by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
Sometimes your hearing aids quit at the most inconvenient times. Often the problem is minor and is easily rectified—if you know what to do.
Figuring out what to do can be frustrating. Here is one man’s story to remind you that humidity is an enemy of your hearing aids.
He explained:
I was in Alaska this summer helping my buddy work on his cabin—working hard in the Alaska heat! The day before I left Prince of Wales Island, my BTE hearing aid went out! Just bang, quit! I changed the battery, but it still wouldn’t work. I tried another battery. No change.
Then, thinking my batteries were bad, I went to my backup hearing aid. I took the ear mold and tubing off and put it on the backup. It worked for a few minutes and then it too quit! I changed the battery for it, since I knew it was a little old. It worked for a little while, and then quit—again.
I was in Craig, Alaska at the time, so I bought more batteries. They’d work for a little while, and then my hearing aid would quit again. (This is all so funny. You would think after wearing hearing aid for 30 years, I would be better at diagnosis!) Anyway, I muddled around with it again, then finally I figured out what the problem was.
Moisture had condensed in the middle of the ear mold and tube, and was blocking sounds from reaching my ear. I pulled the tube off my hearing aid, and blew on it a couple of times to blow the moisture out. My hearing aid began working properly—finally.
I just wasted at least $15 dollars in batteries, but am up and hearing again! You can’t do anything but laugh! I’ve had this problem before, but totally forgot to check it this time! Boy, do I feel silly!
You are far from alone. Lot’s of us can relate to this scenario. We’ve been there—done that.
If your hearing aids are prone to moisture build-up, you would do well to put them in a drier each night to get rid of any accumulated moisture. That way you will have more reliable operation.
The best drier out there, in my opinion, is the Global Dry and Store. Not only does it dry your aids while you sleep, it also disinfects them at the same time. This cuts down on itchy ears as well.
Click here to learn more about this great little Global Dry and Store drier, or order one for yourself here.
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