by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
Recently a woman explained,
I haven’t lost my hearing, but I hear my pulse as a “squeak” frequently. It is only on the left side, but it is very annoying and sounds like a heart murmur. Any suggestions?
When you hear your pulse in one or both ears, this is a type of tinnitus called pulsatile tinnitus. Interestingly enough, as you have found, typically you only hear pulsatile tinnitus in one ear.
I’ve never heard it described as a squeaking sound before, but it is consistent with what other people hear. One lady hears hers as a high-pitched ringing sound in time with her heartbeat, while a man explained he hears a “zing, zing, zing” sound in time with his heartbeat. Thus, your “squeak, squeak”, “squeak” fits right in.
Since you are writing to me now, I assume that this is a fairly new phenomenon—and not a tinnitus sound you’ve been hearing for years.
Typically pulsatile tinnitus is related to the blood flowing in the arteries in your neck and near your ears. Normally you don’t hear such sounds, but when something changes in the blood vessels near your ears, you sometimes hear these strange (and annoying) tinnitus sounds.
There are at least 25 different known causes of pulsatile tinnitus. The three most common causes of pulsatile tinnitus, accounting for 68% of the cases, are Benign Intracranial Hypertension (BIH) syndrome, Carotid Artery Disease (CAD) and Glomus Tumors (benign masses of blood vessels that grow near the ear). The good news is that this kind of tinnitus can often be fixed once the specific cause is identified.
Generally, pulsatile tinnitus occurs when the smooth flow of blood in the blood vessels in your neck or head is interrupted. Often this is caused by atherosclerotic build up of cholesterol on the walls of your arteries, or high blood pressure. These conditions cause your blood to flow faster and/or more turbulently—thus producing these strange sounds in step with each heartbeat.
The first step in treating pulsatile tinnitus is to go to a cardiovascular specialist and see if he can pinpoint the cause and go from there.
To learn more about pulsatile tinnitus, check out the section on “Pulsatile Tinnitus in “When Your Ears Ring! Cope with your Tinnitus—Here’s How“.
I also have recently begun to hear a squeaking in my right ear only that is in time to my pulse. I am so glad to hear that others have heard the same sound. I thought I was going crazy and the sound is very annoying.
I recently (past couple of months) heard this “squeaking pulse” sound in both ears at night, generally when lying in bed and predominately on the side where my head touches the pillow.
I’m 50, have slightly raised BP, take statins for HCL, and 75mg aspirin as a precautionary measure to thin my blood.
this is what I’m feeling it’s only when I’m laying down and on the side of my ear that I sleep on, should I get it checked out?
Hi Alexa:
If it is bothering you, I’d get things checked out by a vascular surgeon to see if something is blocking an artery when you lay down. Or perhaps a chiropractor if it is because your neck is “out”.
dear sir,
i have squeaking on my right ear,its very irritating ,it has going on for more than a year,how shall i go about it,is there any cure ?
Thank you
I am now 76 and have had pulsatile tinnitus for about 30 years in my left ear. It has stayed at the same fairly low level all that time. A couple of years ago I was in a hospital after surgery. I knew that my heat rate had gone from about my usual 50 to about 100 due to an episode of Afib. It took me two hours to convince the nurses to bring a portable heart machine that finally convinced them.
Jack L.
Dr. Bauman’s comment regarding pulsatile tinnitus and glomus tumors is interesting, more so since he identifies the “squeak sound” with those tumors. Having eliminated CAD or BIH, and having been diagnosed with “glomus vagale” tumors, I am curious as to whether in his judgment he would link the sound to glomus vagale tumors as well as glomus jugulare tumors (with which pulsatile tinnitus is more usually identified.) It would be nice (for me) if it were so since those are easier to remove. Finally, keep in mind that all glomus tumors are not benign. Somewhere between 5-7% or so are found to be malignant. However, they are rare.
Hi Lynn:
I’m no expert on pulsatile tinnitus and how it relates to various kinds of glomus tumors. If you have pulsatile tinnitus (squeaking or otherwise) I suggest that you consult with a knowledgeable vascular doctor who has expertise in these things.
Dr. Bauman,
How nice that you listened to and responded with not one but several plausible explanations. I just spent over $500 on two visits to the same large ear nose and throat group in my area and came away with little other than a large bill and the impression that the docs were not only unimpressed but didn’t really believe that I hear a squeek. They insisted on calling it a ringing. Also, my family can hear the noise if they press their ears to mine but it can’t be heard with their stethescope! I have low blood pressure and no tumors in my neck (I had a scan in 2002) but the noise is pretty distracting. The doc did mention “tranquilizers” but didn’t offer them because he said “they will make you tired”. I think many a day I would trade peace and quiet for a little energy and wouldn’t I get used to the meds after a while?
Thank you for the comments.
I just searched this because when I go from a sitting position to a laying position when I play on my laptop, I hear that squeaking. Thought it was the strangest thing! I’m assuming I’m just kinking up my neck then when I do that because I don’t hear the squeak at any other time. Thank you for the great information! I will treat my neck better from here on out then.
I cant beleive this im only 14!!! and i can hear all these squeks in my ear i think i got a glomus tumor but idotn wanna tell anyone and im scared….. i dont want to do surgery
Did you get it fixed Dylan?
Im 14 and scared too! Instead, I hear a heart beat sound in my ear and now I dont know what to do. That is why I searched on google “i think i have pulsitile tinnitus and im scared because i hear a heart beat in my ear and im only 14”. This is what came up and so I posted this.
How about you Janet? Did it go away eventually?
I am a 34 yo female. Since December, I have experienced severe vertigo (sometimes nausea and vomiting comes with it). The vertigo is accompanied by tinnitus in both ears and headaches (the tinnitus began in right ear, now it is in both). The attacks come in episodes, some worse than others. At first I would get the attacks and miss a couple of days of work because I would be so drained it would take a lot out of me and I can sleep all day sometimes. Now, it seems that I am dizzy all the time. I have different levels of dizziness. I can be a little dizzy or lightheaded or have the severe vertigo that can knock me backwards off my feet (lierally). I have seen an ENT who thinks I have Meniere’s. He then sent me to a Neuro ENT tht agrees about the Meniere’s, but also thinks that something else may be going on with me. I am on several meds including diuretics and vitamins. I am on a strict low sodium diet and have cut out the caffeine. Last week the neuro ENT added another prescription to work in conjuction with the diuretic (this now makes 4 prescriptions). Just in the past couple of days, my left ear is sounding different. It still has the tinnitus, but it also kind of crackling and it kind of sounds like I can hear my own heartbeat or maybe it is my pulse?. I have also begun to experience a little tingling feeling in my hands.
I don’t see the neuro ENT until 2 more weeks, but I am not feeling better. I feel like something else is wrong, but I don’t know what.
Also, this might not be related at all…but at the beginning of 2009, I began having numbness in my leg. I had an MRI and it was discovered that I had numerous herniated discs and a ruptured one at
L5-S1. I had a discectomy and that seemed to take care of the problem. The MRI also showed that I had degenerative spinal stenosis. I am only mentioning this because ever since that happened at the beginning of last year I have never been the same. Then all of these other problems began happening at the end of the year. Do you think there is any relation?
Any help would be most appreciated.
I have this heartbeat in my left ear…would do your head in.When i speak i can also hear a muffled sound as if the voice is going no further than my mouth.
Im just recovering from bells palsey ..might be connected………….its just horrible
Did you ever get this figured out? You are describing my symptoms exactly.
Hi Matthew:
It seems to be related to blood flow, so it is a kind of pulsatile tinnitus and should be treated accordingly.
I am 43 years old and have had tinnitus in both ears for as long as I can remember. Both my sons have it, my dad had it, and my grandpa had it, so I assume that it is hereditary. All my life the tinnitus was bothersome but tolerable, until about a year ago. The ringing got louder and has probably tripled in intensity in the last year. Then about a month ago I started hearing what sounds like a squeeky toy in my left ear, in rhythem with my heart beat. Sometimes it is a whooshing sound that is in rhythem with my heart rate, VERY annoying!!! I have an appt. with an ear specialist on about 2 weeks…Very apprehensive as to what is going on. I will try to post again when I find out what’s going on….Thank you
What happened at your appt David? I have that EXACT same thing going on in my ear! Help??
I had a severe, migraine like headache on the right side of my head for two weeks. Earlier in the day that it started, I could hear my blood whooshing with my pulse when I turned my head. I am thirty years old and I have never had a headache before, although my dad and paternal grandmother are prone to migraines. I had aura(squiggly lines in my peripheral vision) that would come and go, nausea and vomiting. About a week and a half into the headache, I started hearing a squeaking noise every time my heart beat in my right ear. After going to see a doctor at a walk-in clinic and two family doctors, I decided to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist. They said it was outside their realm of expertise and ordered an MRA to look at the blood vessels in my head. A CT scan without contrast had been done a week before and had come out normal. After the MRA was done I was rushed to the hospital by ambulence with what was thought to be an aneurysm but was finally determined to be a right vertebral artery dissection. It will heal on its own but it was important to be on blood thinner and know that I am more at risk for a stroke. I had been taking oral contraceptives for my endometriosis for the past six years which could have weakened my arteries. Now I can’t take them, as they increase my risk of stroke. If you have vascular tennitis, I suggest you keep going to doctors until they find out the cause, especially if you have other symptoms.
I heat a squealing in my right ear for 2 days now. I am only 15 what could it possibly be?
Hi Karina:
You haven’t given near enough information for me to even hazard a guess.
Im 40 weeks pregnant and the past 3 days I have heard this squishing noise in my left ear. It comes mainly at night or when its quite. I cant get it to stop what could this be??
Hey im 11 turing 12 on the 18th july and for a year now this has been happing i have no idea if it relates though to my ear :
When i put pressure on my ear and releases it it squeaks really loud and my parents can hear from the other sofa and the next room also my shoulder ,neck and elbow grind loud . I also feel a pulse in my knee when i move my leg and put my hand on it
Hi Jade:
If your parents can hear the sound (squeak) from across a room, then the sound has to be external to your ear. My guess is that your finger rubbing on the skin of your ear, or the air squeezing past your finger as you push or pull your finger in or out of your ear causes the sound. Sort of like making a balloon squeak by stretching the “neck” to partially stop the air getting out.
my ear ring too, stuffed too
after seeing doctor 4 times …
the last pro ear dr ,help me remove dirt from it
it say that r those qtips …
i m fat .. some stroke…
after i read this page … seem much squeaking ear r hi blood pressure related …
tks for this page …
hope everybody gets better
when i pinch nose n give pressure ,i hear those air also…
i see another lady say she hear blood flowing in head ..
b4 i read that .. i thought my blood in brain kind of explode abit or half of my scalp skin… feel lump too
coz i eat too much ;(
fattness really hard to tacklet ..
coz so much trouble ;(
I went for a party last night. Since I came home I’ve been hearing this creaking noise in my head. Im scared what do I do now?…..pls help
Hi Willboy:
I’d give it a couple of days and see whether it goes away. If not, describe your situation more fully, and I’ll try to help you.
I have been hearing the squeaking noises described above now for some time, but what worries me now is an excruciating pain in my right shoulder. I have been reading about it and it says it coul be a symptom of P.E. Since I am on medication for heart failure after an ablation op., I am probably susceptible to that kind of complaint
Hi Mortimer:
I think the squeaking sounds are pulsatile tinnitus, but are not directly related to your pain in your shoulder. I’d see your doctor to rule out a pulmonary embolism (PE).
I am only twelve and i am hearing squeaking noises in my left ear but they come and go i don’t know what it is i think it is because of using my headphones to much but now i have researched it and have second thoughts, i’m sort of scared because i know it is not ear wax or anything like that. I hope i don’t have this forever because it is terribly annoying and irritating.
i’ll describe it more clearly, it is like a squeaking noise inside my ears that grinds inside but then it disappears it has been going like this for a couple of days now, it is on my leaft ear and really irritating
Hi Leila:
I’m having trouble understanding exactly what you are hearing. To me a squeaking noise and a grinding noise are two entirely different sounds. Tinnitus from exposing your ears to loud sounds can have many, many different sounds. We typically say our ears are “ringing” but it could be a roaring, hissing, banging, clicking, clanging, blowing, beating, buzzing, humming, chirping, sizzling, whooshing, rumbling, whistling or other sound.
If you tinnitus sound goes away, even for a few hours, that is a good sign. Just don’t expose your ears to loud sounds for a couple of weeks and see what happens. You should only listen to headphones/earbuds at about the same volume you hear people talking–no louder–and you should never damage your ears.
I have pulsatile tinnitus only in my right ear.. It started when i was 7 months pregnant.IT s almost one and half years now… ITs constant now… very annoying.. MRI came back normal….. If anyone can help me would be very happy…..
Hi Lavanya:
I’d get a second opinion from another doctor that has had success in treating people with pulsatile tinnitus. Typically its a medical problem that knowledgeable doctors can treat either medicinally or surgically.
Hello Doctor.
I have just started having a very noticeable whooshing sound in both my ears that goes along with my heartbeat. I am on various tablets for keeping my Type-1 diabetes ok, as well as insulin injections. One of the pills is to lower blood pressure, although my blood pressure before I started these pills tended to be low anyway. Any idea about the whooshing, as it can’t be caused by high blood pressure!
Thanks for your response doctor.
I il give my symptoms below.Am afraid of a serious condition named acoustic neuroma.
1. I have pulsatile tinnitus only in right ear mostly 24/7
2. And if I press my vein in neck it stops and comes back once I release it.
3. Sometimes I feel pain around my ear and not inside.
4. I feel giddiness at times.
Pl let me know if its related to acoustic neuroma….
Hi Lavanya:
1. Pulsatile tinnitus is NOT related to acoustic neuromas.
2. It is related to blood flowing through a blood vessel near your ear–hence when you press the vein it stops.
The treatment is to see a good vascular surgeon who can usually treat it with drugs or surgery.
Hi, I have a hissing noise in my left ear and it does not go away when I press my vein. Could it be that I do not have pulsatile tinnitus but the regular kind. Also have sore throat like symptoms and nose congestion.
Hi John:
A constant hissing tinnitus sound does not indicate pulsatile tinnitus. Pulsatile tinnitus is a tinnitus sound that pulses in unison with your heartbeat. I’d suggest you have “ordinary” tinnitus.
If your tinnitus came on with the cold/congestion symptoms, it could be from a degree of hearing loss caused by the congestion and may go away when your congestion clears up and your hearing returns to normal.
Thank you very much for your response.
This really helps:)
About 8 months ago I started hearing a faint whooshing in my right ear. Initially I assumed I might have wax built up, or even fluid in my ear (something I never had problems with before but have heard of). I tried using some ear stuff that loosens up wax, waited a few days then tried some swimmers ear relief. Neither of those things helpped. I decide then that I should check in with the dr to make sure its nothing serious. The doctor checks, says there is no wax, no fluid. She said it did look like my ear drum somehow got sucked inwards slightly, possibly from pressure of some kind from seasonal allergies. She prescribes me psuedophedrine to relieve allergy symptoms and says that will take care of it. Long story short, I take all the meds, have no allergy symptoms, I go back and they act like its not possible to still be hearing the whooshing noise. Its been about 6 months since my last dr. Appt. The noise doesn’t seem so loud when Im up (like standing). When I go to bed its HORRIBLE!!!! Also, in the beginning it was just one ear but slowly the left ear is starting to whoosh. Oh, and another thing, when I put pressure on my neck just below my ear, the noise ceases. I mean, its driving me crazy. I’ve been waking up for work with migranes, I can’t hear my kids talk to me, I dont know what this is or what to do. Any advise? Does this sound like pulsatile tinnitus? How do I get my doc to hear me out?? Ugh…thanks
Although my experience is not as intense as Ashley’s, I have recently begun hearing a ‘squeak’ in time with my heart-beat too. Initially, I thought, ‘uh-ohh! my porcine mitral valve is about to quit on me!’ (replaced in 2007). However, now that I’ve become aware of plusatile tinnitus, I cancelled the apt with my cardiologist who just recently had an ECG performed on me and, right after that, ordered an expensive TEE (without even putting a stethoscope on me)! Instead, I got an appt with a vascular surgeon’s office to have a sonogram done on my carotid arteries. Also, as Ashley, the other night with my ear on the pillow, I pressed on my carotid artery with my index finger to temporarily stop the blood flow – the squeaking noise STOPPED as it did for her. I performed the same simple experiment on the other side with the same results! This tells me it’s not my porcine mitral valve, and could be the result of some plaque build-up or stenosis. I’ll know next Thursday, June 19th (2014) after the sonogram and report back.
Actually? I won’t be ‘reporting back’ here. ‘Dr. Neil’ may be helping others (and I wish him the best of luck), but I was actually looking for a ‘licensed medical doctor.’ He is not. My best hopes and prayers to all of you who’ve posted. Find a real, degreed and qualified specialist in the area in which you live, to clearly define what you experience within your body. Remember: you have choices – and, nobody ‘hears’ your body like you do! GoFrit!
Hi Bob:
Report back anyway. That is how we all learn. This site is helping many–and you as well. Think about it. You learned about pulsatile here, NOT from your doctor. And even when you complained to your doctor about your symptoms, he missed the boat and ordered expensive tests that had nothing to do with the condition you were concerned about. So you decided to go to a different doctor to be checked out. That is the advantage of this site. We give education about various ear conditions so you can go to the right doctor and suggest he check something specific out. We do NOT treat anything. That is for medical doctors. But the truth is, few medical doctors seem to know much about ears and ear conditions. That is why people began asking me all the questions they do. I’m not a medical doctor as you know, but I do have two earned doctorates, so when people address me as Dr. they are correct. And you don’t have to be a medical doctor to know about our ears/bodies.
Hi Bob Shank,
Do you feel fullness of ear?
Alos u have tinnitus in one ear or both?
when u sleep on the same side of tinnitus it stops?
i gave my symptoms in my above post.
I could browse and see these symptoms can be related to BIH…
Can u confirm?
My symptoms:
1. I have pulsatile tinnitus only in right ear mostly 24/7
2. And if I press my vein in neck it stops and comes back once I release it.
3. Sometimes I feel pain around my ear and not inside.
4. I feel giddiness at times.
Hi Lavanya:
If you think you have Benign intracranial hypertension (BIH) you need to see your doctor. Ditto for pulsatile tinnitus.
Thanks Neil… IL go to the doctor,,,,
Just started hearing heart swooshing sound , seams audible external . 48 yrs old in above average physical conditioning , no heart disease or lumps . Ear infections when I was kid , that’s it . Could I die from something like this , or is it just gonna be my funny lil noise to put up with
Hi Clint:
When you hear “heartbeat” tinnitus, it doesn’t have to mean something is “bad”. It certainly could be. Typical “bad” things include high blood pressure and clogged arteries. But it could be benign such as glomus tumors (a tangled mass of blood vessels near your inner ear), or just a new artery your body made close to your inner ear.
If your vascular doctor checks you out and gives you a clean bill of health, then it is probably nthing to worry about, but it could be a warning–hence it is wise to run it by a vascular doctor.
I was diagnosed with BiH in 2012. At that time my main symptom was visual disturbances. My eye doctor noticed swelling in my optic nerve and I was referred to an opthalmologist which also confirmed it and sent me to a neurologist. The neurologist did an MRI with contrast and it came back normal. He also did a lumbar puncture and my opening pressure was 36. He diagnosed me with BIH or pseudo tumor cerebri. I have been on diamox since and the papilladema (swelling of the optic nerve) is now gone. They are looking to take me off diamox as they feel it is in remission.
Moving toward to Aug 2014, just had an eye exam at the opthalmologist and no swelling of the optic nerve. I made an appt because I have been having whooshing in my right ear for two months. It is a deep whooshing sound tied to the rhythm of my pulse. When I press on my neck under my ear it goes away. The opthalmologist told me everything is fine on his end and that I should go to my family doctor about it. So I did. She has ordered a sonogram of my neck to rule out carotid stenous. She doesn’t feel it is related to the BIH. Thought my story may help and I will keep u posted on the sonogram results.
Also, I am on olmetec 40 mg for blood pressure and my bp is currently under control so the doctor ruled that out as a cause.
I have had bad ears for 4 months. They click and pop like fluid in them, but apparently they are all clear. I have had different medication, but it’s getting worse. Apparently I talk loud, and to me the toilet flushing or washing machine filling, are too loud. Also voices are too loud, and when I listen to TV, radio or someone talking, it’s like a squealing feedback sound like someone is still talking. I’m off for a hearing teat in a couple of days…thanks
I have pain in my right temple and started to hear the squeaking sound at first I thought it was a mouse or something but after moving around I realized it was in my ears. Got a clue?
I have had neck pain since October. Behind my rt. ear pain travels up my head to the mid-line; occipital lobe. then down past the back of my rt. ear to the area of my neck where my brain stem and medulla are located all the way across right to left side. At times the pain is in the middle of my back. I experience Lightheadness, shortness of breath on and off every day all day long, getting worse. Nothing seems to set it off just happens.. Note: I wear headphones @ work take over 62 calls per day. Some people talk very loud, yell… I am on the computer. I have had to attacks like vertigo. Second one Very severe over 2 weeks ago; touched the back of my head to my pillow when going to bed…no warning… instantly experienced blackness in my sight, red color, no sight; may have blacked out all the while feeling like I was falling through my mattress once I came to I had nausea, my body hot sweats. Once I got up in about 6 hrs. I vomited 6 times had diarrhea. That night I thought I was going to die. I have also had a CT scan which shows masses; lymph in type not confirmed Radiologist recommends MRI. C-4-5. T2 area also shows a node. I am not fat weigh 120 was very active rode bike exercised…I notice my blood pressure fluctuates from high to low. I also saw on the CT that my spine has degenerative issues. I just want to get well. I don’t want that episode to happen again! I was prescribed Valium… it relaxed my vestibular nerve…Now I hear the heartbeat or pulse in my rt ear and sounds like a squeaky door. At times blured vision very sensitive to sound…hard to drive… I see a neurologist Tuesday…should I see a cardiologist instead? I have to admit I am scared. I am 60 yrs. old. The right side of my neck/head is in a lot of pain. Has not gone away once. At first my whole head felt numbness, pins and needles. Sorry I wrote too much…
This kind of freaks me out. I’m only 18 and I think probably 17 when I first heard the sounds. I don’t know that it’s the same thing being discussed here though and I hope it’s not. I sometimes hear a squeaking noise in my ear, always in the one that is on the pillow, it might be either ear. This may or may not be in time with my heart beat but it seems like a fairly regular rhythm when it occurs. The reason I have to believe that it’s not in time with my pulse is that the noises may or may not be too quick and close together to be in time with it but I could be wrong about this and underestimating my heart rate. The squeaking does not usually last a long time and as soon as I take my ear off the pillow the noise stops. I don’t think it would last more than a few minutes at a time. It might happen in a few short bursts every night for many nights and it might not happen at all for months at a time or maybe just one night here and there. It’s not a really consistent occurrence and doesn’t seem to follow any kind of pattern. I don’t know if I should be worried about this or not. Also I don’t find the noise annoying, it’s not extremely loud or harsh sounding at all. In fact I actually kind of like it as weird as that sounds. I don’t know that it would be worth the effort of telling the doctor..?
Hi Kaiden:
If you only hear the squeaking when you have an ear into the pillow, I don’t think I’d worry about it. The weight of your head may be pressing on blood vessels near your ear and the blood is squishing through, causing the squeaking sound. When you lift your head up, the blood vessels are not compressed and the squeaking sound goes away. If this is what’s happening, its not a problem.
Hi Doctor: I blew my nose too hard months ago and I think some of the gunk has gone into the Middle ear still giving me crackling sounds and light pressure. An ENT looked at me and could see nothing. Six hours after his examination, I noticed when I yawn, my Ear does a rapid chirping sound and stops the instant I stop Yawning. Could the Yawn be stopping or squeezing blood flow giving me the Chirping?
Hi doctor, I’ve had ringing in my ears for many months, until recently its been quite bad and when I lie down and have pressure on the back of my head from my pillow it’s quite loud, when I lift my head is softens but still loud. A couple of days ago it’s in both ears a constant noise… Like when a tv is the noise it produces when there is no sound.. It’s constant and dosnt stop, quite annoying…. Any ideas?…
Hi Kell:
If your tinnitus changes in volume or pitch when you lie down (or get up) that indicates that your tinnitus (at least some of it) is the result of your neck vertebra being out of proper alignment and pinching certain nerves.
The solution is to go to a chiropractor and get your vertebrae and possibly your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) put back into proper alignment. I’d suggest an upper cervical spine chiropractor rather than a conventional chiropractor for this.
I have the whooshing heartbeat noise in my ears. Over 9 months ago I had a dropping attack. Everything went black and I came round a few seconds later on the ground. My son witnesses it. I heard a pooping noise before it went black and I had a massive headache since. I went to the GP he said it sounded like I got dehydrated that day as I was out in the garden and running around with my grandkids. I kept getting these weird attacks and have hurt myself. But the past two months I noticed the whooshing heartbeat, dizziness, vertigo and a strange right sided temple pain that feels frozen. I have started to limit what I do incase I have a blackout and hurt myself again. I also had a rare growth on my earlobe ending in hyperplasia. I got it cut out and received steroid injections every 3 months to stop it growing back. Could this growth be happening inside my eardrum and causing these symptoms?
Hi Angie:
I doubt that the hyperplasia is causing your problems. To me it seems like you have vascular problems–perhaps a blocked artery or a stroke of something like that. If the blocked (or partially blocked) artery also feeds your inner ear, you could experience the pain, headaches, and all the balance problems you are having.
I’m not a medical doctor, but I think you should go to a vascular surgeon and have yourself carefully checked out.
My baby girl is nine when she rub her ear it squeaks really loud everyone hears it she do not have it with heart beats or laying down only when she rubs it which is often is that normal
Hi Dion:
How old is your daughter–nine months or nine years old?
Explain this squeaking business more. Is the squeaking from the friction of rubbing the skin, or is the squeaking produced in her ear or exactly where?
I wouldn’t say it is common or normal, but I need more information to understand exactly what is happening.
Yes she is 10 years old I’m sorry An it’s when she rubbing it as to scratch it it’s squeaks really loud she does it often in her sleep as well she get her ears checked at physical but the doctor never said anything is wrong with it but it’s scares me an And her like crazy
Hi Dion:
If you rub her ear, does it squeak? Where does the sound come from–where you are rubbing–i.e. friction on the skin–or from her ear canal?
i woke up one night to squeaking noise so loud i thought something was in bed with us. i started looking under the covers before i realize that it was in my head . that was the first time i heard it . and the only time it was that loud . if it was that loud every time i heard it i would be locket up in the looney bin by now . i hear it quit often now but its not that loud . its just out of my norm . and just kinda wondering whats up ?
Hi Dave:
My first question is when you hear this squeaking sound, is it in unison with your heartbeat or not? Or is it just an occasional “squeak” by itself?
It’s not normal, but I don’t know exactly what it is at this point. Tell me more.
ya its in unison with my hart beat .but it come and gos its not there all the time .i don,t think so anyway i am 56 and most of the time i have a ringing in my ears. some times it,s lot louder some times not so much. every once in a wile on a good day i don,t hear it at all.
i do smoke about a the pack a day for the last 40 years.
Hi Dave:
I’d say you have pulsatile tinnitus. If you’re worried about it, see a good vascular surgeon who deals with cases of pulsatile tinnitus. It’s probably related to your arteries getting clogged up and all that smoking sure isn’t helping matters.
hey thanks doc NEiL for the reply
I’m 19 and I’ve had squeaking tied to my heart rate in my left ear when I lie down for almost a decade. it used to sound like water dripping, but it’s definitely more of a squeak now. I’ve been perfectly healthy my entire life, so I’m thinking it might have been caused by an ear surgery I had when I was 4 or 5.
Hi, I’m a 24 year old women.
I’ve been diagnosed with a Eustachian tube dysfunction with my left ear, since using Avamys and Fluxinase nasal drops the ringing has been going down – THANK GOD! Though a draining noise remain.
Recently, I started hearing a squeaking noise (like the sound of a mouse) in my right ear, it comes and goes. I started hearing it when I was lying on the side of my ear. I don’t know it if it’s in time with my heart beat. However, when I stand up the squeaking noise is still there. Some times I don’t hear it at all.
Any idea what may be up with my right ear?
Hi Vali:
I think it may have to do with your heartbeat. You should try to discover if it is in time with your heartbeat when you can hear it.
Do you hear it more when you are resting or sitting quietly, or more when you are active?
Thank you Neil for responding. I am incredibly grateful.
The left ear beeping is somewhat in line with my heart beat. I don’t always hear it when I’m active -I mostly hear it when I’m sitting quietly, or resting.
Also, interestingly, the whistling in my right ear is no longer intermittent when I perform the valsalva manoeuvre, instead it becomes a constant.
Also, it may be useful to mention, when I am lying down on both my right or left hand side, I can hear my heart beat loudly.
Hi Vali:
It seems you have pulsatile tinnitus–at least as near as you and I can tell. This is related to blood flow near your affected ear.
Do you have high blood pressure (you’re pretty young if you do), or are you stressed out, anxious and/or depressed?
When you perform the valsalva maneuver, how long does it take the tinnitus to go back to being intermittent, or does in never go back now?
I am a extremely anxious.
What could it be if it’s not pulsatile tinnitus?
When I perform the valsalva manoeuvre the tinnitus immediately goes back to being intermittent.
Can either of these be cured?
Thank you for responding, again I’m very appreciative indeed.
After biting hard on Candy, I started hearing noise in my left ear when I walk. It is a low sound synced with part of my body movement, like walking or doing steps, shaking wrist of my hand, moving my neck. Sometimes when the heart pounds hard, I hear pulsatile noise. I have never had any similar issues before, and I always listen to the music low volume. Since the occurrence happened sudden, will this sensation go away? Thank you.
Hi Sasha:
You haven’t given me enough information to tell what you problem is. If when you bit on the candy it suddenly broke and you heard a loud sound in your ear and your ear began ringing–that’s tinnitus. That’s one thing. However, if you bit down so hard that your jaw is now out of joint to some degree (temporomandibular joint disorder) that is another thing.
In the former case, then it should have gone away or go away soon. I can’t see how that could be related to body movements.
However, if it is the latter case, if you jaw is out of joint to some extent, body movements may aggravate it. Is your jaw sore, or cracks when you chew?
When I bit on the candy the left and the right jaw went across each other. And I heard a loud grinding noise of my crowns upper and lower crowns. Since then, I hear the low volume noise anytime I move my head left and right or move my wrist fast up and down. The loudest when I walk with my shoes on on hard cement. And sometimes, when my heart beats loud. Do I have an unusual case?
Hi Sasha:
I don’t understand what you mean when you say, “…the left and the right jaw went across each other”. Are you meaning your jaw moved sideways? And if so, did you put your jaw out of joint?
I also don’t understand the connection between moving your wrist fast up and down. Why should that affect your ears–unless moving your hand fast makes your blood flow faster and thus you hear pulsatile tinnitus louder as a result.
I still don’t really know what you have so it’s hard to figure out how to help you.
Also, I hear the sound when I step on the floor or move the skin above my right eyebrow. I am not making my blood flow faster this way. Well, then my problem is unique, and I am going to see an ear specialist in California and keep you posted.
Hi Sasha:
It seems you have a form of somatosensory tinnitus. Other nerves can be involved and send messages to your brain on other than the auditory nerve. That is why moving your eyebrow can create the tinnitus sounds.
Let me know what your ear specialist finds out.
Thanks Neil, most likely you are correct. Lets see what the expert says.
I still can not believe that it happened from one loud teeth grind.
Hi Sasha:
It doesn’t seem likely, does it, but I think it was the suddenness of it, the unexpectedness of it and the loudness of it that conspired to give you this acoustic shock disorder.
Hi, I saw a specialist and explained the cause. She said that I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. I personally don’t think so. Because I read online about cracking in ear symptoms. Maybe she meant the right ear, which opens up and I hear better, when I blow my nose. Thanks.
Hello, I’ve recently been diagnosed with Lupus anticoagulant clotting syndrome, from what the hematologist said the DVT I had Sept 2019 is finally disolved however I have a superficial clot near the same area (left calf). This clot came around the time that I was too high therapeutic level wise which concerns me. I noticed high anxiety, really hard heart beats, the feeling that something isn’t right, calf cramps, pain in abdomen but only off and on, like I have good days and bad days. The two most recent symptoms are cognitive issues concentration and memory loss. The second is why I posted here. I hear squeeking internally somewhere to my heart beat when I get exerted. Any idea what the heck is going on with me? We’re at a dead ebd
Hi Eric:
A squeaking sound in unison to your heartbeat is probably due to partially clogged arteries or high blood pressure causing turbulent blood flow that you hear as squeaking.
Hi! I have a definite squeaking in my right ear in time with my pulse when I bathe. My pulse is high in my very warm baths (~130) which I use to relieve muscle pain. As it’s only in a hot bath should I be concerned?
Hi Liza:
I suspect that your increased heart rate is causing blood to flow faster through your arteries and this causes more turbulent blood flow near your ears which you hear as the squeaking tinnitus. When you heart rate slows down, your blood flow also slows, the turbulence ceases and you don’t hear the squeaking tinnitus.
If that is your case, then I wouldn’t be concerned.
I just started hearing the squeak pulse in my ear…usually happens during a time of excitement. My carotid test was normal, have BP issues with meds. Last eight was normal.
Is this life threatening, I feel like this may be a sure sign of impending stroke or heart attack.
Hi Tboy:
Since your doctor has checked you out and found everything ok, I’d think the squeaking pulse is just annoying rather than dangerous.
I’m 26 years old and recently started hearing the squeaking. I think it is in unison with my heartrate.
I’ve only ever noticed it while sitting at my desk at work. It comes like once a day for a little while, until I move my neck then it stops. Would this be the pulsatile titinnus if it’s not constant? Also, kinda worried that it stops when I move my neck. Should I be worried about a neck tumor?
Hi Cosims:
Pulsatile tinnitus like the squeaking tinnitus you are experiencing does not have to be constant. Yours is due to certain neck movements or tension in your neck. By moving your neck when it occurs, you relieve the pressure on the artery and your pulsatile tinnitus goes away. Probably, you need to move around more rather than sitting in one position for too long. Just shrugging your shoulders and moving your head may be all it needs. I doubt you have a neck tumor.
When I am crying ( ugly crying) I get a very bad headache extremely high blood pressure and this honking noise in my right ear…. I also have experienced this with my head/ neck in different positions …I can stop the honking by readjusting my my head/neck and doing deep slow breaths…..I can instantly lower my Bp by laying on my side.
I forgot to add it honks with my heart rate…. I also have whooshing noises in both ears that sound exactly like an ultrasound, I’ve had that for years. But the honking has been the last 5 years and only under major stress… Ugly crying.
Hi Sam:
It sounds like your honking sounds are in unison to your heartbeat–which makes it pulsatile tinnitus. When you can stop it by changing your head/neck position, to me that indicates that you are compressing your arteries, causing turbulent blood flow and resulting in the pulsatile tinnitus. Straightening out your neck allows for proper blood flow and the pulsatile tinnitus goes away.
When you are crying it increases your blood pressure and thus your blood flows faster and is more turbulent, and the pulsatile tinnitus sounds come back.
I was diagnosed with a dysfunctional Eustachian tube about 10 years ago. I had constant ear infections when I was little, and they almost put tubes in my ears. My left ear is horrible – always popping, pressure never feels right, gets clogged, pain, etc. When I was in college, Drs wanted to put a tube but I couldn’t afford it. Recently, I had to get my ear flushed due to wax build up.
I also started experiencing pulsing tinnitus in that ear. It’s a squeaking in rhythm with my heart. When I love my head around, I can manipulate the sound. It’s not constant – comes and goes. When I plug my nose, slide my mouth, and create pressure, it stops. Does not stop when I press my artery. Hoping it’s just my dysfunctional Eustachian tube, since it’s the same ear (I read an article that said this can be a cause).
I’m only 33 and am very healthy otherwise – exercise regularly, perfect blood pressure, eat healthily (no junk, soda, etc.). I am pregnant and I’ve notice it’s gotten a but worse. Going to the doctor next week – it’s not my usual Dr but I’m just going for a referral. Do I see an ENT for this or someone else?
Hi Brittney:
If your squeaking tinnitus is due to your faulty Eustachian tube, why did it just start recently and not way back when?
Since it doesn’t stop when you press on your artery, likely you are pressing on the wrong artery, or not pressing hard enough. You have to totally stop blood flow to make the squeaking tinnitus stop if it is from arterial blood flow.
If it is a Eustachian tube problem, you’d see an ENT. If it is due to blood flow in an artery, I’d think a vascular surgeon would be the person to see.
However, if the Eustachian tube is malfunctioning due to your C4 or other vertebrae out of proper alignment and affecting the trigeminal nerve which controls your Eustachian tube, I’d see an upper cervical chiropractor. You can find them at and click on “Practitioners”. If it were me, I’d get checked out by the upper cervical chiropractor first. It could be that your neck has been out all these years.