by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. with Bob McPherson
A lady explained:
A person asked me about the best hearing aid batteries. She was inquiring about “gold” batteries and I’m not familiar with them. Are these “gold” batteries any better than the regular zinc- air batteries?
The expert on hearing aid batteries, and where to get the best deals, is my friend, Robert McPherson. the owner of the Yahoo on-line group, “bhNews” (I hang out there too. Bob posts lots of good information on the latest in hearing loss developments. To subscribe simply send a blank email to bhNEWS)
Here’s Bob’s reply.
The only “gold” batteries I’m aware of are the Eco Gold line, which has been very heavily advertised. A bit of digging revealed that they are actually imported by the Hearing Help Express company in Illinois from Varta Microbattery in Germany.
The Varta batteries, primarily marketed under the PowerOne brand, are top quality.
The catch is that the Eco Golds are advertised for $0.59 in quantities of 42—not such a good deal when the PowerOne’s are $0.45 in quantities of 60 from
For value, the Zenipower brand, also from Microbattery, offers comparable specs to the big names for only $0.29 in quantities of 60.
Bottom line: the Eco Gold is nothing special – just more heavily marketed presently than the rest!
There you have it from the “miserly Scott” as Bob often refers to himself. Point your browser to and save yourself some shekels on top quality batteries for less.
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