musical Ear Syndrome (MES). To date I have collected the stories of more than 1,500 people. As time permits, I have been compiling and analyzing the vast amount of information collected in order to learn […]
Have I Permanently Damaged My Ears?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A young lady explained, About a week ago, I went to hear a band I like. It was a small venue, but I was in the back of the crowd. When they paused between sets, I immediately noticed that my hearing felt dull. When I got out my ears were ringing. […]
“First Do No Harm” vs. Benzodiazepine Ototoxicity
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A doctor, wrote, I feel that your article on benzodiazepines is irresponsible and may cause those with disabling anxiety disorder to avoid treatment. There are many patients with panic disorder that are well-maintained on Alprazolam for decades without the anxiolytic effect being lost or diminished or the need to increase the […]
Tips for Buying Your First Hearing Aids
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man explained, I cannot hear most bird song, crickets, frogs, small wind chimes, and many voices if there is background noise, and most especially—the higher the frequency of the voice the less intelligible it is. The ENT doctor at the hospital explained to me my hearing loss and showed me […]
Can a Person Who Does Not Have Hearing Aids Hear Via a Room Loop?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man asked, Can a hard of hearing person who does not wear hearing aids benefit from a room loop system such as the Contacta HLD3? The short answer is “Yes”. You see, there are actually two ways you can benefit from a loop system. Obviously, the most common way is […]
More Hearing Aid “Alphabet Soup”
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. It never ends—the continuing additions to the ear-level hearing aid “alphabet soup” I mean. There are so many acronyms for hearing aids, its hard to know what they all mean. First came the Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids. Currently there are a couple of variations of BTE aids such as the Over-the-Ear […]
Just Wear Your @#$%& Hearing Aids!
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A young man explained, I am having trouble getting started wearing my hearing aid. I have tried to convince myself to wear it, but so far, I am not able to do so. As I result, I am depressed about my future. I am 17 years old and wish to […]
This Is Not Recruitment
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote, I came across your website while researching the term ‘recruitment’ which the audiologist mentioned to me this week. She tested me and I have mild/moderate hearing loss. The reason I had hearing tested is because I have sensitivity to noise and also tinnitus (low drum/bass sound). I live […]
Coping Strategies When You Can’t Hear Your Spouse
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady explained, I am hearing impaired and also have tinnitus. I wear bilateral hearing aids. I work at home. My husband, when he gets home from work, tends to forget I am hearing impaired and will talk to me from various locations in the house. I have no idea what […]
The Ambulance Down in the Valley—A Drug Allegory for Our Time
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote, I have recently developed tinnitus. What should I take for headaches since I have read that taking Aspirin and Ibuprofen can cause tinnitus. I do not want mine to be more severe. Not knowing your situation, my first reaction is to suggest you work at finding and eliminating […]
Are Serious Vestibular Problems a Wheelchair Sentence?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote, I am very interested in hearing and balance and was looking for your thoughts—I know you are not an MD, but would appreciate your views. If someone is having vertigo from a serious disease such as bilateral Meniere’s disease, is such a person better off without a vestibular […]
Seven Cell Phone Strategies to Use When Driving
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady asked: What is the best way to use a cell phone when driving? 1. The absolute best way is to leave your cell phone turned off when you are driving. That way you are never distracted at the wrong moment and you will never break any cell phone driving […]
Ear Candling—Does It Really Get the Wax Out of Your Ears?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady asked, Have you ever looked into ‘ear candling’? It removes a lot of wax and is safe (if done properly). Ear candling is one of those “quack cures” that unfortunately became popular a number of years ago. It was supposed to “deep clean” your ear canals and remove wax […]
Propranolol and Hearing Loss
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. © June, 2012 A man wrote, I am a musician and have occasionally taken Beta Blockers to deal with particularly stressful concerts etc. I gave up taking them as I found that I had some form of hearing loss and the frequency with which I heard the pitches was also […]
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