by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
January 12. 2016
If you want to have unparalleled performance in your home loop system, then the new Contacta HLD3 loop driver is for you. I used to say that the Univox CLS-1 was the Cadillac of loop drivers (and it was and we sold hundreds and hundreds of them), but the new Contacta HLD3 “Ferrari” now zooms past it.
I may be biased since I had a part in the design of this new loop driver, and also spent many hours beta testing it to be sure it performs up to specs.
If you’d like test drive this sporty new loop driver, its now in stock and ready to give you hours of beautiful, clear sound. And even better, this superb loop system doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. You
can “drive it home” for just $249.00.
Learn more about the new Contacta HLD3 loop system, and order one for yourself now.
Hi, I installed it and am getting an echo. The manual does not address this situation. What to do? Is it that the sound via loop and sound via air are arriving at different times?
Hi Rebecca:
Since you are getting an echo, turn the volume down or mute your TVs speakers. If the echo goes away, then you know that the sound reaching your ears via the TV’s speakers and via the loop are out of sync with each other.
If that is the case, there are two ways to fix it. First, you should know that TVs have a built-in delay between the picture and the sound so that the sound arrives at your ears at the same time you see the person talking on the TV. However, TV manufacturers often do not do the same with the audio outputs that your loop system is plugged into. Thus, the sound is out of sync with the picture, and also out of sync with the sound you hear from the TV speakers.
With some TVs, you can go into the menu and choose the audio outputs and then set the synchronization to get rid of the echo. So that’s the first thing I’d try.
If your TV does not have a sync control in the menu, the other solution is to purchase an external lip sync control that you install between your TV’s audio outputs and the input of your loop driver. Then you manually adjust this control until the sounds are in sync.
Of course, you could always mute your TV’s speakers, and just listen on the loop. That would get rid of the echo instantly as well, but this only works if you are alone watching your TV because no one else would be able to hear otherwise.
You can get the appropriate lip sync corrector at or this one which is a little cheaper at
There is also the outside possibility that there is something funny going on with the TV or loop driver that is causing the echo. If you have the TV’s speakers muted and you still hear an echo than that could be a possibility. If that is the case let me know.