by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
© June, 2010, (revised May, 2019)
A lady asked:
Can Amlodipine cause roaring in the ears? I have only been taking it for 6 weeks. Can I stop without a problem? My doctor doesn’t think that is the cause of the roaring. I would like to stop for a period and see if the roaring stops.
Roaring in your ears is one of the many tinnitus sounds. According to the PDR, Amlodipine (Norvasc) causes tinnitus in between 1 person in 1,000 and one person in 50, so tinnitus is a relatively common side effect of this drug. Furthermore, hundreds upon hundreds of people have reported to the FDA’s data base of getting tinnitus from taking Amlodipine. In addition almost twice as many have reported getting hearing loss. In addition thousands more people have reported various vestibular (balance) issues from taking this drug. So it is not easy on the ears.
Also, realize that the “official” figures are always low by their very nature, as not all ototoxic occurrences are reported, and thus included in the “official” figures.
You need to talk it over with your doctor about whether you can stop cold turkey, or need to taper down or what. Then together you can make the decision what you want to do.
If you stop taking this drug for a couple of weeks or so, and if your tinnitus goes away, that is strong circumstantial evidence that this drug is causing your tinnitus in spite of what your doctor says. (Doctors typically know little about ototoxicity.) Don’t expect the tinnitus to stop immediately after stopping the drug. It may take some days or weeks or longer.
Then, if/when your tinnitus stops, and you decide to begin taking this drug again—if the roaring comes back, that is proof that this drug is the culprit. If that happens, I’d suggest you ask your doctor for a different drug that will do the same job.
To learn which drugs are (or can be) ototoxic, see “Ototoxic Drugs Exposed“. This book contains information on the ototoxicity of 877 drugs, 35 herbs and 148 chemicals.
Caryl Mlincek says
Severe (single side deafness) with tinnitus.
Treated by ENT with Prednisone injections to ear with no hearing improvement. MRI clear. Had been taking Norvasc ( Generic) for several months ) with some minor side effects. Suddenly severe side effects including loss of hearing. If this has been caused by the Norvasac will the ‘deafness – rated profound’ clear up? Who do I report this reaction to. I shall contact both my ENT and Family MD who prescribed the med tomorrow.
Dave Gray says
I had exactly the same experience in April 2020: Weeks of amlodipine (which DID effectively lower my BP and keep it down) though with somewhat unpleasant but tolerable side effects (flushing, mildly burning eyelids, hot flashes that would wake me up at night, fatigue) – and THEN – sudden and “profound” hearing loss in one day followed by extreme tinnitus. This was treated immediately by the mostly highly recommended ENT in this area who used transtympanic injections (through the eardrum) of three different steroids in repeated attempts to recover my hearing, but unfortunately none helped at all. I have never had hearing problems before in my life, not even an ear infection.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Caryl:
There have been hundreds upon hundreds of reports to the FDA’s data base by people who have lost hearing from taking Amlodipine. Plus there are a whole host of various other ototoxic side effects for this drug.
Ten years ago I wrote, “So my first reaction would be that no, the Amlodipine did not cause your sudden hearing loss. As a class, the Calcium Channel blockers, which includes Amlodipine, don’t seem to cause much, if any, hearing loss.”
Since then I have discovered that not only is Amlodipine not “not ototoxic”, but it is actually the most ototoxic of all the Calcium Channel blockers.
Thus I think that Amlodipine may very likely be the cause of your hearing loss.
Qadir Qureshi says
i started this medicine just last moth and i start feeling roaring or wind blowing type of noise in my right ear i stop medicine roaring stop
Ghazi says
I started amlodipine 2 months back, started to experience tennitus in my right ear and started to the left one. I am now on hearing aids.
Teresa L Rowe says
I began yesterday and woke with ringing loud in my ears.
Heather Rogers says
Hello Dr Neil,
I have just started taking Amlodipine (3 days ago) and am getting ringing in the ears and whooshing. Also, I have a very strong head pain when I stand up suddenly. I don’t feel faint, as the literature suggests, instead my head really hurts! However, the head pain only lasts a few seconds.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Heather:
Amlodipine is moderately ototoxic. For example, hundreds of people have reported getting tinnitus from taking this drug, but obviously, many don’t. I’ve taken it in the short term without it affecting my ears, but everyone is different.
Amlodipine can cause ear pain too. I don’t track head pain, but I suspect it is related to sudden changes in blood pressure in your head when you stand up–thus the stabbing pain for a few seconds.
Probably, you shouldn’t be taking Amlodipine. I’d suggest you ask your doctor for a different BP drug before you side effects become even worse.
Dale W Rommerskirchen says
i started taking amlodipine on 6/30/22 after a few days i started to get fullness in my right ear went back to my doctor cause i thought i may be coming down with a ear infection ..within two more weeks i had terrible headache pain from temple to temple , went back to doctor he order a ct scan and an ENT visit …everthing was fine from both the ct scan and ent exam …bp BP got better with diet and excersize so i cut down the amlopdipine to 2.5 headache decreased ..on 9/1/2022 totally got off it and within 3 days hardly any headache no 9/21/2022 no headache but still have ear fullness from time to time ..only that makes it totaly disapear is predisone pack but when pack runs out ..ear fullness comes back….amlodipine is such a terrible drug ( atleast for me ) im not sure why the FDA has not taken it off the market …hopefully some day i will be able to hear again out of my right ear……im only 58 and had to Retire because of this terrible drug because of the bad headaches and vertigo it has caused
Michael says
I’m sorry but how do they even keep this drug on the market with a 2% chance of permanent hearing problems? I had rotator cuff surgery a year 1/2 ago and ended up with nerve damage and CRPS/RSD – I was prescribed the amlodipene because my B/P was affected now I may have permanent ear problems along with the CRPS – this is devastating. Thank you for doing your part and at least making people aware.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Michael:
Amlodipine is no worse regrading side effects than a lot of other drugs. If they yank one, they should yank all the others that are as bad or worse and the drug companies wouldn’t like that to put it mildly.
That is why you need to your own “due diligence” before taking a drug. And also, be aware that ototoxic side effects are often dose related–therefore, keep the dose down and often you won’t get obvious side effects.
Michael says
Thank you Neil. First day off of the amlodipene and Clonodine and I swear the wind sound in my right ear that Iv had for a week is almost gone. The doctor called in losatan/HCTZ – 50mg – do you know if it has the same auto side effects-
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Michael:
Good to hear the news of your ears improving.
The Losartan/Hydrochlorothiazide prescription is likely a better choice in regards to ototoxicity. Let me know how it goes. All these drugs are ototoxic to some degree, so the trick is to find one that doesn’t bother your ears.
Remember to take the lowest dose that does the job and you often will fly under the ototoxic radar.
Marc says
You wrote:
“Since then I have discovered that not only is Amlodipine *not* ototoxic, it is actually the most ototoxic of all the Calcium Channel blockers.”
I think you made a typo. You meant to say “…not only is Amlodiopine ototoxic…”
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Marc:
Thanks for the heads up on that mistake. Actually I was intending to use a double negative, but I think the spell checker took out the second “not” and thus changed the meaning of the sentence. Glad you caught it. I’ve corrected it now.
Tony says
I started taking amlodipine 2 months ago and developed deafness in one ear. Last weekend I forgot to take a pill and I noticed my hearing starting to come back again after a couple of days. I am nearing the end of the first days hearing and am beginning to notice that my hearing is worsening again. Is this a coincidence that my deafness skipped a day in sync with my missing a days treatment?
I am seroiusly thinking there is a connection.
Opinions anybody ???
Dr. Neil says
Hi Tony:
As I said above, hundreds upon hundreds of people have reported to the FDAs data base that Amlodipine caused their hearing loss.
So your experience could well be due to the Amlodipine. There’s always a chance it could be a coincidence.
I’d have to know a lot more about your experience with Amlodipine in the previous months as well as this current episode in order to venture an opinion. However, at first glance, I wouldn’t have expected that missing one day of medication would let your hearing come back enough that you’d notice it. I would have expected that you’d have had to go off the medication completely for perhaps a couple of weeks.
riko says
Dear Dr Neil
As you see, many people say that amlodipine is causing hearing loss and I am one of them .
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Riko:
Yes hundreds and hundreds of people have found that taking Amlodipine caused their hearing loss. Actually, the true figure is many many times worse as less than 1% of cases are ever reported to the FDA for inclusion in their database.
This is not a drug I’d ever want to take.
Fiona Frank says
Thank you for your expertise. Does the hearing loss go away after stopping with Amlodipine ?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Fiona:
For some people tinnitus goes away and hearing returns after stopping taking Amlodipine. For others, it never comes back. As far as I know, there is no way to know in advance which group you fall into–so you take your chances if you take this drug.
Jackqualine Webb says
I have been taking this drug for 2 months and yesterday I woke with high pitch ringing and loud noise and one side of my head and ear felling like concrete
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jackqualine:
Taking Amlodipine can result in tinnitus as soon as 2 days after you start taking it, and up to 3 years later. So your 2 months is in the range where tinnitus can first appear.
Hundreds upon hundreds of people have reported to the FDA of getting tinnitus after taking Amlodipine so you definitely are not alone.
I’m assuming you mean your ear feeling like concrete means your ear feels blocked or something like that, correct? That’s another side effect of taking Amlodipine that some people have.
Michael says
I started amlodipene 4-5 months ago – 1-2 weeks of takeing it my ankles turned red and swollen the doctor added Clonodine – ankles stoped swelling now I woke up last week and my right ear as a constant wind sound in it – is it the amlodipene . It’s driving me crazy
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Michael:
Amlodipine is known to cause your feet/ankles to swell. It’s stupid of doctors to try to fix that by prescribing another drug (with it’s side effects) rather than stopping the offending drug. If your doctor had acted wisely and stopped the drug, you wouldn’t have the tinnitus you now have.
The good news is that if you get off the Amlodipine, you have a good chance of your tinnitus going away in a couple of weeks or so.
Incidentally, the Clonidine is also ototoxic and can cause hearing loss, tinnitus and a number of balance problems itself.
Michael says
I really appreciate you getting back with me – I called the doctor today and had him take me off the amlodipene. Iv had the wind sound in my ear now for a week so I hope it goes away.
Colin says
I’ve had a high pitch hearing loss since I was young, but since taking Amlodipine my hearing seems to have deteriorated more quickly. I am also experiencing tinnitus — especailly in the morning before taking the drug as though in withdrawal. I think it’s causing me to wake up early; so I’m going to try switching back to taking it before going to bed. I’ve also experienced chest pain, loose stool, and repeated sub-conjunctival hemorage (red eye from broken blood vessel) — yet my doctor has been dismissive of these. Despite these side effects they are fewer and less severe than my reactions to other blood pressure medications we’ve tried.
Neil says
Hi Colin:
Amlodipine can (and does) cause hearing loss in numbers of people, not to mention tinnitus as well.
Chest pain, loose stools, eye pain, conjunctivitis and abnormal vision are also all side effects of Amlodipine.
Naz says
I’ve been suffering from tinnitus. Dr said it was fluid and was given various antibiotics, sprays etc. Apparently the fluid has cleared but I still have the tinnitus.
Should I stop taking the ‘amlodipine 5mg tablets’? I am also on 10mg Ramipril
Dr. Neil says
Hi Naz:
Did you have the tinnitus before you began the Amlodipine? If so, and if your tinnitus didn’t get worse when you began taking the Amlodipine, then the Amlodipine isn’t affecting your tinnitus.
Ditto for the Ramipril.
J BR says
I took Amlodipine 5mg for three years prior to waking up in December w ringing in my ears. I’ve lost hearing in my right ear and the ringing is constant. Got off of it three weeks ago after reading it’s a possible side effect. Neil—thoughts regarding how LONG it may take for this to ease up? Never ever had any issue w my ears. Ever. This is nuts. Hoping I’m not too far damaged. ENT said I looked good. Audiology said pretty much equal hearing. He was dismissive of it but I can’t think of anything else.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi JB:
I’ve heard from other people who developed tinnitus after 1-3 years on Amlodipine. In other words the tinnitus doesn’t necessarily begin when you begin this drug–but it can. The good news is that after going off the drug, some people have their tinnitus go away and their hearing return. Unfortunately, for others, it seems to be permanent.
I always say give it 2 months before you begin to wonder whether it might be permanent or not. I have heard from numbers of people that got their hearing back and tinnitus gone within 3 weeks so it can happen quite rapidly.
Naz says
No. I didn’t have tinnitus before that.
Naz says
Never had problems with the ear before. Suddenly in July the noise started, my ear was aching, hence the Dr said it was Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and put me on various meds.
Sue says
My mom has horrible tinnitus that causes her great anxiety. She hears a ringing sound all the time and she is 78 years old. She takes Amlodipine and so do I. I have a sound like crickets, but mine doesn’t affect me as hers does. We both have had vertigo. Her Neurologist put her on Neuroton and it seems to help a little but not much. She really needs a break.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Sue:
Are you suspecting that the Amlodipine is causing your mom’s tinnitus? Did her tinnitus begin soon after she began taking Amlodipine? If so, then it seems there is a good chance that the Amlodipine is responsible. It’s interesting that you both get vertigo. Amlodipine causes both tinnitus and vertigo in 0.1 to 2% of the people taking it. And these figures are conservative. The true incidence may be much higher. In fact, many hundreds of people have reported to the FDA that Amlodipine caused their vertigo.
One way to find out if Amlodipine is the culprit is to get off the Amlodipine for a couple of weeks (run it by her doctor first) and see whether her tinnitus reduces in volume. If so, she should get her doctor to change her medication.
Mari Buckingham says
I started taking Amlopidine two days ago and am experiencing a high pitched whirring in my head and ears, balance is off and thick headache, vision is also not normal. I have stopped taking it.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Mari:
How are your ears doing now that you are off the Amlodipine? Are the side effects going away?
Terry says
I’ve been on Amlodipine for about a year and a half. Early this week while sitting at my home computer, I became aware of a high pitched squealing in my hearing. The sound was at the frequency of crickets, but continuous and more on the side of “electric”. I woke up after four hours of sleep for a couple of nights and began to feel depressed thinking this might be something I would have to endure for the rest of my life. A web search under “amlodipine + tinnitus” confirmed my suspicions about Amlodip and after going off and on a couple of times the noise promptly returned each time I took the 5mg daily dose. I am now back to peace and quiet. Have an appointment with my PCP on January 5th.
Cheryl Da Costa🚺 says
I am going through the exact thing with amlodipine! Did they change your medication and if so to what? I am going to the dr today!
Merlin says
How long did it take for the tinnitus to go away when you stop taking the amlodipine? My stuation in terms of length of time on amlodipine and type sound is similar.
Elaine Neff says
I am on Amlodipine. And I have had blurred vision and vertigo. The blurred vision has continued but the vertigo went away. So far I have not developed conjunctivitis, which I hope I don’t. These drugs sometimes cause more damage than help. As for Sue’s mom, as stated above, I think she would be better to find another drug for blood pressure rather than taking Neurontin. That is a strong drug and I would not take if not necessary. That is normally prescribed for neurological disorders.
Marge says
I took amlodipine for two days, experienced severe side effects including tinnitus, ear pain and hearing loss, loss of balance, bad dreams, others. Stopped after 2 days, symptoms began clearing in a few hours, hearing seemed to return to normal. Tried again for one day, same thing, stopped, side effects cleared. After about two weeks, tried again for about 10 days. Had worse, frightening side effects, loss of balance, missed work, some days could not leave home. Stopped 3rd time. My hearing mostly returned in one ear within a day. Have some tinnitus but significant hearing loss in other ear still after 2 months, with continuing balance problems. Am seeing an ENT but hearing has not improved. I would like to know if anyone has experience with this if there is anything I could do to restore my hearing and balance. Thanks.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Marge:
I’m not aware of anything you can do now to alleviate the results of taking Amlodipine. In hindsight, you can see that if you had never taken the Amlodipine after the first two days, probably you wouldn’t have had the permanent side effects you now suffer from.
Obviously, you never want to take it again as the side effects almost certainly will come back, likely even worse than in the past.
jim smialek says
Had taken amlodipine for a few months with no side effects. the day I got a flue shot, my tinnitus doubled, could not sleep without sleep meds. next day way groggy and off balance. sleep meds down to one Somnapure tablet, but still have heavy legs and touch of dis-equilibrium. websites indicate Amlodipine is the culprit.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jim:
The fact that you had no problems with Amlodipine for 3 months, then had problems the day after your flu shot to me indicates that it wasn’t the Amlodipine at all, but the flu shot that caused your problems. I have heard from numerous people that have had hearing loss and/or tinnitus and/or balance problems following the flu shot. Sometimes the side effects show up in just a few hours as in your case. Other times it takes a couple of weeks or so.
Carrie blair says
My husband has taken amilodipine for quite some time and then two months ago he got his prescription filled and they informed him that it was the same medication but that the pill prescription had changed the maker or whatever of the amyloid a pain pill and it was after that that he noticed this sharp screeching in his ears and has not been able to get rid of it since could this be from this new pill of amlodipine that he’s taking should we try to get off of it for a while to see if that is the culprit we’re just running out of ideas on what’s causing this hearing problem he’s gone to an ENT they’ve done a CT and they say he has no hearing loss that they could detect so we’re kind of that are within but he’s going crazy from this sharp piercing noise that’s continuous it wakes him up at night its there all day it’s just not going away. Please help if you can thank you.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Carrie:
Amlodipine can cause high-pitched squealing tinnitus sounds. The good news is that often it goes away if you quit taking the Amlodipine. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker, so ask your doctor if you can try a different drug in this class and see if you can get rid of the tinnitus.
Robert says
I have whisling in my ears for two weeks now. its driving me nuts.can not sleep at night. i have now stopped taking Amlodipine 5mg. Please noise go away. can anyone help. my doctor does not care.
GeoTold says
I was on Lisinopril for two years when all of a sudden I ended up in the ER because I was breaking out in Hives. The Cardiologist switch me over to Amlodipine Bylate 10mg and everything seems to be OK for over 6 months. Now I’m getting this constant “ringing in my ears”. I just got out of the hospital because I was having prostrate issue-bleeding- due to the blood thinners I was taking. They have now removed me from all “blood thinner medication” and I’m slowing getting back to normal. To compound the issue I also contracted C Diff at the hospital and I’m on my last pill for that. Could any of these issue contribute to the ringing i’m hearing?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Geo:
The Amlodipine may be causing your tinnitus. Tinnitus from Amlodipine doesn’t have to show up right away. It may take several months to more than a year. So taking the Amlodipine may be the cause. One man that had tinnitus from Amlodipine showing up months and months later found that his tinnitus dropped when he went off the drug.
You don’t say which blood thinner you were taking so I can’t say for sure whether it is a possible culprit. The same for your C. Diff. But know this, almost every antibiotic can result in tinnitus so there is a good possibility that the antibiotic is another culprit.
Jotee says
I was prescribed Amlodipine, and the day after first taking it, developed tinnitus ! My GP suggested I persevere with the medication, as it had been successful in reducing my BP. I carried on with the drug for six weeks, and the ringing in my ears became worse and worse,so I decided to ditch the medication! I have now been off the Amlodipine for a week so far,but still no relief from the noise . Please could anyone tell me how long this drug remains in the system, and how long before, hopefully, my hearing returns to normal ? Also, I would like to know why this particular drug has been banned in Holland !
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jotee:
Other people get tinnitus the day or two after starting Amlodipine. So you are not alone in this. Just because you quit taking the Amlodipine, doesn’t mean the tinnitus will go away. For some it does–especially those that only took this drug for a day or two. But for those that took it for a few weeks, it may never go away. However, you could expect it to get slowly get softer and less intrusive as you habituate to it. Note: habituation only occurs if you don’t worry (be anxious) about your tinnitus. So the best thing to do is put it out of your mind and focus on the loves of your life.
Dave Ho says
I have been taking Amlodipine 5 mg for 3 years now. Several weeks ago, I started having a high pitched sound. MRI scan of my brain revealed nothing abnormal. The doctor who prescribed the drug commented that the likelihood of the drug causing tinnitus is rare. My question is : could the side effect of tinnitus develop 3 years after taking it?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Dave:
The short answer is “Yes”. Tinnitus does not show up for three years or longer after starting some drugs. I’ve heard of one man that had his tinnitus start a year and a half after he started the Amlodipine. And when he stopped the Amlodipine, the tinnitus went away, only to return when he started again. So this is pretty good proof that Amlodipine does indeed cause tinnitus, even months or years after you start taking it.
Nancy says
I started taking amlodipine 5 mg for high blood pressure over 2 years ago and noticed a ringing in my ears shortly after that. It has not been too bothersome until lately when I was prescribed a different color ( light blue) of the amlodipine. I soon noticed the ringing in my ears has become a lot louder. I have decided to go off the medication for a few weeks to see if the ringing will subside. Hopefully this will cause the ringing to subside?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Nancy:
Was the new color of pill a higher dose of Amlodipine? If so, that could be the reason. If you drop back to a lower dose, hopefully the louder tinnitus will revert back to its old level.
Sarah says
Dear Dr. Bauman,
I am a 44 yr old female who developed high BP this past December. We are currently checking for hyper-aldosteronism, and in order to get a correct reading from these blood tests (performed yesterday), my BP medicine choices have been quite limited (no ACE inhibitors etc.).
I am currently taking 4 mg of Doxazosin (approx 5 weeks) and about two weeks ago we switched out the Zanipril 10g/10g for Amlopidine. My pressure is an excellent 120/75 with this new combination.
However, the day after I started taking the Amlopidine I noticed a ringing in my ears (it’s primarily my left ear, occasionally I hear it in my right as well).
I went to an ENT who sent me to do an ABR exam (all clear). However, the hypertension specialist wants me to continue with the Amlopidine at least until we have the results of the saline suppression test but the ringing, (while thankfully not constant), is really disturbing me.
Do you have any suggestions for me at this time? The doctor here (Italy) recommended ACUVAL AUDIO and also mentioned hyperbaric oxygen therapy (but I am too claustrophobic for it:-))? Do you have any other suggestions?
Also, I was wondering what you think the real numbers are on people developing tinnitus from this medicine; the research I’ve found online shows less than 1 percent, but I have found many forums in which people are discussing this issue.
Thanking you in advance for your reply.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Sarah:
The “official” figures I have indicate that between 0.1% and 2.0% of the people who take Amlodipine get tinnitus. The good news is that for some, just going off the Amlodipine lets the tinnitus go away. Others are not so lucky.
Since you are sensitive to Amlodipine side effects, you might want to try other drugs in this class and see if there is one that does not bother your tinnitus, but controls your blood pressure.
As for the real numbers, all you know for sure is that it is higher than the “official” numbers How much higher is anyone’s guess.
Sarah says
Thank you for your response and for this useful site/blog.
Out of curiosity do you feel the ABR exam is sufficient or would you generally recommend an MRI as well (not sure if you can make a recommendation on this virtually, but thought I would try).
Thanks again
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Sarah:
I don’t know why you had the ABR in the first place. What was your doctor thinking it would show? And ditto for having an MRI. What are you thinking it would show? How is either supposed to help with your Amlodipine ototoxicity issues?
Sarah says
The ABR was done as a precautionary measure to exclude any inner ear problems. The doctor had told me that he hadn’t expected to find anything but wanted to be sure. The MRI was my concern as my husband had tinnitus a few years ago and they sent him to do one.
Thank you so much for your time and responses.
devin strock says
just to bring it up, I just started norvasc. I took my first 2.5mg dose last night. today I started hearing my heartbeat in my right ear. knowing that this med was all that is new to me I looked it up and found this site. so yes apparently norvasc does cause this.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Devin:
Hundreds and hundreds of people have reported to the FDA that they have gotten tinnitus after taking Amlodipine. And almost twice as many have reported hearing loss, so you want to be careful with this drug.
devin strock says
thak you very much for your reply. I will definitely weigh my options.
Joyce Senter says
you can add me to that list of people that have gotten hearing loss, and tenn. I’ve told Dr. and he said not a side effect of Amlodipine. I told him about my headache that also started after taking this med. And he offered me a antidepressent.
Lynne says
Joyce I started on amlodipine yesterday (10mg) and today I have horrid loud tinnitus in both ears, headache and mild chest pain. I am not going to take any more. T will have to wait till Monday to go to doc since it’s Fri. And their office is closed. This is ridiculous…….the treatment causes almost the same symptoms as the high BP!
CSM says
I’ve had constant 8.8khz tinnitus around the time I started taking Amlodipine 7 weeks ago. Just prior to that I had taken 7 days of Flagyl (Metronidazole), and my blood pressure spiked. Could the Flagyl cause Tinnitus, or is it more likely the Amlodipine? I noted some ringing in ears a week after the Flagyl, just prior to starting Amlodipine, but since the Amlodipine, it has been constant.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Metronidazole certainly causes tinnitus in numbers of pople, so it probably started your tinnitus. You couldn’t blame the Amlodipine at that point since you hadn’t yet started it.
However, Amlodipine is even more ototoxic than Metronidazole so it could be the reason why your tinnitus is now constant.
I”d suggest finding a different drug that does the same job, but does not cause tinnitus, or only causes tinnitus in a few people. My special report makes it easy to see which drugs fit the bill. You can get it at .
Len Yabloko says
Came across this article while looking for help with pulsatite tinnitus in right ear, because my ottoloringolist said that nothing can be done (after ultrasound and CT showed no probkems). He did say that blood pressure could be an issue and do in fact have hypertension 140/90, which I fight with Amlodepine 10mg daily. But it just stroke me that may be that is a side effect. I first started hearing my blood flow (literally pumping sound) after taking it for about two months. I am going to ask my family doctor to switch to something else.
Frances says
I started on 2.5 mg of Amlodipine in February. Beginning in March I developed muscle cramping first in my right hand and then in my arms. As the months passed I developed severe muscle cramping in my neck, arms and later my legs. At the same time I developed significant nerve tingling in my neck, arms and later in my legs. By early June I was not able to go to work and the pain was quite debilitating especially in my neck. In early July I developed ringing in my ears. I had an MRI of my cervical spine and then on my brain and both were normal. I also had extensive bloodwork to look for an autoimmune disease but all of my blood work was normal. Finally one doctor noticed the timeline of starting amlodipine and my first symptom and suggested I might be having very rare and severe side effects. After going off of amlodipine and July 13, I noticed muscle relief 4 days later. It was better but definitely still severe. All of my symptoms except for the ringing in my ears have lessened over time. I was able to return to work in August. My doctors say it will take two or three months for these symptoms to completely go away. It has now been two months since going off the drug and I am telling myself this might be a longer process than they have said since I still feel the cramping and tingling. I went to an audiologist a week ago and my hearing is normal. Right now my most significant problem is the ringing in my ears as well as fluctuating neck pain. My question is can it take months for tenitius to go away? I realize it might not ever go away but I am wondering how long I should give it to hopefully go away. Also, my brother was a toxicologist and he told me that the dosage level might not be a factor— mine was low. He said the issue is how much of the drug is in the bloodstream. He thinks I might not have been metabolizing the drug correctly and therefore it could have been building up in my bloodstream over four or five months teaching toxic levels. I thought that might be of interest to you and wonder if you have thought about that.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Frances:
There is no simple answer as to how long it takes for tinnitus to go away after you stop taking Amlodipine (or any other drug for that matter). Fortunately, for some their tinnitus goes away in a few days, but for others it is months or never.
One bit of good news is that any hearing loss often seems to return within a few days of stopping the Amlodipine.
Whether your tinnitus goes away or not may also depend on your emotional state towards it. If you treat your tinnitus as a totally useless sound (like the sound your fridge makes) and thus you totally ignore it (like you do the sounds your fridge makes), then you give your brain permission to let it go and it typically fades into the background and no longer bothers you–even if you can hear it.
However, if you let your tinnitus annoy you and are constantly upset over it, then chances are that it will never go away, even after the drug is long gone from your body. That is why it is so important to learn to totally ignore it when you do hear it and not form any emotional association with it.
I don’t believe that the drug built up in your bloodstream to toxic levels over 4 or 5 months–but much sooner. I say this because you began having problems within the first month and they continued until you came off this drug. As a result, it may take some months to completely leave your body.
Thanks for your story. I’m always interested in drug stories as they pertain to our ears.
Margaret Cone says
I was prescribed amlodipine for blood pressure about 2 years ago. Approximately 2 hours after first dose I developed severe tinnitus and extreme pain in both ears, loss of hearing in both ears, vertigo. I staggered and could not walk without holding onto the wall or furniture. I could not leave my home and missed a week of work. I did not take a second dose, my hearing partially returned but tinnitus continued . My doctor insisted I continue with the amlodipine. A second one-time dose resulted in the same symptoms, only worse. After the 3rd attempt, with even worse results I stopped taking it and after two years I have incomplete improvement. My hearing in one ear is very diminished and I continue to have some tinnitus and balance problems. Sadly, I can no longer appreciate music as before. I am about to try a hearing aid. This medication has negatively impacted many aspects of my life. I think everyone should be informed about these possible effects. Thank you for providing this forum to inform people.
Swag says
I am in complete shock after reading this thread and felt compelled to post my experience. I have been on amlodipine for several years. Three years ago I developed hearing loss and tinnitus in my left ear. The loss was significant. Nobody even questioned the amlodipine.
I went to my ENT, and was immediately put on prednisone. The Dr. could not find the cause of my hearing loss…I was 43 at the time. I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hearing Loss. I was on high doses of oral prednisone, received several rounds of prednisone injections in my ear, and took methotrexate for a few months before deciding I didn’t want to deal with the side effects of the methotrexate. I have even been on a gluten and dairy free diet for months to try to reduce the effects. About 9 months ago, I decided to slowly ween myself off of the prednisone because my hearing was not getting any better. After going off the prednisone my symptoms got worse. I had also been given an increase in my amlodipine. I was suffering from severe aches in my lower legs and right hand. My lower legs were constantly swollen and had what looked like a red rash. I saw several doctors and not one said anything about the amlodipine…until now!
I saw the nurse practitioner at my Dr.’s office and pointed out my red swollen legs to her. She said…”amlodipine can cause that, let’s try something else. I don’t even know why dr.’s still prescribe it”. Not thinking about my hearing, I stopped the amlodipine. Within a week my tinnitus was significantly less and I could hear from my left ear! I could actually hold the phone up to my ear and hear the person clearly on the other end. The redness and swelling in my legs was also gone. I could walk without pain.
For over 2 years I have suffered from what seems to be horrific side effects from amlodipine and I didn’t even realize it. I’m writing this to hopefully help someone and prevent them from going through what I did. Today my heating just about perfect, I still have a bit of ringing, the redness in my legs is gone, and the aches and pains are gone as well.
I’m praying that I continue to get better and that my story helps others that are in a similar situation. I wish it hadn’t taken over 2 years for me to start feeling healthy again.
Wishing you all good health and hearing!
sarah says
great story given me some hope worse one is heartbeat in ear and load others
Annette m Dempsey says
I am on norvasc and metoprolol. I have had rin;ging in the ears since starting blood pressure pills. Now the doc raised the norvasc from two point five to five mg and the metoprolol from twenty five to fifty a day and now i have terrible pulsating tinnitus that wakes me up in the night and frightens me so mucy i am a nervous wreck which sends my blood pressure real high. I am very depressed over this. My cardiologist said it is not the drugsand wont deal with it. He said go to my regular gp. I am very depressed and cant live with this constant fear. What can i do.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Annette:
Most blood pressure pills can cause tinnitus. Some are much worse than others. In your case you are on two of the most ototoxic BP meds. Metoprolol is by far the worst Beta blocker as far as ototoxic reports is concerned. And Amlodipine (Norvasc) is also by far the worst Calcium channel blocker.
Then your doctor doubling your dose has just made things even worse. Your tinnitus went way up. This is ridiculous. Your doctor is and “idiot” if he says that these drugs can’t cause tinnitus. This flies in the face of the thousands of reports sent to the FDA by people who got tinnitus and hearing loss from taking these drugs.
What can you do? First take control. You are the boss. After all it is your body. When you doctor prescribes something, this is not a law. It is just a suggestion. You are free to take it or not. That is your choice.
So, in your case, you could tell him that you want him to prescribe a lesser ototoxic medication. If he won’t do that, find another doctor who has your best interests at heart and is willing to listen to you.
At the very least, if it were me, I’d go back to the old dose while I’d find another doctor.
I’ve written a special report that shows the relative ototoxicity of the various anti-hypertensive drugs by their various classes. This gives you good guidelines for choosing the least ototoxic drugs. You can get it at .
NAJI says
HI, Doctor
Thank you for this blog as i was thinking i’m alone in this Hissing sound in my ears .
i was prescribed Amlodipine 5mg , then later 10mg, a year and half ago i was taking the Pill around 1Pm everyday then due to fasting in last ramadan (May) i switched to 8pm , and now i’m working on getting back to 1pm slowly as i was told that it has to be taken at a certain time everyday . for about two months now i get this hessing in my left ear sometimes both ears that will stay for a day or two then for one day i don’t hear it , then it comes back ,and i started to wake up in the morning at my regular waking time hearing the noise and it will last the whole day , i have no problem going to sleep with the noise in my ears.
Noise of running water or noisy people around me triggers the noise in my ears , i’m 58 and have a very sharp hearing , i don’t think i have hearing loss , i play piano and still hear musical notes very clear and sharp.
Do you think it’s the medication causing this , and giving the facts that it come and goes away , i have seen my doctor she told me it sounds like TInnitus and right the way she said “it doesn’t have a Cure” (very encouraging to hear that from the doctor Right !!!)
i’m taking the Generic Publix Tablet (209) are there better manufacturers of this Calcium blockers can you recommend any if there is any difference .
One last question do think switching the medication time can cause the Hessing.
Thank You
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Naji:
Hundreds and hundreds of people have reported to the FDA that they got tinnitus from taking Amlodipine. And about double reported hearing loss. And then there are the thousands more that reported various balance problems. So Amlodipine can certainly cause tinnitus and otherwise affect your ears.
The good news is that most people that stop taking Amlodipine find their hearing comes back, as does their balance issues, and their tinnitus typically fades away (but not always).
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if your tinnitus is a result of taking this drug. So the better part of valor might be to get off it.
Since Amlodipine has the most reports of ototoxicity of any of the Calcium Channel blockers, you might want to try other drugs in this class and see whether it doesn’t give you these side effects. In order from least ototoxic to more ototoxic here are a number of Calcium Channel blockers that are not very ototoxic (at least there are very few reports for them): Nilvadipine, Lacidipine , Nimodipine, Nitrendipine, Nicardipine , Nisoldipine, Lercanidipine and Isradipine.
First of all I must thank you Dr. Neil for being here with your Information regarding Amlodipine and hearing issues. I took Amlodipine for approximately 1 and 1/2 months and noticed tinnitus and a fullness in my ears. Read your article and replies and spoke with my MD about trying off the drug to see if I see any change. Went to ENT and they suggested humidifier and nasal steroid spray. My ears were clear and the only other suggestion was my Eustachian tubes could be clogged. After off of the 2.5 of Amlodipine for 2 and 1/2 weeks my hearing is 100%. Restored. Thanks to you and all of the replies.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Eric:
ENTs are so ignorant about the side effects of drugs. Nasal sprays and humidifiers indeed! All you needed was to get off the drug. Glad your ears went back to normal.
Rosie Thompson says
Im so glad I read about this…I was on two blood pressure meds… for years… linsinopril and amlodipine… one day I notice sounds in my ears… went to ent… hearing was good… but I didn’t follow through… lately it’s worse…I came off the linsinopril…it improved a little… I only take 10mi of amlodipine… my blood pressure is great… with exercise and teas… im wondering if this tinnitus is coming from the amlodipine?… I also had an appt with an ent last week he said I was losing hearing in both ears …I can’t tell…
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Rosie:
Both Amlodipine and Lisinopril cause hearing loss in hundreds upon hundreds of people. The number of tinnitus reports for these drugs is about half of those reporting hearing loss.
You’ve done well to get off the Lisinopril. Now to get off the Amlodipine. If your blood pressure is under control with your natural program, tell you doctor you are going to try to get off the Amlodipine too. It should stop the continuing hearing loss, but no guarantees your tinnitus will go away–although it may or reduce in volume.
LaiLin says
Hi Dr Bauman
I am on Azoren 5/20 and have started getting ringing in my ears after 9 months. My eyes and throat are very dry.
Is it the Amlodipine or both Amlodipine and Olmesartan that is causing the tinnitus?
I am also taking 1.25mg Nebilet.
My BP has been around 125/58. Resting pulse is in the high 50s, I wear a fitness watch .
I am being treated for hypertension with mitral valve regurgitation
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi LaiLin:
Both Amlodipine and Olmesartan can cause tinnitus, but there are more than 4 TIMES as many reports of Amlodipine so I think that is the most likely culprit. The good news is if it is Amlodipine causing your tinnitus, often the tinnitus goes away if you stop taking this drug.
Nebivolol (Nebilet) can also cause tinnitus in some people, but it’s probably not the culprit in your case.
Robin Wilson says
I’m 63 have taken amlodipine for about a year when ears started ringing, sounds like 1000 crickets, stopped taking amlodipine about 2 weeks ago , ears are pretty loud and feel full plus some pain , will the ringing go away some, I appreciate any help you might give, thank you
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Robin:
I’ve heard from numbers of people whose tinnitus went away after they stopped taking Amlodipine. For some it just reduced in volume. For some the tinnitus never goes away but usually is at a reduced volume.
Let’s hope your tinnitus reduces in the next few weeks.
James says
I was on norvasc about month. Then start having. Chest pains and shortly after that start hearing a high pitch sound that won’t go away. My doctor took me off norvasc 3 mos ago and i am still having ear problems.
Arshed Chughtai says
This is Arshed Chughtai from Pakistan
Same experience with me after starting amlodipine
Medicine I am using is Am-Telsan 10/80
Now coming to my real time issue
My Dr is not accepting this even I discussed my situation after quitting this medicine for 2-3 days.
After quitting I felt much better overall.
Significant changes in vertigo tinnitus etc even I can say that my concentration was restored for my office work.
I need your support regarding the evidence of literature on severe side effects after using amlodipine.
I need evidence on side effects of amlodipine to convince my Dr.
Can you help to on that?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Arshed:
Once drugs have been approved, typically there are no more studies done on them. What drug company wants to prove its drugs are harmful? So your doctor isn’t going to find much if any published literature proving that Amlodipine causes hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, etc.
But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If he is so ignorant and close-minded that he won’t listen to your own experience, he’ll write everything else off as coincidence and refuse to believe it. I’d suggest you dump him and get a good doctor.
Over here in the USA, hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of people have reported to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration that oversees drugs here) that they got hearing loss, tinnitus, ataxia, balance disorders, dizziness, vertigo or ear pain from taking Amlodipine.
That alone should tell him something.
In addition, the Physicians’ Desk Reference used here as the doctor’s drug reference lists tinnitus, ataxia, dizziness vertigo and ear pain as side effects uncovered in the initial drug studies.
So if you doctor wants to find the evidence, he can. But if he remains close-minded, he’ll never find any evidence because he discounts it when he comes across it–just like he did with you.
Liam O'Laoch says
recently contracted Tinnitus in my left ear and decided to check to see if my BP meds 5mg amlodipine was the cause and came across this page… I have been on the drug for 2 to 3 years. I am fairly fit at the moment and my BP is very low so I may stop taking it and see if it makes a difference… Can tinnitus be reversed by stopping or changing my bp Amlodipine?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Liam:
Some people find that a few days after stopping taking Amlodipine, their tinnitus goes away. For others, the tinnitus persists. So to answer your question, it may, or may not go away. But if you are in good shape now, why stay on the Amlodipine. It probably isn’t worth the risk of side effects.
David Hiom says
Hi my doctor put me on 5mg morning and night for b /p after 4 weeks he up it to 10 mg morning and night ,went to see him with ringing in right ear ,i said could that cause it he said no ,4 more months down the line i checked on internet ,and said it does ,so i stopped,,,my blood pressure went to normal,as it was low and after being off amlodipine for 16 days ringing gone eye sight better hearing better,those tablets should be band i was on them for 10 months i made a appointment and told him my findings ,he then checks side effects on his computer and it says ringing in ,he never even said sorry
Lynne says
I have been taking 5mg of Amlopidine for quite a few now abs recently increased it to 10mg – and very shortly after that , I developed tinnitus – could it be related or a coincidence?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Lynne:
I’d say it’s very much related and not a coincidence. Many drug side effects are dose-related. I say that everyone has a “magic” threshold. Doses below the magic threshold do not cause ototoxic side effects, but when you exceed your magic threshold—wham—there they are. I call it a “magic” threshold because it varies from person to person and you don’t know where your magic threshold is.
In your case, you now know that your magic threshold lies somewhere between 5 mg and 10 mg. That was why you could take 5 mg for several years without any side effects, but as soon as you increased the dose to 10 mg you almost immediately got tinnitus.
For some people, their magic threshold is even lower than 5 mg, thus, even at that level they have ototoxic side effects.
Hopefully, if you drop back to your old 5 mg dose, you may find that your tinnitus goes away. This is not guaranteed, but it’s worth a try. Sometimes, when you get tinnitus it just becomes permanent.
Lynne says
Many thanks for your reply. My doctor has changed me to a new drug called Lercanidipine. Hoping this might make a difference and the tinnitus is not permanent!
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Lynne:
As you know Lercanidipine is a relatively new drug, but so far I have very few reports of it causing tinnitus so it’s certainly worth a try.
Greg says
I got tinnitus after three days at 2.5 mg. Stopped taking it. Every drug I am prescribed gives me either tinnitus or sore muscles in the back of my legs. There is another way to lower blood pressure but it takes effort. Drink 100 oz of water each day. 1500 mg per day sodium diet. 6 oz coffee max per day. Exercise. I do the treadmill at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I do a fast walk for 20 minute with 10 minutes running disbursed in between. You will see a dramatic drop in your numbers. Like I said it takes effort.
Wendell Olson says
I am convinced Amlodipine caused my tinnitus to go from 2 to a 9/10. About a month afterward. Been taking for couple of years now. But want to go back to something else. I could not convince my doctor or myself it was the cause but after reading this blog, I am convinced now…taking MRI soon for pulsating tinnitus; CAT scan was clear.
Evan says
Does anyone have recommendations for an alternative to taking amlodipine? I have developed pulsatile tinnitus and minor hearing loss in my right ear after taking 10mg of amlodipine for a half a year now. Thanks!
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Evan:
You need to ask your doctor what some alternatives are. I don’t have a clue what condition your doctor is treating you for with Amlodipine. Once your doctor gives you a list, then I can tell you which of them is the least ototoxic and least likely to cause tinnitus.
Pulsatile tinnitus (in unison with your heartbeat) is caused by a change in blood flow in the arteries near your ears. Increased (turbulent) blood flow is one cause of pulsatile tinnitus so you might want to see a vascular surgeon about this.
Myrna Tuff says
Hello my name is. Myrna i have been take Amlodipine 5mg for about 10yrs and it’s beyond my knowledge why would any doctors do this to people i also have Tinnitus for about four months and it’s driving me crazy i can’t live like this,i can’t sleep at night because it’s worst at night. Please help me.Thank You for your cooperation.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Myrna:
If you have been taking Amlodipine for 10 years and just got tinnitus 4 months ago, why do you think it is the Amlodipine that caused your tinnitus? There could have been a number of other factors that could have caused your tinnitus.
If you tinnitus is preventing your from sleeping, then try playing some background sounds to reduce the contrast between your tinnitus and silence. Good choices are pink noise, fractal music or environmental sounds such as water sounds–waves lapping on the beach, babbling brook sounds, waterfall sounds, rainfall, etc. Water sounds are particularly good since water sounds are naturally relaxing and will help you get to sleep.
Lynne says
Dear Dr.
I was given a cortisone shot in my shoulder for pain and inflammation and a few hours later my BP was off the charts and I had to go to the ER. Is there a link between cortisone and sudden jumps in BP? ER put me on amlodipine to lower BP and now after 2 days of taking it, tinnitus is driving me crazy as well as headaches and twingey chest pain. My BP is down but I am still suffering with the same symptoms. This is crazy! Thank you for any insight…….I’m not going to take any more of this stuff and try to see doc on Monday for maybe a change.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Lynne:
I don’t know how cortisone shots affect blood pressure. Remember, I’m not a medical doctor. That is not an area of my expertise. But you are not the only person to take Amlodipine and have loud tinnitus the next day or so. Let’s hope it quickly fades away like it does for some people. Others have it permanently.
SimtotheWorld says
I have been taking amlodipine last year. I started with a mild whistling noise in my years last September. But it subsided. Then about four weeks ago it started really loud. And now is almost unbearable.
I stopped the amlodipine for a few days last week, but the ringing became worst. Then I took it again for one day as my BP was high, and the noise went again. I started on Irbesatan, which is controlling my BP. But the noise relentless. Could it be that amlodipine is the culprit and the cure? Has anyone reported to have eased tinnitus after taking amlodipine? Thank you for your reply.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Sim:
I’ve only heard of people complaining of Amlodipine as the culprit, never as a cure. Tinnitus can come and go for whatever reason. If you went off the Amlodipine and your tinnitus got worse, then you start taking it again and it goes away and stays away for weeks, then you might be on to something. But of all the people that I’ve heard from, its stopping taking the Amlodipine that gives relief from the symptoms, and they come back when they start taking it again.
For some people their tinnitus never goes away even after they have stopped taking the drug for months.
Irbesartan also causes tinnitus, but maybe it won’t exacerbate your tinnitus.
scott barusek says
I have been on 10 mg of Amlodipine for three months. I started getting occasional tinnitus after the first month, but didn’t pay too much attention. The tinnitus has gotten worse over the past week. There is a constant ringing in my right ear. My cardiologist just took me off of Amlodipine mainly because of swelling in my foot. Hopefully this will reduce the tinnitus as well
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Scott:
Amlodipine certainly does cause tinnitus in numbers of people. The good news is that you have a very good chance of your tinnitus disappearing as the Amlodipine gets out of your body.
SEA says
Thank you for the information Dr.
I had being diagnosed with what was referred to at the time as white coat syndrome BP and was never given medication because the first time I was given, my BP went too low. Fast forward to 8 years after, I went for a routine check and Dr check my BP it was high and she was surprised as I was a bit still young. She ordered organ function test to he sure something was not causing it. I tried relating to her it was a white coat syndrome. When all the result came back in, it was normal. I had a similar occurrence 2 years later in 2016 with another Dr. He again ordered organ function test, it was normal. 3 years later as I was going to travel abroad for studies which required health check, and i went to a consultant Cardiologist to do a proper check first. She ran ECG and said it was good I started taking medications for BP because as one grows order the risks or organ damage with BP rises. So, I obliged and she prescribed Bisoprolol 5mg and amlodipine 5mg for me with three months dosage given to me since I was traveling. I continued and when I went for my medicals, it was all cleared. However, after 3months, I ran out of the medication and got amlodipine but different brand in a pharmacy inside my campus. So, I continued on amlodipine 5mg for sometime before I added Bisoprolol again some months later. All this while I had no difficulties or symptoms except, one time I really felt some muscular pain in abdomen and shoulders. I went to doctor to complain and he ordered blood work and CT scan of upper and lower abdomen. Everything was normal. 6months after a night of loud discussion with friends, I work up with a hoarseness in voice and serious sore throat. Three days after it cleared without medications but my voice remain a bit weak when I speak. And I also noticed when I seat too long on my desk my right ankle swells a bit. It goes down quickly when I relax. I went back to the doctors who was scared maybe my kidneys weren’t functioning properly. She ordered a test( I had informed her, I checked my kidneys just only recently) and the result was okay except that, she now noticed a had a bit alleviated sugar level. I was devastated and made changes to diet and lifestyle which has kept my sugar back to normal. However, I have never remained same after the shock of knowing that. I continued to encounter different symptoms ranging from earfullness and even reduced sexual urge. I went again to doctors, the ENT passed a camera down my throat and said everything look normal and I should learn to speak slowly. However, she prescribed some medications to help. The Cardiologist checked my blood pressure which was in normal range and told me to stop taking Bisoprolol and continue on only Amlodipine. At this point, I told my personal GP in my home country who advised I increase amlodipine to 10mg since stopped bisoprolol. Few weeks after my ear fullness became worse and I went back to ENT again. This time it was another Dr, he sprayed something in the ear and checked both ears on the camera and said everything was perfect. I left the hospital, on arrival back, I noticed when I moved my neck, I hear a click sound at the base of the neck and both ears. It continued and after sometime, I also started having very severe pain in my TMJ region on my right side of my neck. When I open my mouth to yawn, it actually cracks so much that I had to try to practice how to yawn slowly. What made me to discover this blog was a certain night when I woke up suddenly with pulsating noise in my left ear. I took my monitor immediately to check my blood pressure which was a bit high because of the shock I got with the weird noise in my ear and the BP went back normal after and remained normal
The pulsating or buzzing noise remained in my right ear. I have been too anxious and got fustarted of going to the hospital. I decided by myself to stay off amlodipine for a while to see if it improves. Well, I can say it has because, I can sleep without waking up to it. But it’s still there when I am conscious of it, especially at night. The cricket noise is however constant. I am really tired and don’t know what to do. I was better without the blood pressure medications. My life have not been thesame since I started with these medications. Sometimes, I regret stating them at first. I just feel it has made my life worst than it was before. Everyday, I am anxious about what could be wrong. I go to hospital, spend money and doctors says its fine and the pain is there. Please I need your advise Dr. My neck clicks each time I move it. I do not know if I have a posture issue from a long time sitting on my research. I forgot to mention that I am studying for my PhD which keeps me on my desk for long hour daily. Please advise me and sorry for any typo and long message. I wanted to say it the way I feel it.
I forgot to also mention that after few months of exercise and weight lost, my ankles don’t swell again even when I sit long. My problem is in my neck and ears now and still a bit reduced sexual urge
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Doctors are always so fast to push blood pressure medications, and often bring your blood pressure down too low for what you body really needs. And to add insult to injury, you have to put up with all the side effects including ototoxic side effects.
If your blood pressure isn’t above 140 or so, if it were me, I sure wouldn’t bother about it. And I’d stay off the Amlodipine too.
Amlodipine can also be the cause of your ankle swelling. Amlodipine can also be the cause of your ear fullness feeling. Amlodipine can also cause ear pain (and pain elsewhere in you body too).
As you found, some of your tinnitus went away when you stopped taking the Amlodipine. If you ignore the rest of your tinnitus, it should also fade away in time. If you focus on the loves of your life and thereby ignore your tinnitus it will fade into the background. However, if you focus on it, it will just get worse over time.
If your neck clicks, I’d go to a chiropractor and have him look at it and tell you what he thinks. Sitting too much is a problem–especially if you don’t watch your posture. I, too, sit at my desk far to many hours each day, but I do “shoulder shrugs” like my chiropractor showed me, and that has kept my back and neck in pretty good shape over the past number of years.
I think you need to be less anxious about your body. Don’t be so quick to see a doctor about every little thing. Doctors are trained to prescribe drugs–and for minor problems, the side effects can be worse than the thing they are supposed to be curing.
SEA says
Thank you so much Dr. Neil.
I really do appreciate your advise.
Jim says
On Nov 4 2021 I started taking amlodipine for high bp. On Nov 21 I complained to my sister of tinnitus, which I’ve never had before. It’s only in the left ear and getting worse. Today I found this blog and made the connection. I’m going to get off this med and will let you know what happens.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jim:
As far as tinnitus goes, Amlodipine can cause tinnitus in some people. Having said that, I have heard from numbers of people that have gotten tinnitus from taking this drug.
Emerald says
I started taking 5mg of Amlodipine with 50 mg of metoprolol. After two weeks of being on the Amlodipine my ears are ringing so loudly. It got worse the more days I kept taking Amlodipine. Before the Amlodipine was adding, I didnt have any tinnitus with the Metoprolol. Told my doc and he said its rare side effect but can occur. Told me if it’s unbearable to stop taking it and double the metoprolol. I plan to stop and I pray the tinnitus goes away.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Emerald:
My information is that Metoprolol is actually more risky for tinnitus than Amlodipine. Since you were already on the Metoprolol and added the Amlodipine, it could be the Amlodipine, or it could be the synergistic effect of the two drugs together.
You might want to dump the Metoprolol and substitute Labetalol instead. It has less risk of tinnitus than Metoprolol.
Doubling the Metoprolol could increase your risk of tinnitus too.
Lisinopril is the least ototoxic as far as BP drugs go in relation to tinnitus. For example, I take Lisinopril and Amlodipine without any increase in my tinnitus.
So there are several options open to you. See what you doctor thinks.
D says
Hi Dr. Neil,
I just discovered your site and I am overwhelmed by the helpful counsel you a have provided across the blogs and books. I will be picking up a few things from your store.
That being said, I am 39 years old and have managed to hold onto most of my hearing up to 16khz with minimal tinnitus, until this month.
My doctor prescribed a 25mg of Metoprolol to help manage my blood pressure, in particular my diastolic. It helped immensely of course but over the past month my tinnitus increased dramatically. Since it’s usually coupled with hearing loss I went ahead and did a frequency test. Two months ago I could hear up to 16khz. I did a test last week and now I can only hear up to 13khz. Very depressing in addition to very pronounced tinnitus.
I had an appointment and my doctor recommended 2.5mg of Amlodipine which I am starting tomorrow.
1. What is your opinion on switching between the two drugs?
2. What are the chances, given my age and assuming good health aside from BP, that any lost hearing can actually return?
Thank you again for your work. Unless Frequency Therapeutics manages to have success, I am betting coping with tinnitus as a friend will still remain the best defense against obsession. I love how you put it. “Oh that gentle breeze is back again.”
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi D:
Glad you find my website helpful. That was my design.
Metoprolol is one of the beta blocker drugs and thousands of people have reported hearing loss and tinnitus, etc. from taking this drug.
As far as I’m concerned the least ototoxic beta blocker is likely labetalol. You might want to try this drug and see whether it doesn’t cause more tinnitus and hearing loss.
Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker and is a bit less ototoxic than Metoprolol, but the least ototoxic of all the BP drugs in my opinion is the ACE inhibitor Lisinopril. That would be my choice–and in fact, that is the BP drug I take myself.
I doubt Frequency Therapeutics will be successful with a tinnitus drug, because there are so many kind of tinnitus and each requires a different treatment. There is no “one drug fits all” in this case.
You are right–coping with tinnitus as a friend (or at least not as an enemy) is the way to go.
Scott says
Hi Neil,
I have been taking 100mg of Losartan for several years without problems, but a year ago, my doctor added on 2.5mg of amlodipine.
Now, I don’t think this medication has caused any problems for me, and I’m told the dose is very low, but I’m wondering if there may be longer term risks.
In other words, if a year has passed since starting this medication, is it safe to assume that I’m in the clear, or is there a chance that it will eventually lead to hearing loss and tinnitus if I stay on it?
If the answer is yes, is there a safer calcium channel blocker you would recommend?
Many thanks!
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Scott:
When you combine drugs, you don’t know the synergistic effects these combinations may have on your tinnitus, hearing, etc. So assuming that 2.5 mg of Amlodipine is a low dose and normally wouldn’t affect your tinnitus or hearing (although be aware that some people have ototoxic side effects show up even at this low dose of 2.5 mg), by adding it to the Losartan you have been taking, the two drugs combined can cause/exacerbate tinnitus, hearing loss, etc.
As far as long-term effects go, you could normally assume that since you have been taking the Losartan for some years and the Amlodipine for a year without any side effects showing up, that side effects won’t show up in the future.
That may (or may not) be true for Losartan, however, for Amlodipine, side effects may appear in the first two weeks or may delay for 2 or 3 months. However, Amlodipine also has a nasty habit of sometimes causing side effects to appear up to 3 or more years later when you’d least expect it.
As far as a safer calcium channel blocker than Amlodipine, my information indicates that Amlodipine is one of the safest in its class.
Scott says
Thanks so much for your reply Neil.
It’s a real shame that there isn’t more awareness among physicians and pharmacists about ototoxic drugs.
When I asked my pharmacist about it, she said that she has never heard of anyone having problems with it in her 25 year career.
Now, when I asked about a safer alternative, I was thinking in terms of ototoxicity. Is there a less ototoxic calcium channel blocker?
If not, do you know of a more appropriate drug to add to the losartan?
Thanks so much!
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Scott:
I understood what you asked and I answered you that regarding ototoxicity, Amlodipine is about as safe as any calcium channel blocker according to my current information. Of course, that may change in the future as I get more information.
Ron says
I’m almost in tears finding this website and consequent information. I have been on losartan for years and amlodipine for a few as well. Recently my tenitus has really gotten out of control and getting worse. I can block it out sometimes when I’m really busy. I really hope this is what has been causing tenitus all along.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Ron:
What was going on in your life in the weeks before your tinnitus started getting out of control? Did you change your medications–increased the dose for example. A lot of people find that when they increase the dose of a given drug, their tinnitus gets worse, whereas the old level of the drug didn’t make their tinnitus worse.
Also, were you more depressed, anxious or stressed when your tinnitus got worse?
Those are two main things that can make tinnitus worse, but some drugs do cause tinnitus or worse tinnitus after taking them for months or years.
Renika williams says
I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s experience with tinnitus. I developed tinnitus two weeks after being on 5mg amlodipine. I thought I was going crazy. Went to the ent told me I had estachian tube dysfunction. Kept having issues so the dr. ordered an mri. Everything normal. Needless to say I’ve stoped taking amlodipine and have noticed tinnitus is getting lesser and lesser everyday.
Marc says
I have been taking amlodipine for a few months, added to my 100 mg of Losartan. I didn’t experience any problems with my ears. I previously had light tinnitus. A few weeks ago, a ceramic plate fell onto a marble countertop near my head. The sound was so loud, it literally cased me to scream, which I found strange. Since then, I have had hearing loss, tinny sounds in the upper frequency range, and the tinnitus is now at about 9 out of 10. I contacted a doctor to try to get off the amlodipine, and she told me that there is evidence that amlodipine actually protects against hearing loss, even after I explained the tinnitus seems to have been reduced when I stopped taking the amlodipine for a couple of days. (I had to go back on it because my blood pressure started climbing.) Is there a mechanism where a loud sound could trigger hearing loss from hearing that has been compromised by amlodipine?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Marc:
The plate falling on the marble countertop caused you acoustic shock. This has caused your hearing loss, sharper (tinny) higher frequency sounds (loudness hyperacusis) and more tinnitus. As this has persisted for several weeks, the acoustic shock has now become more permanent and is called Acoustic Shock Disorder (ASD).
I doubt that the Amlodipine had anything to do with these symptoms (but I wouldn’t completely rule it out). I’d suggest taking a different BP medication so you don’t continue to lose hearing and make your tinnitus worse from taking the Amlodipine (which obviously your ears are sensitive to as evidenced by your ears reaction to the Amlodipine before the “plate” incident.
If you want to stay on Calcium channel blockers, you might want to ask your doctor to try other CCBs such as Nitrendipine, Nimodipine, Nisoldipine or Isradapine if one of the will do the job. Hopefully, one of them will not exacerbate your tinnitus.