by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
I get some very interesting email at times. A man wrote:
I’m under the care of Dr. Jonathan Wright of the Tahoma Clinic in Renton WA. He’s been working with Professor Dennis Trune (U of OR Hearing Sciences Center) on an aldosterone therapy trial on a human patient. His previous research demonstrated that aldosterone added to mouse drinking water restores damaged hearing. Their first human patient has experienced cessation of further hearing loss plus a total stop of his vertigo (from Meniere’s).
I’ve been on the same treatment—125 mcg twice a day of compounded aldosterone for seven months. (I get the compounded aldosterone from a Canadian pharmacy.) To date, although my balance is still poor, I have recovered 30 dB (at 250Hz) in my nearly-deaf left ear, and about 20 dB each in the rest of the test frequencies. On my still “sort of functioning” right ear, I got back 20 dB across the test frequencies. My discrimination came up to 95% on my right ear (from 70%), while the discrimination in my left ear rose from 20% to 65%. Also, it stopped my serious recruitment!
This is great news for people with hearing loss from AIED (autoimmune inner ear disease), people with Meniere’s disease and people who are losing their hearing as a result of aging (presbycusis)!
Aldosterone is a naturally-occurring hormone (technically a mineralocorticoid [steroid]) made in our adrenal glands. It plays an important part in regulating our sodium and potassium levels—both critical for normal hearing. Unfortunately, as we age (that means you and me brother), not only do our potassium levels drop, but so do our aldosterone levels. This results in some hearing loss. Furthermore, some people have below normal levels of aldosterone in the first place, and thus, they too have hearing problems.
Researchers have discovered there is a direct link between blood levels of aldosterone and our ability to hear normally. Thus, for people with lower than normal aldosterone levels, taking bio-identical aldosterone supplements can help restore their hearing, and even help with related issues (balance, recruitment, discrimination, etc.).
If you want to know more about aldosterone therapy and where you can get bio-identical aldosterone, check out the easy-to-read article “Take Control of Your Hearing Loss Before It’s Too Late” by Dr. Jonathan Wright.
Bo Pecht says
Where can I buy compounded Aldosteron??
I am in Los Angeles, I also live in Europe, Can I get it there?
Dr. Neil says
Hi Bo:
You can get compounded Aldosterone at Canada Global Drugs, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, but you must have your doctor’s prescription before they will fill it.
Phone: 1-877-312-8822
Rick Walter says
Hello, I am not a Dr. but I have Meniere’s disease. I have been researching this therapy and was finding,please correct me if I’m wrong, that the body regulates the in serum amount of this hormone even when replacement therapy is attempted, which is why they had to engineer a similar but slightly different hormone (like Florinef)which has it’s own side effects. My hearing loss is continuing. But antioxident therapy and a very low sodium diet has compleatly stopped my drop attacks and brain fog i.e. dizzyness for 4 months now. Is this replacement therapy without its own side effects. Please drop me a line and explain further if you can, how your findings contadict the findings of others when searching on the web. I am not not a medical person but I am very interested to see if this is true. I am attemting to schedule an appt to see what my own blood levels are. Thank you and Best Regards Rick Walter
bo says
I took Florinef and my blood pressure went sky high, I was told by my Dr. in LA to take high dose of salt!!!??? is that right? I have not taken it yet. Will Aldosteron stop my dizziness? I have no problem with hearing lose.
Rick Walter says
I started the aldosterone therapy 8 days ago. I found a progressive Dr who ok’ed the script from Canada. My first couple days were a little scary as my hearing got very much worse(about 24 hours)but then got very much better. My understanding of words has increased a measureable amount and I can now hear the television at the same volume level as my wife while using my hearing aids. Before this I was about 1/5 farther up the volume scale of the television. It has eased my frustration considerably in understanding speech especially in crowded places. I always had a low pulse rate(50’s) and it has increased about 10 beats a minute.My blood pressure has also always been on the low side and I can feel I has risen slightly but not unconfortably. I understand from much research on the internet I will still have to maintain a very low sodium diet as a high salt intake and a high aldosterone level can cause heart disease and edemia.My very bad ear has already drifted into the profound loss range but has been picking up some higher frequency noises I havent heard in a while. I will have a complete hearing test and blood work up at the end of next month and will then be able to include facts as well as feelings. As of right now aldosterone supplimentation has been the only step forward I have experienced since I started loosing ground about 6 years ago and thats a good thing.Thank you Rick Walter
Steven Patterson says
Hi Rick can you please give us an update its been several years since your post and I am thinking about trying this out myself and would love to hear back from you.
Valerie Barnard says
Can you tell me the name of that canadian pharmacy?
tara says
My husband has hearing problems do to loud noise. We have seen many specialists and they say it is the little hairs in the ears that are damaged. Could this be true abd would this therapy work? O rcan you direct us another way. His ears hurt really bad sometimes. Please help thank you.
Raymond Giel says
Hey Rick
How do you think you lost your hearing?
Was it loud noises or do you think its age related?
Would love to here a progress report from you and possibly the name of your doctor.
Peace Ray
JAY says
Im interested in the Aldosterone Research being conducted by Dr. Jonathan Wright of the Tahoma Clinic in Renton WA for hearing improvement. I live in Las Vegas, but fly to SeaTac Airport near Renton, WA about once a month. Are they looking for research subjects. Im 64 and have moderate age relared hearing loss in both ears. I have been wearing aides for about one year, but still have trouble with word recognition at times in my classrooms – esp softer female voices. BTW both my parents wore hearing aides so it may be genetic. – JAY
I am 59 years old and all the above listed is what I would have listed if asked. Except some of my loss is do to loud noises. I have been told I am just out of luck for any repair except for the use of hearing aids. What if anything can you do for me. I live in Washington State on the East side so a visit to your clinic is not out of the question.
Thank you
Steve says
My wife lost her hearing within a coulple of hours after taking the bowel prep Halflytely. Her doctor said her hearing loss had nothing to do with the medication. After reading reading the articles about aldosterone I think it did have something to do with her loss of hearing. Do you think aldosterone might help her. It has been over a year since her hearing loss. Thanks, Steve
Jo Ann Black says
Where can I find a doctor in the Chicago area that can prescribe aldosterone for me. I am experiencing hearing loss just out of the blue (started last year). I am in my early 50s and am a musician. This is really putting a damper on my career. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jerry Perez says
i think we would need to find out if inner hair cell damage from loud music can be restored just the same as low andosterone levels that didnt come from loud music, i would be curious to find out as i suspect my hearing was damaged from loud music concerts and loud machinery in 12 years of machine shop.
Would I have to go to an endocrinologist for the test for Aldosterone. My physician does not seem to know of this test. Do you know a doctor in my area. Area code: 48187 Canton, Michigan
Lisa Ayaz says
My mother and her two sisters have degenerative hearing loss. My sister and I also have hearing loss and all the symptoms from low aldosterones. I’m relieved to know that there is a cure, for we are healthy otherwise. I’m 63 and hope to continue working until I’m 70.
How do I get started to have prescription written for me?
Jean Cook says
My mother has hearing loss due to age. We are looking for a doctor in the South Florida area that treats this with the aldosterone.
Rick Walter says
Ive been taking the Aldosterone therapy for about 2 months now. I had what I think was a side effect when I was taking two pills a day.Both my ankles became very sore and walking was difficult.This came and went in the first month.My hearing loss came from many things. Much came from loud noise over my lifetime but I came down with Meniere’s about a year ago and the process became greatly accelerated.The aldosterone gave me back clarity of hearing and only a little volume.Make no mistake any improvement is huge with as bad as my ears are. Also the drop attacks and weird dizzyness are compleatly gone.My job involves long hours and high stress wich is a contributing factor. My Dr’s name is Jeffery Dach in Hollywoood Fl. After a 2 week period of overtime I feel like I have lost some more ground.I had my aldosterone levels checked three weeks ago and was shocked to see the level turn up to be only 5. That is while taking two pills a day it is lower than it was to start with. This is so new a proceedure my Dr has no answer for it. You must still maintaing a low sodium diet(If you have Meniere’s). As I found high sodium intake will still bring back a vertigo spell.I was feeling cocky and ate some junk food and I regretted doing it.My blood pressure heart rate have risen slightly with the treatment but not above the normal range. I was always on the low side. I am going to do some more research to find out why my level can be so low.I had to cut back to 1 pill a day because It felt like my blood pressure was way up working the overtime. After I settle down a bit I will try taking two again. Thats all for now.
Dr.Devan says
This is excellant information. I have a cure for menieres disease and many patients come from all over. But was not aware that aldosterone had a role to play.Thanks!!
Professor and Head,
Div.of otolaryngology
AJ Medical COllege
Veronica Morua says
Can you provide addition information regarding Ménière’s?
909 5990783
Rick Walter says
Dr Devan, I have contacted Prof.Trune who was working with Dr Wright .His animal research was what prompted the aldosterone supplimintation we are talking about. In a letter I received from him this week states that he thinks what I am experiencing is called “breaking” the body stops producing its own when system levels are high. He wishes to make it absolutly clear that none of his studies have ever dealt with humans and we are on unproven ground here.I am very much interested in hearing about your Meniere’s “Cure”. May I contact you at your College?Best to all Rick
Lisa Cerrie says
were can you get this medicine?
ira antelis says
i am in the music industry and over the years i think my mid range hearing has been hurt because i am in front of speakers many hours during the day. do u think aldosterone would b worth trying.
ira antelis
Dr. Neil says
Hi Ira:
It may be worth trying. No guarantees of course. I wouldn’t expect miracles. But what you should be doing is either turn the volume down to a reasonable level (below 80 dB), or wear ear protectors so you don’t continue to damage your ears.
Jean Duarte says
Dear Sir,
I tried Aldosterone for hearing loss & I believe my hearing is better but I took a hearing test before & after & there wasn’t a noticeable difference. Is that possible or am I imagining things. However I can have a converstaion with my husband for a long period of time that I couldn’t do before. I’ve been taking it for about 6 weeks & if I continue taking it will my hearing keep improving? Appreciate you thoughts.
Thank you,
Jean Duarte
Rick Walter says
In response to Jean, I have been taking aldosterone for 5 months.I was taking it 2x a day but reduced to only once due to feelings of higher blood pressure.I only felt my pressure was up, it was not measureably higher. My comprehension of speech has improved dramatically since taking this product. I will be having my hearing checked this week for the first time since taking it.Recognition was the most noticable change but also being a Meniere’s sufferer I have noticed a significant reduction in symptoms,ie foggy brain, anxiety attacks, dizzyness. This treatment has really improved my situation. Although not perfect any improvement is worthwile. I have also been experimenting with raising my good cholesterol level which was always way below normal by drinking 10 oz coconut milk a day.If good cholesterol is the building blocks of all our body’s hormones then when that level is low it can’t be too good.It is claimed coconut milk can increase the good cholesterol level aside from having many other benifits.I plan on continuing the treatment for now.I hope this helps. If your aldosterone level tested very low to begin with I would stick with it for a while. Hope this helps, Rick
Wendell Casey Durnil says
I have read, with GREAT interest, about the experimental bio-identical compound aldosterone. ( I would REALLY like to try this, but do not know what to do next.
Here’s a brief history of my problems. I was diagnosed with Meniere’s in 1991. At the time I was a patient of Dr. Michael Paparella in Minneapolis. He performed three surgeries on me. They were the endolymphatic sac enhancement procedures. Over the course of years, symptoms and problems have returned. I am completely deaf in my right ear (a gamble I took and take responsibility for, I blame no one for this). My left ear usually is 40 to 50 % normal hearing. Again, I can live with that. HOWEVER these times of distorted input (tinny, echoing, lack of discrimination) are the WORST problem for me. I have taken Prednisone for this in the past and had SOME success, but of course, there is a GREAT downside to Prednisone. Because of Prednisone I have had Shingles and now have osteoporosis. Again, I knew the risk and accepted them. But when you have NO quality of life due to ever varying hearing, what more can one do?
Since leaving the Twin Cities area, we relocated to Arizona and I have Dr. Dennis Berry as my ENT, but still communicate with Dr. Paparella. The latest problem began November of 2008. I took high dose Prednisone for about two weeks and the problem began to clear up. I NEVER regained the level of hearing I had, but it was workable. Then January 17, 2009 I noticed diminished hearing and the return of SUBSTANTIAL head noise, which distorts all hearing. I have taken two rounds of Prednisone Therapy, this time and to no or little avail. I am at my wits end here. The poor hearing creates nervousness and anxiety. When I HAVE to go out in public the I physically shake, because it just rattles my nerves to hear NOISE. And in turn this complicates my Meniere’s problems. It’s like a whirling vortex down the drain.
I am asking for your help. Would it be possible to confer with Dr. Paparella, or Dr. Berry to get me started on aldosterone. Dr Berry is reluctant to prescribe it as he does not know enough about it and would not know what dosage to prescribe. He said he would be willing to monitor me if someone would help him prescribe the medication and he would follow-up with future prescriptions on his own, if he could just confer with you. I am volunteering to be a Guinea pig!! Can you help me??
If you CANNOT help me, can you point me to someone who could, here in AZ. My life is not worth much the way the hearing is today, so I have to do SOMETHING.
Thank you in advance for your time and trouble.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Wendell:
I cannot help you directly since I am not an MD, but here is what you can do.
First, copy the entire article (1st 5 pages) from the link in the original article in this blog thread (here it is again and give it to your doctors to read. It contains good information about aldosterone and doses. etc.
Second, I’d have them get in touch with Dr. Jonathan Wright, the author of this article, at his Tahoma Clinic in Renton, WA. The link to his clinic is
Jerry Perez says
Dr Neil ,
I have 1 question about the much touted Andosterone therapy. How long does a patient take this therapy for?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jerry:
I don’t know how long you would need to continue the Aldosterone therapy. I would follow the directions of a healthcare provider skilled in treating people with Aldosterone rather than do-it-yourself.
Valerie Barnard says
I just called Dr Wiights clinic. They said their Canadian source does not carry it now and may not till next year. If anyone can find a canadian pharmacy that dies carry it, then I can tell Dr. Wrights office. There are lots of them out there so there must be one that does carry it.
jill warga says
I started bioidentical aldosterone about 3 months ago – no improvement yet. Could aldosterone therapy make hearing worse?
Rick Walter says
I received the results of my hearing test after being on aldosterone therapy for about 5 months. There was no measureable improvement over a test I had taken 18 months earlier as far as DB gain. But speech understanding has improved quite a bit.This is also the first time in 5 years I have not showed further deterioration of my hearing.I was expecting more but am actually glad for any improvement. My tinnitus has abiated in my right ear which was almost at a suicide inducing level 1 year ago.I feel I have received benefits from this aldosterone treatment that have more to do with the other effects of meniere’s such as greatly reduced brain fog, dizziness and much more solid balance. Hell if my hearing just doesn’t get any worse it’s worth the price of admission. It would appear everybody’s loss is different so this treatment won’t work for everyone. Look for a Dr. on the web site: There are DR.s in your area that deal with hormone replacement therapys; show them Wrights protocol and many will let you try it after signing a release. Aldosterone is not advisable if you already have high blood pressure. Blood pressure medication actually inhibits aldosterone production.
Eloise says
I have been told that Aldosterone hormone is no longer available in the US. They no longer make it.
Why was it stopped being mnade. I had a test run and it was determined that mine was low, doctor prescribed and the pharmacy was unable to get it. Why did they stop making it? Did the FDA request that it not be dispensed any longer or was there another reason?
Thank you!
Rick Walter says
All of the aldosterone we have been talking about comes from Canada. Please see original article by Dr Wright for pharmacy name and look it up on the net.
mary says
I have read various comments and articles on this new treatment – aldosterone – and I’m not seeing anything on how it may help hearing loss due to otosclerosis. Does anyone have any comments and experiences they are open to sharing with me on this. I had a stapesdectomy on on ear which has left me with vertigo and inner ear air pressure problems ever since. I can’t fly or take elevators etc due to the vertigo from inner ear air pressure and my hearing loss is creating a life of isolation and poor quality of life. I have lost several employment opportunities and even my relationship is strained with this. I live in Ontario and my doctor has not heard of this treatment. Please help.
Thank you,
Rick Walter says
Hello to all, this will be my final input on the subject of aldosterone therapy. In conclusion I have been off the treatment for some time now. I truly believe my inital hearing loss and vertigo attacks were brought about by many factors. Stress, temprature where I worked ,poor diet,high anxiety, low blood sugar, were all present for some time before the attacks started. I took the aldosterone and at first it did ,without a doubt, give me better definition and speech understanding. My drop attacks also stopped. But it gave no measureable improvements on my hearing tests. My feet also would swell and become painful. I stopped taking the aldosterone after my short term memory became very noticably worse. This condition has improved to normal since I stopped. It appears the causes of hearing loss are many and this is a hit or miss proposition. I have been on a very high quality vitimin plan and have never had another drop attack.My ability to tolerate sodium has returned to almost normal. My hearing is now stable(lousy but I have adapted). I cannot say if this treatment might help someone else but it sure is worth a try. May all of you find some type of relief. Very Best, Rick Walter
Julie says
I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease 2 1/2 years ago after having a horrible dizzy spell, which as most of you know with Meniere’s is completely debilitating when it’s happening. I had three more over the next few months when my doctor said he had tried a new procedure on a patient that seemed to work for him. He injected a series of three cortisone shots directly into the eardrum of my left ear. Very minimal pain due to the numbing drops. I had quite a bit of hearing loss in that ear before the shots in addition to the vertigo spells. My hearing returned to normal within a month of the shots and I haven’t had a vertigo spell since and it will be two years in December. I am not on a low salt diet (by any means) and I do not avoid alcohol or caffeine. I didn’t gain weight from the coritsone because it was localized to the ear. (according to my doctor)
My ENT is Dr. Neil Williams in the Dallas area.
I am going to ask him about aldesterone when I see him again….although I hope I never need it!
Dr Nathan Stein says
does anyone know of any supplier of Aldosterone in the UK or Europe? Also, is there any influence on hearing from altering Potassium levels?
JT says
Aldosterone supplements are available from retail stores, this mail order site has a price of $25.
teresa says
i live in dayton, ohio am 55 years old with hearing loss I would love to try alosterone treatmen , how can I get started i kmow my dr would not write ascriptfor something like this.
Mary says
I am trying to find help for my husband. He has had hearing loss for years. We are looking for a Dr. open to testing his aldosterone levels and have not had much luck. We live in Ohio. Do you have any ideas about where we would find someone? the specialist we saw said his hearing loss was most likely hereditary and due to aging, although it began when he was rather young and he is 49 now. could Aldosterone levels be a problem in his case?
We would appreciate any insight you may have. thank you, Mary
Cindy says
At first my ENT didnt want to run the test for aldostrone until I sent him several studies to read about low aldostreons relation to hearing loss. He ordered the tests for me. He stated that it is not a test that is normally done, but would do it after he read my papers and did a little research on his own. You have to be very insistant and dont back down when they tell you no. Ask for a someone in charge that can run the tests. They can run the test. I had my primary doctor that I see for bio-identical hormones that said she could run the test if my ENT would not. So they are out there and they can run the test
Armelle Ansari says
I have been diagnosed with adrenal gland disorders where the adrenal produced to much hormones which contribute of high blood pressure. I am of normal weigh
exercise regulary and taking spironolactone 50mg daily
why do i feel anxious and nervous all the time. Please
i need help. My endocrinologist is slow to other treat-
ment i am at my witts end. Should i be testing for Adrenal tumor. i feel like i am a mess. Help?
Babar Khan says
Please stop the spironolactone ASAP. Not only is it an androgen blocker (of ehich aldosterone is one of), it also damages the kidneys. Please get OFF of the spironolactone immediately.
Jean Newbold says
I lost all hearing in my right ear in 1963 due to a virus, according to the ENT. He said it burned out the cochlea. I walked like a drunk for months. Still can’t swim underwater; can’t tell which way is up. Had tinnitus that sounded like Morse Code. The right side of my face had no feeling for years. The doctor prescribed niacin, hoping the extra blood flow would help but it didn’t. Is there anything that can be done to restore my hearing or am I a hopeless case?
Abbey says
To JoAnn Black (9/28/11 post): Try calling Wellness Works at (630) 701-1050 – they often can help you find someone in the Chicago area.
janice curtin says
How about supporting the adrenal glands instead, which make aldosterone/?
and thyroid as well as they work together. This will raise metabolism and help many things. Metabolism means the process of turning nutrition into cellular energy. Check your metbolism by taking your first mornning temperature. and check out Matt Shone, 180 degrees Morning temp can ber abour 98. a little under the 98.6 normal.
Muhammad Waqas says
Where can I buy compounded Aldosteron??
I am in Pakistan , I also live in asia, Can I get it there?
Muhammad Waqas says
i listen many types of sound in ears hearing loss
due to flue after 2 years my age is 23 how i can solve it
Where can I buy compounded Aldosteron??
I am in Pakistan , I also live in asia, Can I get it there?
nora says
hello. i suffered severe vertigo once a month for almost 4 years. and also there was a ringing of my left ear. my EENT doctor told me that i need to undergo a meringotomy it may help he said because i felt like my left ear is always ringing and it feels like there is a heavy blocking my left ear. so i underwent meringotomy. after that my hearing became sensitive for 1 week then after a week a notice that my hearing becomes worst i underwent the audiogram test it really worsen the situation. i need to take pills for dizziness beacause if i will stop taking it i will feel dizzeness.I went to another EENt doktor for 2nd opinion and that is because my vertigo attacts me very often last year from once a month to 2x a month then once a week till 2x a week. MY new EENT doktor said Im suffering meniere’s desease. he Prescribed a medicine for me for 1 month the vertigo since then is gone. but my hearing loss still there and he said that my hearing loss is due to my meniere’s. my doktor also told me that i should not underwent the meringgotomy before.
My question is do you think ur product can help me get rid of this unconfortable hearing loss? the ringing of my ears and sometimes there is a feeling of blocking to my left ear.
I came from the Philippines and right now i am here in toronto canada.thank you very much and hope to hear from you very soon.
Murray says
Ih ave suffered for many years from what specialists call “cookie bite” hearing loss. I now struggle to hear conversation as my hearing loss is in the conversation range..after spending close to 20,000 Bucks in hearing aids over the past 10 years has anyone with this type of hearing loss benefited from aldosterone?
Dr. Neil says
Hi Murray:
A cookie-bite loss is just a colloquial way of saying that you hear better in the high and low frequencies than you do in the mid-frequencies.
I’m no expert on the use of Aldosterone so don’t know whether it will help you or not. However, if your hearing loss is the result of hair cells dying (the common cause of sensorineural hearing loss that most people with hearing loss have), then aldosterone won’t bring back those dead hair cells. You can try it if you want to–it shouldn’t hurt–but I wouldn’t expect much help either.
Jerry Perez says
so “dying hair cells” is much different than Low andosterone levels? no hope for andosterone if hairs are dead? vs hope id andosterone is low? im curious to know and for my own knowledge.
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Jerry:
You’ve got it. We don’t believe in reincarnation. Dead is dead. when inner hair cells die, you have a permanent hearing loss at that frequency. If the hair cells are just “sick”, then Aldosterone therapy may help them recover.
WhatDidYouSay? says
I’m trying to put the wheels back on dear old mom, 77. It is like pushing a boulder up a hill. Everything I suggest helps, yet the next suggestion is continued to be met with the same resistance. I get tired being smart. If anyone has a solution for compliance let me know.
Her stupid doctor put her on a diuretic, ?Furosemide, without potassium supplementation. She panicked because after years of spin out relief due to the amazing work of the great, from what I understand retired or deceased, Dr. Singleton at Shands in Gainsville, FL who injected her with a steroid and it stopped the spin outs. However, the white lab coats are her friends! Amazing how few cite sodium or potassium wasting and how all of the water held is the body trying to hold what little sodium and potassium it can from the H2O. my job is to correct the dumb dumbs who make the big bucks. It gets old.
Thank you for letting me rant.
QUESTION: Is the compounded Aldosterone a transdermal gel, inject, sublingual, liposomal, oral capsule/tablet or other? Specifically the kind supplied by the Canadian Pharma cited herein or the most typical form of aldosterone used to treat.
Great article and follow on comments. We should be living to 120-150 folks and having sex like rock stars after 100. Maybe not a pretty sight, but you can always turn the lights off. Live well and love often.
Mimi says
I have always been protective of my hearing and still have significant hearing loss. I’m 62. I think my hearing loss might come from gluten sensitivity, while my hearing cognition issues are from ADD. I’ve always had a low pulse. I live in L.A. and am interested in your comments as well as looking for an inexpensive source of Aldosterone. Thank you.
Dr. Neil says
Hi Mimi:
Hearing loss can occur from a number of causes. The most common ones, besides loud noise, include taking drugs and the effects of your lifestyle choices including diet, and of course aging. Your hearing loss may indeed be related to your gluten sensitivity, but I’m no expert on this.
I can’t help you more with the Aldosterone. I told all that I know about it in this article.
ruthie b says
this link to an article you posted does not work correctly
would you have a current one?
Dr. Neil says
Hi Ruthie:
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It’s fixed now. Click on the link again to read this article.
Chris says
I was started on fludrocortisone to address my low blood pressure. I have also suffered from Meniere’s for many years with hearing loss in my right ear. You can’t imagine my surprise when my Meniere’s disappeared after starting the fludrocortisone!! It has been about one month since I started it and it has modestly increased my blood pressure and I feel much better. Have had some swelling and have gained some weight since starting this medication, however, being rid of my Meniere’s symptoms is worth any of these side effects. I hope it continues!
bridget says
I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease at the age of 18 over 30 years ago. I have managed with all attacks and hearing noise until now. My right ear is of little or no use at all. I cannot answer the phone with this ear and always relied on my left ear for hearing. This past year has been a roller coaster ride with my good left ear. Nothing can mask the sound I hear in both ears now. I turn the TV at its highest volume and I still can’t escape the noise. The sounds wake me up after trying to get to sleep. The noise fluctuates from extremely high pitches to low. Some sounds I hear now I feel like I am going to pass out. Different pitches of sounds change everyday, some I can tolerate and others are impossible. I am taking so many supplements now I just am unsure which to continue with and which to stop. My doctors are of absolutely no help. When I started to see them in the beginning of this year. There is they simply said there is no cure and put me on antidepressants which I have stop taking. I started to see homeopathic help through other friends suggestions. Still no relief. I did notice at the beginning of the year the noise intensified with my menstrual cycles.( And they still do). My neurologist said to see my GYN he prescribed progesterone. My GYN couldn’t figure out why the neurologist prescribed the antidepressants. My regular doctor says get hearing aides. Something is changing in my system and I need help to stop the further damage to my some what salvageable good ear. Some days which are very few I almost have what i use to have in my hearing good left ear. My regular doctors do not take test of any sort. Should I see an Endocrinologist for hormone suggestion or someone who specializes in food allergies? Maybe I have developed some kind of food allergy.I have made other appointments of which I am on a waiting list 3 to 6 month waiting list. Waiting for a cal back to make an appointment with the clinic with the Tahoma Clinic. I am currently on the supplements from Tinnitus Arches 3 weeks into that along with Pycnogenol and flax seed primrose oil. I have a phone appointment with spring wellness center that is in Missouri, someone recommended the call is suppose to clear blockages that I have. Trying everything!! Never heard of fludrocortisone sounds interesting. I am so exhausted from this past year and unclear as to which avenue to take. I have eight children the four that are at home still attending school and my husband are loosing patience and hope. I am open to any and all suggestions. Please I would appreciate it, my current doctors are of little help and I am desperate. I just do not know what to do!!!!!
sashi saini says wife long time ill but not dignose self dignoes she aldosterone pesient self( tested aldosterone serum observed value 13.20 pl.verified it is low aldosterone/high aldosterone
Steve says
Strictly speaking about humans, hearing and aldosterone – there is only one mention of one patient who had success more than 10 years ago referenced on the internet. One would think after 10 years there would be hundreds or at least dozens but that’s not the case. I met all the criteria and went through 5 months of Aldosterone therapy and during that time my hearing got worse. I’m just N=1 but my case may explain why there is only one story on the internet that leads back to the same clinic I used. I would love to hear from anyone who has had any success with aldosterone.
Steve says
Too funny! I posted that about a year ago and no one has responded. I have to assume there are no human success stories with Aldosterone. It has an incredibly short half life so unless your body is not making it continually it just evaporates.
Amanda Griffin says
Can anyone share their pharmacy and costs?
I have heard it can be very expensive.
Barb Butler says
This sounds very promising and gives me renewed hope for my continuing loss of hearing. However, most of the comments are from 2008 and don’t have any reply to their questions. I’m wondering what recent results are available now, more than 10 years later?
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Barb:
I haven’t heard much lately as the lack of comments attests.
beth says
i have heard u can got to Dr in Vancouver and get a pcp to write a prescription for aldosterone. Kripps Pharmacy will fill it. How does one find a Doctor in Vancouver who will write a prescription. Please provide a Dr if you know of one. Kripps great pharmacy
Neil Bauman, Ph.D. says
Hi Beth:
Why not as the Kripps pharmacist? He/she should know which doctors write such prescriptions.