by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A man recently shared with me why he so desperately wants a visor card. He wrote:
In the past, the Delaware State Police have been one of the top offenders, as far as discrimination against hard of hearing or deaf people is concerned.They simply dont believe me when I tell them I am 90% deaf.
I have actually been held at gunpoint, because they would not allow me to reach into my pocket for my hearing aid, and was therefore unable to understand the commands they were giving me.
This is scary and should never happen–but obviously it does. So if you are deaf or hard of hearing, having your visor card handy can help bridge the initial communications gap with the police.
Anyone can download the article “Visor Cards—Bridging the Communications Gap When Stopped by the Police” and free visor cards (one for hard of hearing people and one for deaf people) from the Hearing Loss Help website.
Don’t forget about the associated Wallet Card. It is very useful too. A lady explained:
I downloaded and laminated the large visor card and the smaller one for my wallet, which I placed next to my license. It is a perfect solution to communication difficulties, in the daytime and at night. By putting the wallet card next to your license, it helps in all situations, not just with the police.
Excellent idea. When a police officer (or anyone else–such as at security checkpoints at airports) asks to see your driver’s license, just hand them your Wallet Card at the same time. That way they will know your communications needs without your even having to say anything.