by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A lady wrote:
One thing I am concerned about is the new swine flu and flu vaccines in general. I’ve heard that they contain a lot of mercury. Do these vaccines have a negative effect on hearing? I have not ever had any kind of flu shot and will not if there is any question of damaging my hearing further. I already have lost almost all hearing in my right ear and some in the other one. The other problem is that I’m allergic to egg yolks, according to the doctor who did the blood allergy test for me. My internist doesn’t think this is a true allergy. I only have five foods that came up as problems, but avoiding them has improved my health; eating them does cause problems. So I am not anxious to ingest even a flu shot because it is made from egg yolk. I am most concerned about the effect on my hearing though. What is your take on vaccines?
I have been asked a number of times recently for my opinion on flu shots—whether they are ototoxic, or even necessary. In general, I’m against vaccines. Apart from the fact that they have a number of side effects—some as serious as death, they seem to mess up the immune system so it can’t do its job properly. This may be one reason for the proliferation of immune system diseases that are so prevalent today.
A number of vaccines can be ototoxic, including the influenza vaccines. I have two anecdotal reports in my files of children having significant hearing losses after getting flu shots. I wouldn’t take a flu shot unless the situation was life-threatening, and there weren’t any alternatives available.
The good news is that there are alternatives. I was just reading Dr. David Williams newsletter (1) and he addressed this issue. He says keep your immune system robust by doing two things to help prevent yourself from getting the flu—whether the swine flu or any other strain.
First, he suggests taking Vitamin D supplements (adult dose at 4,000 to 5,000 IU a day). You see, adequate amounts of Vitamin D are essential for your immune system to function properly. In the wintertime, when colds and the flu are common, we typically don’t get adequate Vitamin D through our skin from the sun. Therefore, we need to take Vitamin D supplements.
Second, make sure your beneficial gastrointestinal (GI) flora are present and healthy. In fact, the beneficial bacterial flora in your GI tract are so important they are often called your second immune system. If your GI flora are depleted from taking antibiotics for example, you are much more vulnerable to all sorts of “bugs” including flu bugs.
Therefore, eat fermented foods with live cultures such as live yogurt and kindred foods, and/or take probiotic supplements containing bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus to maintain adequate numbers of the beneficial bacterial flora in your intestinal tract.
Dr. Williams ends his article with this admonition. “If you want to avoid the flu and other epidemics, live longer, stay healthier, and minimize the chronic problems associated with aging, make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D, start taking probiotics, and routinely add fermented food to your diet.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself! When you do this, you likely won’t have any problems with the swine flu or any other similar infections. (1) “Keeping Up With the Flu”. Dr. David Williams. October, 2009. In: Alternatives, Vol. 13, No. 4.
Received flu shot in Needles, CA. eighth yrs of shots. Lost most of hearing in left ear after third day. Taking Presindone for 17 dys for possible treatment.
Healthy male, age 66, active
Received flu shot 2nd time ever, and 3 weeks later am deaf in left ear.
Received Novartis Fluvirin flu shot in right arm and 15 days later experienced sudden hearing loss in right ear (60 dB in higher ranges). Taking Prednisone in an attempt to reclaim any hearing, though since the golden hours have expired not sure it will work. PCP’s, who are pushing these vaccines, should be schooled by colleagues and be aware that sudden hearing loss is an emergency. I was summarily dismissed by virtually everyone but thanks to this site and the invaluable information demanded to see an ENT right away who provided the script. I am telling everyone I know about sudden hearing loss and what to do.
Received flu shot in October 2011. Then, about 3 weeks later had a sudden high frequency sensorineural hearing loss in the left ear and tinnitus. ENT prescribed Prednisone. After about one week, hearing returned to normal.
Received flu shot on Sept 24, 2013. Within 1 hour, had major hearing loss in left ear (sounds like I have an ear plug in). Do I need to get the Prednisone, or will my hearing come back on it’s own?
This is the last time I ever get a flu shot.
Hi Eric:
That was quick. Usually, hearing loss from a flu shot takes between 1 day and 3 weeks to show up. Did you get the flu shot in your left arm?
I looked over all the reports I’ve received regarding taking Prednisone after hearing loss from flu shots and it seems to work for some, a bit for some and not at all for others.
For example, “A man wrote, “I had a flu shot and usually get them every year. The next day I lost all hearing in my left ear over a 3-4 hour span. I went to the doctor and was taking oral Prednisone within 12 hours. Over the course of a month or so I regained about 10% of my hearing, but the ringing is loud and nonstop 24/7. It’s now 2 1/2 months later and there is really no change.”
So it is up to you, of course. If you do choose to get the Prednisone, do it today–as soon as you can, rather than waiting. The more time that passes, the less effective it is–if it works at all. If you choose to do nothing, your hearing may or may not come back. There is no way to know in advance what will happen.
Hi Dr. Neil,
Thanks for the response.
The flu shot was actually in the right arm. I should clarify my previous post. I started noticing some hearing loss within about an hour; it then got progressively worse over the next 4 hours. It’s now been almost 24 hours, and still no improvement. I finally found a doctor who would see me on short notice, going there now for the prednisone.
I received a flu vaccine in 1998 and four days after i woke up with sudden hearing loss in rt ear with vertigo and tinnitus. the hearing never returned after treatment of prednisone. my dilemma now is that work is mandating flu vaccinations. the employee health doc says not to get it but wear a mask during the flu season. fine, but next year i may find myself unemployed by not receiving it. do you know if the symptoms can get worse getting it again? the tinnitus is tough to deal with at times. i hate to give up 30 years in the health field because of this.
I had a flue shot this year (Oct 2013). Four hours later when I laid down to sleep, i felt a rush of anxiety come over my body and my ears suddenly began to ring loudly. I was ill and vomiting most of the night. I went to my GP the next day – ears still ringing. She said it could not have been the flu shot and basically gave me no help. I left. Three months later – my ears are still ringing. She’s fired!
I had flu shot .got hearing loss in four to five hours .h1n1. Two years ago.
Immediate audiogram show SN hearing loss. Steroid give. MRI was negative.
Do anyone know theory how flu shot give SN hearing loss ?
Hi Jung:
When you inject a live virus into your bloodstream, it largely bypasses your immune system. Then it is carried by your bloodstream to your inner ears and can cause massive hearing loss. Some vaccines are supposed to have all dead viruses, and some have “inactivated” viruses, but if even a few are live and robust, that is enough to cause problems. (And too often there are live viruses when they are not supposed to be live as I understand it.)
I would
Received the flu shot two weeks ago. The day after I’m suffering from debilitating tinitus unilateral in my right ear. The definition of hell is loud tinitus. If I could go back in time I would have never got the flu shot. I feel like I was lied too. I asked the pharmacist if hearing damage acute or chronic is a side affect. The pharmacist assured me no no it doesn’t happen. Smh I just started a strong dose of Prednisone I’m praying it helps.
Hi Paul:
I’ve heard from others that have had similar experiences.
As you say, too bad you can’t go back in time, but you can learn from this and avoid vaccines in the future so you don’t make things worse for yourself.
You were lied to. The pharmaceutical companies know what is going on, but keep so many of the side effect reports hidden so you don’t know about them. Doctors by and large, are misinformed by the drug companies propaganda machine so they think vaccines are much safer than they really are.
You have do your due diligence and really dig to find out the truth before you consider taking any vaccine–or any other drug for that matter.
I don’t think Prednisone will help much with tinnitus, but you can be hopeful.
Hi Dr Bauman
I had flu shots over two consecutive years more than five years ago. I didn’t associate the symptoms after the first dose as being caused by the vaccine, but the penny dropped when the symptoms flared after the second dose (they tested me for Meniere’s in the interim).
I now have permanent tinnitus in my left ear, with some hearing loss. I’ve read that if you only have unilateral tinnitus that you should check for an underlying medical/neurological issue (tumours etc). Can I please confirm that in this case it’s probably not necessary, and it likely related to the vaccine only?
After consulting with her after my second dose, my GP did confirm that it was a known reaction, said she would report it (doubtful considering her pressure on me to get COVID jabbed since) and that I should never have it again. Even this did not exempt me for the COVID jab, which I absolutely refuse to take, even though I’m still having trouble getting work as an admin in human service, health care and educational settings where my experience and passion lies.
Thanks for your input. Mostly I just manage the symptoms with distraction etc, though they do seem to flare if I’m unwell or stressed. I do feel a sense of pressure in that ear at times, and do get periodic headaches.
Kind regards
Kathy (Australia)
Hi Kathy:
Medical doctors worry that unilateral symptoms can indicate serious medical problems–and this can be true. But, when you take drugs or vaccines, they can cause symptoms in just one ear for some reason. This does not seem right or logical since drugs/vaccines travel throughout your body via your bloodstream, so should affect both ears more or less equally. However, this is not always the way it works, but doctors discount this and assume the worst.
In your case, I agree with you that you unlikely have any serious unilateral problem. So the choice is up to you whether you want to do all the extra (probably unnecessary) testing your doctor wants to do.
As you have also found out, your remaining symptoms tend to get worse when you are stressed/anxious or unwell. This is common and typically reduces or goes away as you control your stress/anxiety or get better.
I recived a flu shot last year 2015. Upper left arm. Within 24 hrs I had a clicking in my left ear which lasted about 2 or 3 weeks then turned into constant ringing. Now a year on its worse than ever. My doctor said no connection between flu shots and tinnitus. What next? I’ve had my ears flushed but no improvement. Is there anything that can be done?
Hi Jac:
Your doctor is either ignorant or a liar or both. One lady had a similar expperience. Her first ENT was like yours, but fortunately the second one she went to was up to date and willing to tell the truth. She wrote, “The first ENT said there was no correlation. I did not believe him- as I never in my entire life had noise in my ears. I went to a second ENT, and he agreed ringing and sensorineural hearing loss was related to the flu vaccine.”
Since this has continued for a year now, it is unlikely that any kind of medical treatments will help, but there are many things you can do to take control of your tinnitus. You can learn about these many things in my newly-revised and expanded book on tinnitus, “Take Control of Your Tinnitus–Here’s How”. You can get it at
Thank you Neil, I have just seen your reply after getting more checks yesterday. Now a different Doctor same practice has said there may be a correlation . Sent me for a head CT scan and I get the results tomorrow . I am so angry and cheesed off I wasn’t informed of the risks. This is a farce! Thank you for the reply it is much appreciated. I will check out the link. Kind regards Jac
I took a flu shot and a pneumonia shot same day, different arms, and 4 days later began to hear a hiss in my head day and night for the last 23 days. An ENT prescribed prednisone and there has been relief some days, but the sound returned at the end of the course. I am now on a 2nd round of prednisone hoping for the best. The ENT said this blog was anecdotal, not scientific. I disagree. What I observe, and what I read on this blog is believable and others should be warned about this possible response to a vaccine. Like the lady called Jac, above, I have never had any problem of this kind. As a musician this is a disaster.
Hi Larry:
There’s nothing scientific about the flu shot. Ask you doctor to show scientific evidence that it is NOT ototoxic. You won’t find any. Thus all the evidence that shows it is harmful is anecdotal. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean it is not true.
You could also try to find scientific evidence that it actually works in more than a few percent of the people getting the flu shot.
The stories presented here are true–and thus are believable–especially since person after person tells a similar story. It’s not as if there was only one or two reports.
I’d never recommend anyone get the flu shot based on all the bad reports I’ve received from people getting it.
the hiss I have heard in my ears since 4 days after taking the senior’s dose of the flu shot, and the pneumonia vaccine in the other arm, is still alive and well from mid October to today, January 31. I can’t believe how this has changed my life.
Both my ENT and my internist said they expected this to go away. Still waiting.
My husband had a flu shot last Friday. By Saturday, he had sudden, near total hearing loss in his right ear. He already wears hearing aids. We spent the first several days flushing the ear, thinking it might be wax. Went to urgent care yesterday (Thurs.). No wax, no infection. Said to go to Miracle Ear and make sure his hearing aids were working okay, which they are, and which he already had asserted. They said he’s got total hearing loss in the right ear, probably due to nerve damage, likely from a virus. He hasn’t been sick. It’s got to be the vaccine. He is now referred to an ENT. I’m so angry. He’s been through cancer, and so many other health crises, and now this. I’ve never, ever known that there was hearing loss associated with the flu vaccine until I looked it up just now. Thank you for your website and the information you provide.
Hi Marie:
I don’t have any ototoxic information on the 2016 flu shot. Personally I’d never take, and have never taken, a flu shot. Much better to keep your immune system robust. You can help do this by taking vitamin D3.
I’m an ophthalmology professor in Seoul, South Korea. On 19th October this year, I got flu shot on my left arm. After 3 days I felt my left ear is stuffed (congested) and slightly decreased sense of hearing. No tinnitus or vertigo. I initially thought it was otitis media. So I started ofloxacin, amoxicillin, NSAIDs for 5days, but showed little response. So I go to ENT doctor, he said I am acute low-tone SNHL. He recommened prednisolone 60mg po. After taking prednisolone, my symptom aggravated and fever, chill developed. So I quit prednisolone, and I started Tamiflu(oseltamivir) 75mg bid po. It showed response dramatically for initial 2~3days. After 5days Tamiflu treatment, still remained slight ear stuffness feeling. So I maintained more 10days of Tamiflu, but ear symptom slightly aggravated and my left arm (injection site) showed dull pain. This minute pain is extended to vertically down to upper arm and up to ear through neck. So I started prednisolone 15mg with Tamiflu, so the symptom improved a little bit now, but still persists. I think my delayed immune system is attacking flu virus to clear the remaining virus. So I am taking prednisolone minimally to prevent inner ear neural tissue damage with the covering of Tamiflu. So I recommend if you see these patients, please try Tamiflu. It might work like me.
I had a flu shot 4 weeks ago. I had dizziness, some numbness on left cheek and ear discomfort starting after 1st week. The dizziness is largely gone now, but I have a high pitched ringing in my left ear ( had flu shot on left arm). First ENT appointment I could get is Jan 6. What a pain. I don’t usually get flu shots but did this year after my PCP recommended it.
Hi Anthony:
Just because a doctor recommends a flu shot (or any other treatment) doesn’t mean it is not without some pretty serious adverse side effects. So you always need to do your own “due diligence” and then make up your own mind what you are prepared to risk for the supposed benefit.
Flu shots can be very ototoxic as you, and numbers of other people, have found out.
Hopefully your tinnitus will go away in time, but there are no guarantees.
Hi Neil
I am being asked to get a hepatitis B vaccine shot before I start as a hospice volunteer . I know you do not like vaccines but what about the Hep B vaccine ?
Hi Randy:
This vaccine is like all the others–it has its risks, some of which are ototoxic. Hepatitis B vaccine can result in hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo and ear pain in some people. The risk may be relatively small, but it is nevertheless very real. So you have to decide how much you are prepared to risk.
I received a second flu shot in error by a pharmacist who was supposed to be giving me a pneumonia vaccine. Two days after the shot in my left arm, I have tinnitus in both ears bad with some episodes of dizziness as well. First MD treated it as ear infection. I am seeing an ENT soon. Any advice? I am thinking of seeking legal counsel on this.
Hi Cynthia:
The damage has been done now. Hopefully, your tinnitus will get less and less as time goes by. The big thing is not to focus on your tinnitus or you’ll make it worse. Focus on other things and let it fade away.
I got the flu shot for the first time and now I have a rumble in my left eas like a subwoofer constantly
Another anecdotal data point here. A couple of days ago flu shot L arm 2 pm, hearing loss 9 pm around 700 Hz R ear, history of SSHL 2003 and some minor onward (all resolved adequately, treated promptly with Prednisone). 47 yo now. Regular flu shots last 5 or so years, more sporadic before then, I haven’t found any prior correlation to the events 2003 onward (but haven’t looked hard enough to rule it out). But it was the first time I’ve had “flu like symptoms” following a flu shot in years, quite bad, kicked in about 8 pm, feeling dizzy, then at the onset of hearing loss I had to equalise (a lot of popping in that ear) to the point I convinced myself it was conductive or a weather change (it wasn’t), until I noticed the dual-tone effect and tested it. Self-administered 60mg Prednisone around midnight just to be safe (on hand for asthma emergencies). After about an hour I could hear ringing at the affected frequencies, which I’ve learned is a good sign that hearing is returning. By the morning it was greatly resolved, after 48 hours sensitivity and wild pitch differences are approaching normal.
Hi Antony:
You wrote, “after about an hour I could hear ringing in the affected frequencies, which I’ve learned is a good sign that hearing is returning.” Just a point of correction here. Tinnitus usually accompanies hearing loss. It’s when hearing returns that you tinnitus starts to fade away.
After getting the Flu shot on 10/25/2017 I got a terrible headache and feeling of being sick for the first 2 days. On the third day I noticed tinnitus in both of my ears. A very loud ringing worse in my left ear. I will not be taking the flu shot ever again. I haven’t ever had the flu since I was about 12 years old and I’m 64 now.
I received a flu shot on 9/19/17 and started with a clogged right ear and ringing in my ears. Went to an ENT where I got a hearing test that showed sensioneural hearing loss. Prescripte a short course of prednisone. On follow-up visit with another ENT in the practice received an second, stronger course of prednisone–neither seems to have had an affect on my tinnitus. The ear cleared up a bit, still clogs on occasion. I really do think the flu shot had something to do with it, although I have never had a reaction to a flu shot previously. Is this ringing and hearing loss permanent (I think it is, sadly).
Hi Maggie:
It seems that so often flu shots do more harm than good–and they are not very effective in the first place. Personally, I’d never take a flu shot–or any other shots for that matter.
I hear from many people who have wrecked their ears soon after having a flu shot. They get hearing loss and tinnitus. Both may prove to be permanent. Only time will tell.
so refreshing to hear your comments!! make total sense to me I would never elect to receive flu shot, however in the medical field so many are convinced flu shots are the next best thing since sliced bread I believe it’s all related to profit$$$
Hi D:
Yes, profits drive drive the drug/vaccine world. And doctors are hoodwinked because a lot of so-called vaccine research is less than honest as they don’t bother to tell you all the negative side effects and how common they are. This is basically kept quiet–so no one can make a fully-informed decision by comparing the supposed benefits to the very real risks.
My husband had a flu injection 2017 and 12 hours later had hearing loss. We went to emergency as was Sunday and got drops given with instruction to go to our doctor Monday if no change. Our doctor just treated with antibiotics and drops and after weeks had gone by he gave up. Now waiting many months later to see specialist. Still bad hearing loss no change. Doctors say flu injection does not cause this???????? This appears to be a major injustice. If they would just admit it maybe we could get ACC help or help with costs of a hearing aid of which I think may end up being out final solution. Also may doctors could treat effectively and fast to save some valuable hearing if they were aware of the danger and also trained in the treatment needed. Very frustrating situation this is.Life changing for my poor husband now living with a hearing loss handicap. NZ
Hi Pauline:
I sure understand. I hear from so many people that have similar stories–got flu shot and then have hearing loss soon after and their doctors deny that the flu shot caused the hearing loss.
This may be true in a single case and they put it down to coincidence, but when numerous people have the same problems, it is no longer a coincidence. It is obvious that there is a real cause and effect going on.
And on top of that, the flu shot isn’t very effective anyway–less than 10% effective this year and according to one reputable source, its effectiveness is FAR less than that. So it seems that the harm it does outweighs the potential good it could do. Therefore, it seems most people would be better off without it.
Hi Neil,
I had a flu shot on my left arm on 17th May, 2018. I had ringing 1 hour later. It’s almost 2 months and I still have ringing in my ears. Is it late for me to take Prednisone. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.
Hi Hua:
Typically, Prednisone only works if you take it in the first two weeks after an event. It may do soume good up to 4 weeks, but after that, I’ve never heard of it being effective. But it is used to get hearing back, not to treat tinnitus.
Thanks Neil. I had ear ringing from time to time in the first 1 month after flu shot. Now the problem to me is that if I pay attention to my ear and brain area, I can hear low-volume noise all the time. Not sure is it normal or is it still a ear ringing problem. I feel like I have some physiological shadow can’t tell whether I still have ringing. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
Hi Hua:
You don’t want to “pay attention” to your tinnitus. This just tells your brain it is important and your brain will then make it louder and louder. You need to totally ignore your tinnitus and focus on other things. This tells your brain it is unimportant and over time it will disappear or fade into the background.
I’m an audiologist. Had flu shot in left arm yesterday. Woke up today with right low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. Starting prednisone today. Good thing ENT dept. right down the hall…
Thursday I had a flu shot in left arm at 1:30 pm. Two hrs later had complete hearing loss in rt ear and about 40% loss in lf ear. Fri I went to a walk in clinic to a have them looked at. PA gave me Predisone. Started it 2xd. Will have to wait till Mon to see a ENT Doc. I pray this stops the loss. I get a flu shot every yr, first time to get a reaction of any kind.
I had a Flu shot a week prior and then On October 17th, 2018 I started experiencing vertigo. The spinning, loss of balance and throwing up. I went to the doctor the next day who said yes it seems like I do have Vertigo. I was prescribed to meds. One was called Mezacline. After about 3 days on the medicine my right ear started ringing and making weird swooshing noises. After a day my right ear went completely deaf. I was having a lot of pain on the right side of my face as well. After the right went my left ear started ringing and the hearing was declining. I started panicking. I went to an ENT. He told me I have sudden sensorinueral hearing loss. I have been on predisone steroids for a month. My left ear is coming back well but not my right. I usually do not get the flu shot but this year I decided to give it a chance… never again…
Hi Jackie:
Unfortunately, too often people don’t learn about the dangers of the flu shot until it is too late. But your story will reach people showing that the risk is real and that flu shots are not always without serious consequences.
The antibiotic, gentimicin, is a component of the flu shot. It is highly ototoxic, which might be one reason some susceptible people who have received a flu vaccination have concomitant hearing loss.
My 6 yr old son had the flu vaccine on Friday December 7. He woke up on Sunday morning complaining of pain in his right ear and some fever. We gave him some Tylenol for the fever. He woke up again on Monday morning with fever and pain in the left ear this time and some hearing loss. I took him to immediate care and the nurse practitioner examined his ear and said he had swimmer’s ear. She prescribed ear drops that he is taking now. I asked her about the hearing loss, she said that he had a lot of wax in his ears that need to be flushed out after he feels better from the infection. We have to repeat what we say to him in order for him to hear us and understand us. I am worried now after reading all these horror stories from the posts here after receiving the flu shot. Should I proactively seek help for my son from an ENT? or should I wait and see if the hearing will be ok after the infection is gone? Thanks!!
Hi Yaser:
If his hearing problems were caused by the flu shot, the damage is already done. What would you expect the ENT to do–apart from saying, “Oh no, the flu shot couldn’t have caused that.
Normally, I’d suggest high doses of vitamins C and D3 and NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) but I don’t know what the safe levels are for young children so I’m not suggesting that.
I got a flu shot in Oct 2018 and four days later suffered total hearing loss in my left ear. I went to urgent care and they told me it was a sinus infection. Then I went to a few other Dr’s and then to an ENT. I did 2 weeks of steroids, and no improvement. I have on and off pressure and pulsating and tinnitus in that ear with no recovery. It’s now 3 months later. I’m 41 and had great hearing before. I had never had the flu shot before either. I can’t believe there isn’t more noise around this (other than this great blog). I have done a lot of acupuncture that has helped with my stress and to lesson the ringing in my ears. I do have some dizziness when I get up in the night to go to the bathroom.
Hi Shannah:
Doctors are brainwashed to believe that there are no such side effects from taking the flu shot–namely hearing loss like you experienced. Therefore, they put it down to other causes or coincidence, and not what it really is, a nasty side effect of taking the flu shot–and one that happens to numbers of people as you now know.
I had the flu shot back in 2011, and lost all hearing in my left ear. Tried everything to bring it back. Suffer from tinnitus, vertigo, and have been told I have Menieres…none of this before flu shot when the tinnitus and hearing loss started two days after shot. Had to get a cochlear implant since hearing aids don’t work. They said my loss was “profound”. I refuse to take any type of vaccine for anything anymore. My doctor won’t let me. You get used to the noise after awhile, so like Dr. Neil says, don’t dwell on it. Trust me, I wish I knew this before the shot.
I got a flu shot last week. I went to the doctor to get my meds refilled but while I was there they suggested I get a flu shot. 3 days later I started getting ringing in my ears. Really bad in my left. Now I’m getting dizzy. I went to an urgent care tonight and they blew me off. No help. I’m scared now that I’m losing my hearing. Isn’t anyone accountable for this travesty?
Hi Mark:
Apparently not. That is why you have to do your own due diligence before you take any drug, shot, vaccine, etc. Personally, I’d never take a flu-shot.
I am a 68 year old woman who is deaf in one ear due to acoustic neuroma, very mild, almost non-extent tinnitus in my deaf ear from this. I’ve had the flu shot before without any effect except for once when it was the one with a preservative. I thought that was the culprit. It resolved in a few weeks. I gave in to my internist this year who wanted me to have the flu shot, Nov. 30, 2018, despite my panic after reading this website. He discounted this as did other tinnitus “specialists”. My biggest regret – I now have intrusive tinnitus, constant, one a high noxious sound with pressure in my deaf ear, pulsatile tinnitus in my hearing ear which resulted late that night after the shot. One doctor said this would resolve, give it time. It’s been 5 months and I’ve lost hope. I’ve tried acupuncture, NAC supplements, Vit B12 and CBT. Same internist said this will never go away now. I don’t know how to bear this life sentence!
I am a 65 year old woman who got the flu shot at my PCP’s insistence. That night I was awakened at 3am with loud tinnitus in both ears, it is constant and continues to this day, 5 months later. I’ve had flu shots before without side effects and twice before with mild tinnitus that went away on its own in a few weeks. Does this suggest hearing loss? Have I passed the window of time for the tinnitus to remit on its own? Thank you.
Hi Sam:
You don’t have to give in to your PCPs wishes. You can insist just as strongly that you don’t get it. After all, you are the boss–not your doctor. Technically, he is your servant since you hired him. He gives his opinion (advice) but you are free to accept it or reject it if you think it is not good advice.
The thing about drugs is that you are free to chose to take them, but you are NOT free to choose the consequences. Sometimes nothing bad happens, and sometimes bad things happen.
The way I see it, the two times you had mild tinnitus were warnings that this flu shot is not good for your ears. Since it has been 5 months now, I appears that your tinnitus is now permanent.
The only way to know if you hearing is affected is to go to an audiologist and ask for a complete audiological evaluation. Unfortunately, that will only indicate your current state of hearing. It won’t tell you whether you lost some hearing from the flu shot. To know that, you’d have to have had a hearing test some time before you took the flu shot.
You may only have tinnitus and not any hearing loss from this flu shot.
Can you say what the ototoxic ingredient was in the 2018 flu shot? I thought I was safe with the preservative free one but I ended up getting tinnitus in both ears, late that night after the injection. It’s been constant now for 6 months.
Hi Georgina:
You are assuming that it is preservatives that cause ototoxicity. In some cases that is true, but I think often it is the vaccine itself that causes the ototoxicity. Vaccines themselves are NOT inherently safe. That is why you need to exercise caution when thinking of injecting ANY foreign substance into your body.
Hi, just got flu shot 2 days ago. Suddenly have non stop high pitch noise in my left ear. Immediately googled flu shot and hearing and found your site. You said prednisone only brings back hearing. But is there something I can take immediately to damage control the high pitch noise situation and hopefully make it go away?
Hi Daniel:
There are no guarantees, but you can try several things. One thing I’d try is taking high doses of N-acetyl-cysteine–one of the ingredients to glutathione–your body’s most powerful antioxidant–so it can make more glutathione to kill free radicals in your inner ears that often are the root of the problem. Also take zinc and magnesium supplements.
You need to take the NAC NOW as after 3 or 4 days it is too late–the damage is already done. Other than that, you might want to try Arches tinnitus formula–their brand of high-potency ginkgo biloba. This helps some people.
The above is probably what I’d do if I were in your shoes. And if you were in my shoes, you’d have never taken the flu (or other) shots in the first place, and thus not have damaged your ears. I don’t see that the risks are worth it.
Thanks Neil. I am going to take some of this tomorrow morning when I can get it from their warehouse…
However, what is the highest safe dose, and how often, and for how long?
They say on the website “Consume 2g of N Acetyl Cysteine once a day with a meal. A flat 5ml scoop included provides 3.4g of N Acetyl Cysteine.”
I want to give myself the best chance of saving my hearing, so I am ready to throw everything at it.
If you could reply ASAP, that would help because I’m going to be consuming it by 8am Australian Eastern Time (Friday) – 9.5 hours from now.
Thanks a bunch.
Hi Daniel:
Here is a quote from one of my articles, “Note: you don’t want to overdose on N-Acetyl-Cysteine, as it can actually work “backwards” and cause more ear damage. I’ve seen figures that if you take more than 2,800 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine a day it can reverse its activity and become a pro-oxidant rather than the beneficial antioxidant.”
Therefore, I’d suggest a maximum safe dosage would be around 2,000 mg (2 g) per day. I’d stay well below the maximum of 2,800 mg because each person’s body may be different.
I’d also suggest you only take it for a week or so. By then any damage that has been done is done so taking it longer won’t help and taking a high dosage for longer than that may not be good for your body.
Hi Neil, I’ve done what you said for the ringing, however my hearing has been increasingly worsening since the flu shot also. Prednisone can only be given by prescription in Australia. How do I convince a treating physician (even an otologist) to prescribe me this. Also, there is a huge list of possible side effects – including blindness- from prednisone. How dangerous is prednisone? Does the short term use of it make it safe? Have your heard horror stories of prednisone? Is there something like N-Acetyl-Cysteine to give my deteriorating hearing the best chance before the golden hours expire? Stopping the ringing is now of secondary importance to stopping possible deafness.
Hi Daniel:
Prednisone is not a sure-fire cure for hearing loss. In fact, some doctors won’t prescribe it because it is not proven to be efficacious. Many other doctors prescribe it like candy for every condition. As I see it, sometimes Prednisone helps hearing return. Sometimes hearing returns in spite of any treatment doctors may prescribe, and sometimes hearing does not come back no matter which treatment is tried including Prednisone.
Prednisone can indeed cause “horror stories”, but for many people they don’t seem to have any side effects. You take your chances, but if you only take one course of Prednisone, I don’t think it will cause any ear problems. I’ve taken a course of Prednisone without problems. But I wouldn’t take more than one course–unless it dramatically helps.
Personally, I’d take zinc and magnesium to help your ears heal as much as possible.
I’m so glad I found your website. Wished I had found your website earlier. I got scared hearing about the Corona virus on the news, so I went and got the flu shot on Jan. 23rd 2020. 6 hours later I started hearing a high pitched ringing in my ears and my ears hurt. The ringing is tolerable, but I’m worried about further damage to my ears. I’m 67, so I got a high dose vaccination. Any suggestions and how long of a window of time can the vaccine continue to cause damage?
Hi Eileen:
Just be glad you only got tinnitus and not hearing loss as well like numbers of unfortunate people do. I’d say that any damage you’ll get should show up in the two weeks following the vaccination. However, that does not mean that the damage will go away then. For example, hearing loss and tinnitus may prove to be permanent. That is one of the reasons I don’t recommend vaccines. You can choose to take the flu-shot, but you don’t get to choose the resulting side effects. Besides it is typically not very effective. Is it even effective at all against the Corona virus?
My sister has told me take high doses of vitamin c because it is an antioxidant. I’m just wondering though, since you said you can take too much NAC and it make matters worse, will combing vitamin c also make it worse because there is too much antioxidant activity with both remedies combined?
Hi Daniel:
Excellent question. I do not know the definitive answer, but from what I have read, it seems you can take both together without harm. But you want to do things in moderation of course–and not go way off the deep end.
Hi Doctor Neil,
I had a flu shot on Sunday. I was reluctant because I have existing tinnitus but I never had a problem in the past so I went ahead. My tinnitus turned into a hiss afterwards and it is hard to sleep. Also I have felt a fullness in my ears which seems to be more in the evening. Ive tried taking NAC but I am not sure if this is making the fullness worse. Im concerned about hearing loss and wondering if I should go on Prednisone. What do you think?
Hi Anthony:
I doubt if the NAC is causing the feelings of fullness. That is more likely from the flu shot. It could indicate congestion, or it could indicate that you have some sensorineural hearing loss. If it is the latter, then taking Prednisone might be a good idea. Run it by your doctor.
I was diagnosed with Menieres about 7 years ago, but haven’t had an episode of vertigo for about 3 and a half years now. I’ve had the flu shot every year for the past 4 or 5 years (forgot last year though).
Well I had the flu shot today and a couple hours later I’m having some mild vertigo feelings – usually starts off as kind of a drunk feeling or inability to focus my eyes before it turns into a full blown vertigo attack. Haven’t felt this way for over 3 years and can’t help but feeling it’s not a coincidence. Is there any data to show that flu shots could cause Menieres symptoms to flare up?
Hi Andrew:
Flu shots can be ototoxic and can cause the same symptoms as are considered the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. For example, the flu shot can cause balance disorders, dizziness and vertigo (among a host of other ototoxic side effects). Thus, in your case you got some of these and wonder whether it is your Meniere’s flaring up. As I understand it, the answer is no–you are just having some of the ototoxic side effects of the flu shot that can show up in just a few hours. I’ve heard from many people who have had various ototoxic reactions to having the flu shot.
I got flu shot 9 days ago. Have no hearing in left ear, same side got the shot in. Cannot take steroids. Can you help?k Yarbrough
Hi K:
I’m sorry to hear that, but unfortunately it happens to numbers of people. This is one reason why I think flu shots do more harm than good. The risk/benefit ratio just isn’t on your side.
If you had gotten a hold of me the same day or next day, I’d have had some suggestions, but now its almost two weeks later–and much too late for those things to work. Since you can’t take steroids–which is all doctors know to do–I think you’ll just have to wait and see if any hearing comes back.
Hi Neil, I have hearring loss, started with mild tinnitus 2 yrs ago , was ok to live with, came and went, but after flu jab in Oct 18 I noticed it more, then 6 months later was prescribed doxycycline for ear infection, this made my tinnitus louder. What are you’re thoughts.
Hi Jeff:
Well, the flu shot can certainly cause hearing loss and tinnitus. Ear infections, if they cause a temporary or permanent hearing loss, can make tinnitus worse since tinnitus almost always accompanies hearing loss. And also, ototoxic drugs such as Doxycycline can cause tinnitus (and hearing loss too).
Since all of this is in the past, not much you can do about it. But what you can do is totally ignore your tinnitus by focusing on the loves of your life and let your tinnitus fade into the background where it won’t bother you–even if you can still hear it. But typically, you’ll go hours or days without being aware you have tinnitus. This is called becoming habituated to your tinnitus. This is what you want to achieve.
I m 54 yr old, i had flu shot october 1 and 2 day after my ears get infected, my doctor gave me neomycin but that made it worst so been 10 day i’m having my ear problem and it s not getting better. can you please help me.
Hi Aliyeh:
There’s not much you can do now. The flu shot damaged your hearing and the neomycin sure didn’t help as it is VERY ototoxic. I don’t know of any way to undo this damage.
For medical reasons, I have to get the flu shot this year, but am very worried about my hearing. I discovered a brand called flublok that uses recombinant proteins rather than heat killed flu viral strains. Flublok also doesn’t contain antibiotics, preservatives, etc. Do you think this is the safest one to get out of all the other options?
Hi Gabriele:
I don’t know which vaccine is the least ototoxic. But I’m with you that it would appear the flublok could be the least ototoxic.
I’m still determining what flu shot to get and have to decide soon. For medical reasons, I have to get vaccinated. I would rather take your recommended vitamins instead.. The nasal flu mist is not an option for me. I have two choices for the injectable forms: recombinant proteins OR the heat-killed form. From your knowledge on flu shots, have you heard more cases of hearing loss on what type over the other?
Hi Gabriele:
Unfortunately, people don’t tell me the kind of flu shot they got (if they even know), so all the information I have on ototoxicity is lumped together. Thus, I can’t answer your question. Sorry.
I received the flu shot on Oct 8th,
I didn’t notice any hearing loss, but others noticed i didn’t hear beeps on my watch, and I had some dizziness following the flu shot but didn’t notice any hearing loss, then at the end of Nov I get tinnitus sudden onset, go to ENT they say I have high frequency hearing loss, gave me steroids. Was this the flu shot and do I have a chance in hell since I started the steroids within 4 days of the tinnitus symptoms? Should I get the injections?
Hi CW:
The flu shot causes ototoxic side effects in numbers of people.
Steroids are only effective in the first 30 days after the shot, preferably in the first two weeks. It is now well past 2 months, so in my opinion, its much too late for steroids to help much if at all.
Can you contact your doctor and find out which flu shot brand you received? This happened to me with the Flu Blok brand.
Dr Neil,
I work in the hospital and I have to receive an annual flu shot. This time I have tinnitus for 1.5 days. Until I can see an ENT to get prednisone. I read 2000mg max dose of turmeric a day can help. I was going to take a 900 mg capsule twice daily and Vitamin D3 at lunch. I haven’t seen anyone mention turmeric in these posts but other publications many people have had good results even if reduced. I saw you mentioned NAC. Should I try that instead or both as long as no interactions?
Hi Glenn:
I haven’t seen tumeric mentioned as a treatment for tinnitus either. I’d appreciate it if you’d send me the links to such articles.
NAC is for hearing loss, not for tinnitus, but often tinnitus accompanies hearing loss. If you want to take NAC, I don’t think it would interfere with tumeric, but as I said, I have no experience with it.
Also, I’m not aware that prednisone is an effective treatment for tinnitus.
Thanks Dr Neil!
So had ears tested and have 15% or 15 decibels loss in 2/3 high frequencies I. Left ear only. Which is same arm as flu shot. Technically they would consider 30 in 3/3 to be SSHS.
Nevertheless I still have some loss and MD gave me the choice to try 60mg Prednisone taper. May or may not help. May resolve in its own but since I’m on day 6 probably better to try than to regret not trying. I have used prednisone for gout and asthma in the last and no complications.
Is this what you would prescribe?
If doesn’t work, well your ebooks will be next on my list to learn how to cope and live with this!
Hi Glenn:
So you do have hearing loss from the flu shot–just not quite enough for them to officially call it SSHL, but it is a real loss nevertheless.
You can try the Prednisone. It may help, or do nothing at all. There’s no guarantees with Prednisone.
I wouldn’t prescribe anything. In fact, I can’t prescribe anything because I am not a medical doctor. I just give people information and offer suggestions of things they might want to consider. And in the case of hearing loss from the flu shot, I don’t know of anything that will help since the hearing loss has already taken place–the damage is done.
I have bilateral mild sensory hearing loss and notified it after getting a flu shot. I also got the flu that year. I have been afraid to get another shot for fear of losing more of my hearing. I wear hearing aides now. I am 53 and a nurse. Our facilities require the flu shot. I have been able to avoid it so far by signing a religious objection. Which isn’t true but it gets me out of it. I have also turned down a job because they were going to make me get the shot. It’s so good to know that there really is something to this. I wish it was passed along to people. I have only had providers that I worked with willing to say what you are saying. But no one that I have seen as a patient will agree. Thanks for the information you have given:
Hello Dr. Neil,
Me and my wife had flu shots 2 days ago and while im fine, she constantly has ringing in her ears and is complaining she cant hear properly. We went to see our family doctor and he denies the connection between the vaccine and her problem. Instead he said there seems to be fluid behind her ear drums and prescribed antibiotic drops and a steroid nasal spray. We are using both twice a day for the last 2 days but to no avail. The ringing in her ears persists and she isnt getting any sleep. Please advise as to what i should do to help her and what kind of a window do we have before she loses all hearing.
Hi Raja:
It shouldn’t be any secret that having the flu shot is playing Russian roulette with your ears. I hear from many people with experiences such as you wife has–losing hearing and then tinnitus accompanies the hearing loss.
Your family doctor is totally ignorant and wrong about hearing loss and the flu shot–just like most doctors, thus the drugs he prescribes don’t help–as you have found out.
The ringing (tinnitus) is probably a by-product of the hearing loss. If her hearing returns, then the tinnitus will probably go away. But if not, it could be permanent too.
I doubt she will lose all hearing. Probably she has already lost all the hearing she will lose this time round with the flu shot. I’d never take the flu shot. It’s never been very effective and its definitely not safe.
Probably the damage is done since 3 days have now gone by, but if you want to try something, I’d take N-acetyl-cysteine (up to 2,000 mg per day for a week or two) so her body can make more glutathione–the body’s power antioxidant to kill the free radicals produced in her inner ears that do so much damage. I’d also take zinc and magnesium supplements. The most bioavailable forms are zinc picolinate and magnesium threonate. And don’t forget vitamin D3. I take 10,000 IU daily just as a maintenance dose to help my ears and health in general.
I am 44, I had to have the flue shot for the first time in May as it was manditory for work. I have had ringing and slight hearing loss ever since and didn’t bother going to the Dr’s as Covid lock downs complicated everything. So recently the ringing become worse and painfull. So I went to GP and he diagnosed a fungal infection and he has given me some drops. I am convinced my ear issues are caused by the flue vaccine
Hi Lorelle:
It is quite possible. Some people have reported to the FDA of getting infections in their ear canals after getting the flu shot. But most people complain about hearing loss and tinnitus after the flu shot.
H i Neil,
I was diagnosed as having a Meniere disease in 2007. I noticed in 2014 a pattern of having severe vertigo attacks three or four weeks after the flu jab 4 out of 7 years. ENT specialists deny the possibility of connection but I stopped having flu jab since. Is it possible that flu jab side effect appears three or four weeks later? Others who posted here seem to have the reaction in much shorter time.
Hi Sadie:
Good question. I think it can happen. I’ve heard from several people that had sudden hearing loss 3 weeks after getting the flu shot. So I don’t see why your vertigo couldn’t occur 3 weeks later as well.
As you note, most people have reactions between 1 hour and 3 days of getting the flu shot, but there are some that have delayed reactions for whatever reason.
I had a flu shot one week ago today. Three days later, terrible ringing and hearing loss degraded in left ear. Had the shot in right arm. I’ve had flu shots year after year with no problem but this year it seems really bad. I am trying to get into to see my ENT ASAP. I am experiencing some vertigo as well.
Hi Mr. Pete:
Sorry to hear about your flu shot troubles. I hear from numbers of people that have similar experiences.
I don’t know why they didn’t bother you in previous years, but hit you this year. It probably has to do with using different viruses or adjuvants this year.
Update – I went to the ENT. The ENT placed a steroid shot into my left ear and administered the prednisone. Thank goodness, I was able to get back all of the hearing that I lost. The ENT said that if I had not caught it early, the loss would have been permanent. Given this, I will never ever get another flu shot!!
Just wanted to comment because I’ve been using this thread as a resource.
Work made everyone get tested for COVID-19, and at the facility they suggested flu shots as a precaution to keep people out of hospitals and risking exposure to COVID-19.
36 hours after I got the shot, I had ringing in both ears, but in the in my left ear (the side I got the shot on) the ringing was SCREAMING.
The next day it calmed down but was pretty terrible. After about four weeks it got significantly better. I’m at about 8 weeks now and it’s almost entirely back to normal.
I did talk to a Family Care doctor via teledoc who had no problem confirming my suspicion that it was from the flu shot. I don’t know if he’d heard of it happening before, but he said, “Yeah, sounds like it was probably from the flu shot.”
Anyway, It was a very scary situation. For weeks I was depressed and aggravated by the constant and pulsing ringing and hissing. I feel very fortunate that things are returning to normal, but it’s shocking to me that it took so long.
Hi Dr. Neil, I developed Meniere’s disease in my left ear roughly 10-days after my flu shot back in 2010 and have never taken the flu shot again (still have Meniere’s disease) and had the prednisone shots and orally as well with no help… But here we are in 2020 and COVID-19… I am a First Responder and have been contacted to get a COVID-Vaccine… Am I at risk for damaging my other ear?
Hi Paul:
How do you know you have Meniere’s? How do you know that you don’t just have some/all the same side effects as Meniere’s so you or your doctor thinks you have Meniere’s, but you don’t.
The reason I ask is because the flu shot can’t cause Meniere’s as I understand it, but can cause similar symptoms. (Meniere’s is caused by your C1 and C2 vertebrae being out of proper alignment resulting in episodes of fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, attacks of vertigo and a feeling of fullness in that ear.) But the flu shot can sure mess up your ears.
There have been no studies (or even enough history) to show whether the COVID vaccine will cause ear problems or not. And it will also depend on the exact vaccine you get too.
My viewpoint is to wait a few years and let others be the guinea pigs. By then I should be able to answer your question with some authority.
Incidentally, if you want to learn the truth about Meniere’s disease, read my article at or get the book at .
I am 66 received the flu shot 10/7/20 felt lethargic a few hrs after. Woke up on 10/10/20 falling on the floor not able to walk. Was in the ER for 2 days with dizzy, vomiting constantly, not able to walk and hearing loss in left ear. Went to ENT was put on 60 mg prednisone 14 days, no help, 2 steroid injections in ear, no help. had 4 hearing test was told this was due to a bad virus and bad luck hearing won’t return. Was told not due to flu shot but I know it was. Going for weekly acupuncture now having loud roaring, ringing, clicking popping sound with lots of pressure in that ear. Muffled sound in good ear. It has now been 3 months, has affected my whole life. Have appt tomorrow in eye clinic as eye on that side is tearing running down my cheek constantly, not sure if this is related. My MD insist I get the flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine and shingles vaccine. I will never get another vaccine not even the Covid. I am diabetic, have pulmonary fibrosis, HBP and neuropathy Day by day having faith
I failed to mention I found out after my flu vaccine that I was given a triple dose due to my age
Hi Jan:
I hear from so many people that have their lives wrecked by the Flu Shots.
I can’t believe that your doctor said it was a bad virus that caused your problems, then turned around and denied that the Flu Shot virus could not have caused your problems when that was the most likely and obvious cause.
Hi Dr. Neil,
Thank you and yes this doctor did deny my hearing was caused from the flu shot. This is so frustrating with no real concern or sympathy from the doctors I have seen. I found out after I received the flu vaccine that I was given a triple dose due to my age. This is totally wrong and I plan to follow up on this.
Hello Dr. Bauman,
In your research, have you come across any cases of where the flu shot caused abnormal growths or aggravated cancers in remission, triggering recurrence or metastasis?
Hi Marie:
As far as I can remember, I don’t recall the flu shot causing growth in cells that should not be growing and multiplying.
However, such things can happen when you mess up cell metabolism such that your mitochondria no longer work properly or when you accidentally turn on a “cancer” gene.
Dr. Bauman or anyone else on this board – what about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Has there been any studies showing hearing loss associated with this shot? After having such a nightmare with the flu shot, I am highly concerned about taking any more vaccines. Would appreciate anyone’s thoughts.
Hi Mr. Pete:
I don’t know of any studies showing the COVID-19 “vaccine” causes hearing loss, but I’ve heard from people that had their tinnitus made worse after taking the COVID-19 shot.
I just read today “As of February 4, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received 12,697 injury reports following COVID-19 vaccination and 653 deaths.”
Furthermore, “According to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS.” So you could easily multiply those figures by 100 and still be ultra-conservative in the estimates.
So who knows just how many of those side effects are related to hearing loss or tinnitus.
Incidentally, I hear of more ototoxic side effects reported for the flu shot than for almost any other drug! That’s a good enough reason to be wary of both of these vaccines.
Healthy active 26 year old. 3 minutes after my flu shot – fluzone quadrivalent 15mcg My hearing on the left side plugged. I could feel it close. I am now being prescribed prednisone after one day and an urgent audiogram because my hearing is not back to normal.
To specify the shot was in my right arm and this is the left ear I am having trouble with. Also the plugged ear happened within the 15 minutes waiting period after receiving the vaccine.
Hi R:
It seems more common to have the shot in the same side as the ear that “goes bad”–but I have heard from some people that have the shot in the opposite arm. Obviously, you are one of them.
Reactions to the flu shot can be very fast–just a few minutes like you experienced–or it can take a week or more.
3 days after the shot I now experience tension migraines almost every day. My doctor said to get more sleep. I have no history of migraines.
Hi R:
The flu shot damages the ears of numbers of people. One good reason not to get this shots. I hear from so many that get hearing loss and tinnitus from the flu shots they take.
I woke up with Vertigo two days after my flu shot in 2011. I had never had vertigo before. My doctor told me there was no correlation. He offered anti motion sickness meds… instead I did the Epley Maneuver on myself which worked for me. I continued to get annual flu shots. I have now developed tinnitus but I don’t notice hearing loss. I also have developed balance issues with certain head movements.
In Fall of 2020 the Flu shot triggered my Herpes Simplex cold sore. I think there is a connection with the Herpes virus, which remains dormant in the nerves near the ear and eye, and may be triggered by the Flu shot.
Hi Ann:
If your vertigo can be fixed by the Epley maneuver, then I don’t see how the Flu shot could be the culprit. But the Flu shot can indeed cause balance problems.
Since you now have balance problems caused by certain head movements, I think you either have the otoconia (crystals) in your inner ear out of place and the Epley maneuver would help you again, or your top two vertebrae are out of proper alignment thus pinching vestibulocochlear nerve causing the balance problems. This could also cause somatic tinnitus.
Since any vaccine can “mess up” or hyper-activate your immune system, I’m not surprised that having the Flu shot caused your active herpes to flare up.
That is interesting and informative. I just wanted the Vertigo to go away so I tried to reposition the crystals. I still think there is a connection though.
My husband recently had hip replacement and he chose to have a spinal anesthesia. He woke up a couple of days later with a first experience of Vertigo. The Epley maneuver worked on him also. Just wonder what suddenly causes it then.
I may have to see a Chiropractor who could check my spine and do another Epley. I am thinking twice about further vaccines though. I had been considering the Shingles Vax but read many reports of it triggering outbreaks of HVS 1 and 2 and questions about a connection to Menieres. Thanks
Hi Ann:
As you get older the “glue” that holds the crystals in place is apparently less effective so the crystals can fall out of place easier. Also, other “debris” in the inner ear can cause the same effect.
I”m not in favor of any vaccines as they all can have ototoxic side effects as well as messing up your immune system.
I don’t see a connection between vaccines and Meniere’s Disease since Meniere’s is fundamentally a misalignment of your C1 and C2 vertebrae If you are interested, you can read my comprehensive article on the subject at .
To clarify…what I was saying is whether there might be a connection between our immunologic response to a Vaccine that triggers the latent herpes which causes other issues in the vestibular system. Your article mentions herpes …Another factor is that you can have a systemic virus like the herpes virus, so you can have an infection in your ear, and that can contribute to some of these things including Eustachian tube dysfunction. It may be any kind of viral infection, or any other type of infection for that matter. (5)
As you can see, there are many factors that can be involved in Ménière’s disease, but it always seems to come back to the underlying fact that the atlas and/or axis vertebrae are out of proper alignment.
The adjustment to the upper spine makes a lot of sense and gives hope to those who suffer chronically with Vertigo, tinnitus, etc. Thanks again!
Thank you for providing info on Menieres symptoms and treatment.
The good news is that I live in
W. Michigan and now I know where to make an appointment. 🙂
I came here looking for information regarding vaccines and tinnitus and see that it is pretty concurrent with what I have going on after my first does of Moderna Covid 19 vaccine, pulsing tinnitus started about 15 days later and it looks consistent with what others have have posted here regarding otoxic effects of influenza vaccines which I never get. Who knows if prednisone would assist with this issue and definitely considering not doing the second dose of this vaccine to preserve my hearing. I’ve reported it to Moderna Biotech and they tell me that they have no other reports of it, but in the next breath they say not all the documentation has been released since it is still in trials concurrently while being offered as a EUA vaccine. I want high immunity against Covid but at what price? Lots of people report being fine after their vaccines and celebrating immunity but I’m really concerned
Hi Dee:
Numbers of people do get tinnitus as a result of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. Pulsatile tinnitus is a result of changes in your vascular system–basically changes in blood flow. Thus, as I see it, taking Prednisone won’t help.
With the influenza vaccines, tinnitus is often due to the virus attacking the inner ear and causing hearing loss and tinnitus.
If you want high immunity against COVID, then you need to build up your immune system. Two vitamins that make a big difference is taking higher doses of Vitamin D2 and vitamin C. The therapeutic range of vitamin D3 is around 70 ng/ml, while most people are way down in the 20-30 ng range which doctors think of as adequate, but not so if you want good health.
Dear Neil
I read your blog on the effects of the flu vaccine with great interest since it ties in with much of my own experience of problems with my left ear following vaccination.
The saga started in early November 2018 when I had a flu jab (in my left arm) which was actually about two and half weeks late from my original appointment around the middle of October. The problem was that the clinic had run out of vaccine so the earliest date was early November. When I attended the second time I was beginning to feel that I may have contracted a cold but I did not have a temperature (no fever) so I decided to go ahead. My fear here is that I already had the flu (I will never know whether it was a cold or the flu) and my body was afterwards getting a double dose of antibody generation.
Within 2 weeks I was feeling very unwell with a bad cough and a lot of discomfort in my left ear, with clicking and some low level pain. My hearing in both ears was normal and actually there has been very little change to my hearing throughout the following months and to date. The chest problems soon cleared up and by the new year my chest was OK.
During the early months of 2019 I began to get tinnitus especially in my left ear and about April time I was feeling some loss of balance / orientation. The latter effect improved within a month but continued somewhat later that year and sometimes appeared in 2020. Thankfully this aspect has now normalised and I am pretty much OK now in this area.
The fullness in my left ear continued throughout 2020 however this seems to have also normalised about 2 months ago (in early 2021).
There seems therefore to have be a slow improvement to the main symptoms of lack of balance / disorientation and fullness however the tinnitus has gone on (with some short periods of respite and being very bad at times) throughout, until about 2 weeks ago when both ears seemed to be without any tinnitus for about a week. Unfortunately I seem to have relapsed somewhat in the last week with a lot of left ear tinnitus and some left ear fullness.
I know a fair bit about tinnitus and the principles of habituation, including ignoring it where possible. Incidentally I am not young and am now in my 78th year.
The left ear in particular therefore seems to have been damaged and I imagine this could be some nerve damage or hairs in the cochlea breakage, or maybe something else. I wondered what you think here.
On the other hand there does seem to have been some slow improvement so that two and a half years down the track the lack of balance / disorientation has cleared up, the fullness is showing signs of having cleared, the tinnitus may be less frequent and there has been no loss of hearing. I wondered also what you think here.
Throughout there has definitely been little change to my hearing although the left ear seemed to be more sound sensitive but this seems to have also become more normal recently. My understanding it that hair breakage in the cochlea usually leads to hearing loss so I am hoping that hair damage has not been sustained and it is more about sensitivity.
Please let me know what you think
Kind Regards
Hi Al:
I sure wouldn’t be surprised if your symptoms from back in 2018 were from the flu shot. Flu shot symptoms seem to either appear right away (within 3 hours), or 3 days later, or 1, 2 or 3 weeks later. That is the common thread running through all the reports I’ve received. So you were within the time frame for experiencing flu shot symptoms.
Your symptoms seem to have dragged on for a lot longer than many people experience.
Just a point about the cilia (commonly called hairs) in the cochlea. They don’t break as such. Rather, damage is mostly caused when the virus (or whatever) generate a lot of free radicals in the inner ear. These free radicals zap the hair cells and if mortally wounded, the program themselves to die (called apoptosis). That is why if given taking high doses of anti-oxidants in the first 1 to 3 days, you can “zap the zappers” and thus stop this carnage and you don’t lose much hearing.
It is common for damaged ears to be more sound sensitive. This can improve, as well as the tinnitus and feeling of fullness as your ear recovers and returns to normal or near normal.
If I were in your shoes, I sure wouldn’t take another flu shot as your ears don’t seem to have fully recovered from the last one.
I recently had the Moderna vaccine. About 10 days after first does I started with tinnitus. Didn’t link it to the vaccine until after second shot it went crazy loud. It has settled down but definitely still there. Is it possible that this was a reaction to the Moderna shot?
Hi Pam:
That sounds like a classic tinnitus side effect to the Moderna vaccine. Numbers of people have had similar experiences.
Thank you so much! It is so kind of you to give your advice and your time~
Thank you so much!
I have developed tinnitus 10 days after my first shot. Never had this before. At first thought maybe it was my cholesterol medicine, but it took me awhile to link it to the vaccine but after second shot it went crazy for a few days. Then just back to the normal annoying ringing. My question is it possible for the vaccine to have cause this. If so will it go away eventually. Any tips?
Hi Pam:
The tinnitus and other symptoms don’t always show up right away. Numbers of people report symptoms developing between 1 and 3 weeks after the shot. So this could be from the shot in my opinion.
It may go away, drop to a low level, or become permanent. I don’t have enough data yet to tell you which is the most likely scenario.
Hi Neil
Thanks for the reply. From your comments it sounds like there is hope of slow recovery taking place and my age would always point towards a slower recovery presumably because of slower healing in older people
Is the fullness feeling and the tinnitus likely to be coming from the same `source`
Also does maintaining my hearing 2 years on point towards a better result or can you both have damage and hearing retention but then with other problems like tinnnitus.
Hi Al:
You seem to have a slow recovery taking place. I wouldn’t lose hope in that respect.
Who knows whether the tinnitus and feeling of fullness are coming from the same place or not. There are so many variables that have to be looked at, but both are coming from your ears/brain.
Maintaining your hearing is definitely a good thing. But interestingly enough you can have good hearing tests and still have hearing loss. This is called hidden hearing loss. Two common kinds of hearing loss are as follows.
1. Audiologists only test your hearing to 8,000 Hz, yet hearing normally goes up to 20,000 Hz. Thus any hearing loss above 8,000 Hz is never tested for or identified. But the neurons in your brain know the difference and you can have tinnitus as a result of this high-frequency hearing loss–and yet supposedly have “perfect” hearing.
2. The second common cause of hidden hearing loss is due to noise damage. You have two types of nerve fibers going from your inner ears to your brain. I’ll just call them type 1 and type 2. One type is sensitive to loud sounds and these can be damaged by exposing your ears to excessive noise. The other type is sensitive to soft sounds. So when you are exposed to loud sounds, these nerve fibers are not damaged. Yet it is these nerves that are “tested” when you have an audiogram because they are testing to see the softest sound you can hear.
Thus when you hear the soft sounds well, you get a good or normal result on your audiogram, yet you can have a lot of loud noise damage. One result is that you cannot understand speech well in noisy situations like a person without this hidden hearing loss can.
So there’s two kinds of hidden hearing loss that don’t show up on standard audiograms, but yet can result in tinnitus (that seems to come from no apparent cause) yet is due to hearing loss.
Wish I had of seen all of these comments relating to hearing loss and the flu vaccine a long time ago. I got my vaccine back in 2016? I was 31 years old. I was very sick for months afterwards, and my ear started leaking. I was given ear drops, it cleared up but since then I’ve had a constant humming in my left ear ever since. This will never go away. I was never warned of the dangers, and Adverse effects. Much love from Australia.
6yrs ago I had my first flu shot at age 62. within 3 weeks I lost all hearing in RT ear.Was given mega doses of prednisone by mouth and through the ear drum. This started after 2wks. Went to the DR.Given the million dollar workup. No cause found. Dr did not believe it can from flu vaccine.Reported it to VAERS and CDC,There were 350 reported cases that yr throughout the US.Now I suffer with balance issues and ringing in the ear and can’t tell where sound is coming from and being in crowds is a nightmare despite having
Cochlear implant 1yr ago.Drs don’t understand why I don’t want a covid vaccine!
Hi Kathleen:
As you now know, far too many people have hearing loss, etc. in the couple of weeks after getting the flu shot.
The Covid shot is no better. Obviously you don’t want to risk your other ear. I sure understand.
I am not glad about the side effects of these shots but I am glad I found this thread, I feel like I’m not alone and there are people who understand. It’s been 3yrs since my influenza jab and my ears have never been the same. I’m %100 against any jab now as I have autoimmune conditions. I have found an anti inflammatory diet and supplements has helped the most. I also do celery juice every morning on an empty stomach and I can hear my ears opening up becoming clearer. I take vit d, c, b12, magnesium.
I really hope the side effects of these vaccines can be made more public, there are to many people/ drs who just don’t understand.
Hi. I’m a 43 year old female, and was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 12.
Doctors have always told me that I need to take the influenza vaccine every year. In October 2019 I received vaccine number 31. Two weeks later I got sick. Headache, itching all over, extreme pain, high blood sugar, chest pain, ringing and uncomfortable feeling inside my ears, red and burning face and chest, cold body +++
Half a year later “my” insulin didn’t work as it should.
And her I am in 2023, still trying to find insulin that works well with my body. Every minute and every day I have a headache, my ears are still hurting, the ringing and buzzing are intense and high, my eyes are painful and I don’t have any energy at all.
No more vaccinations for me please!
Hi Eva:
Vaccines are not necessary and are often harmful to your body as your story attests. I hope other people read it and act accordingly. I’ve had more people contact me about the flu shot than for almost any other drug or vaccine so I know it harms many people.
Wow… Incredible amount of information from people about tinnitus and vertigo from flu shot. I remember seeing this post when I had my flu shot and woke up the next day with green slime in my sinuses. The linings of my sinuses seemed to have restructured. The green slime or infection i think was an immune response or my immune system responding to remove the vaccine from my system. Or perhaps a reaction to the egg shells and mercury contained in the shot. Or the vaccine was not stored properly and went bad or was contaminated. I had tinnitus with a seriously loud high pitched ringing in one ear for 6 months and vertigo where my balance was effected and it was scary. nothing ever even close to that type of condition ever happened before. Fortunately it went away on its own after 6 months. I took the covid vaccine twice with no effect on hearing or balance whatsoever. It also is not made with egg shells or mercury. The scary thing is… there is no legal recourse against the manufacturers of vaccines so quality control measures are a moot point. Also, storing the vaccines properly is a concern. I would like to see an expert ent take tests before and after a flu shot to prove that there is a correlation and that we are not all imagining things. I have had the real flu many times in the past and while i was sick, achy and miserable… it eventually went away in a week or 2 and everything back to normal. It might be safer to let the flu run its course.
As far as covid vax.. it had no effect at all on hearing or balance. One thing that I noticed may help you restore quietness in your ear is vitamin B shot. what irks me off is the people in the medical practice that say there is no correlation…just a coincidence. you are right Neil…ignorance or a liar.
While i did not experience any ringing in ears or vertigo from covid vax shot…I have met some friends who have had hearing problems from having the actual covid Virus.
Hi Dave:
I’m with you–better to just let viruses run their course and keep your immune system robust than to take a shot and mess up your immune system in the process so you are more susceptible to future viral attacks.
Covid can cause various ear problems–hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems, but so does the jab–and it also really messes up your immune system.