Welcome to the Center for Hearing Loss Help website.
You are in the right place if you are looking for help in dealing with your hearing loss. We specialize in helping you discover:
- Effective ways to successfully live with your hearing loss
- Quality devices to help you hear better under difficult listening situations and alerting devices to warn you of sounds you no longer hear
- Information and guidance in effectively dealing with your tinnitus
- Information and support in dealing with musical (and other) phantom sounds (Musical Ear Syndrome)
- Information on drugs that can and do damage your ears resulting in hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, balance problems, etc.
Our Articles (Blog) section contains more than 1,000 articles where you can find the answers to your questions related to your ears, hearing loss, tinnitus, balance problems, phantom musical sounds and how to cope with hearing loss.
Our Shop section is packed with:
- Special devices (Assistive Listening Devices) to help you hear better (apart from hearing aids) including the wonderful loop systems
- Alerting devices to warn you about things you can no longer hear
- Easy-to-read yet comprehensive books on a variety of subjects to help you better live with your hearing loss
Our Hearing Aid Museum contains the world’s largest on-line collection of old hearing aids and related items.