by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A lady explained:
When my husband and I are in the car and my daughter is in the back seat, I cannot make out what she is saying. I have lost most of my hearing in the conversational range and also in the high frequencies. Do you have any suggestions how I can hear her better with my hearing aid when she is in the back seat. When it is just my husband and me, I can look right at him (if he is driving) and do pretty well hearing him.
What I do—and it works great for me with my severe hearing loss—is use a PockeTalker and a lapel microphone.
I just clip the lapel microphone on my wife and hear her wonderfully well. (I typically put the PockeTalker in the cup holder between us.)
If a person is sitting in the back seat, such as your daughter, just clip the lapel microphone to her and listen via the PockeTalker. If you want to hear 2 people at once (e.g. your husband and your daughter), all you need is a “Y” adapter (available at any Radio Shack store) and two lapel microphones.
To listen to the PockeTalker, you have two options—either use “bare ears” and wear ear buds plugged into the PockeTalker—which is what I normally do—or switch your hearing aids to t-coil mode and use a neckloop instead of ear buds.
If you need a longer cord for the microphone, not a problem. The PockeTalker comes with a 12 foot extension cord that you can use for that purpose.
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