About Dr. Neil’s Presentations
About Dr. Neil’s Hearing Loss Help Ezine
About Dr. Neil’s Hearing Loss Help Website
About Dr. Neil
You are a treasure of information and a treasure for sharing it.—E. B.
You are a wonderful caring person who is providing much needed help for the hard of hearing population—and there’s lot of us!—M. R.
Anyone who has you as an ally should consider themselves very lucky.—M.K.
Thank you so much for being so knowledgeable about a condition so few others seem to know about! Your help is such a blessing.—S.
I just want to mention – wow. The long, informative and caring responses you take the time out of your day to give people is truly astounding. Thank you for being a special one to care.—A.
Neil is super knowledgeable and awesome!—C. H.
Thanks so much for your amazing help over the years. Your knowledge level is truly mind-boggling! —T. K.
Neil, I love your enthusiasm in teaching about the incredible hearing mechanism called the ear.—J. H.
I happened upon this website and I couldn’t leave it without saying you are the absolute best for taking the time to respond to people and help them. We sufferers truly need someone like you with your care, compassion and knowledge to help those of us suffering with protracted injury that lasts for years and years.—P. N.
I just wanted to say thank you for always answering all my questions. I just feel that all of us are so lucky to have you helping us with all of your wisdom, knowledge and patience with those of us (me!) who ask so many questions!—J. H.
What a very special person you are. It’s a rare treasure to encounter a total stranger that can move you from tears to smiles with a simple conversation. You are doing an amazing work. Thank you so very much for helping to put my mind at ease.—K. M.
I just wanted to say that Neil Bauman is amazing. Listen to his advice! He helped me start on my road to recovery from hyperacusis/reactive tinnitus. I am nearly all the way better after a year.—Z. P.
Neil, you suggested I see an upper cervical chiropractor. In hindsight, I should have most definitely listened to you. You are absolutely brilliant. I wish I would have listened to you back then. But I found the road again and persevered because of your help! Please continue to be the awesome person you are! Reaching out to help someone like me when no one else would. You are a blessing to people like me and I wanted you to know you’re a valuable resource for anyone experiencing what I have been through.—D. K.
Neil has been amazingly helpful to me. His knowledge base is enormous and he shares it so graciously.—B.C.
You have been so helpful to all of us that we all are in debt to your compassion and expertise. You are kind of like the Ann Landers of the hearing loss, tinnitus, drug and helpful advice world. Thanks.—J. W.
You are indeed a walking encyclopedia when it comes to hearing problems and solutions! You’ve eased my fears greatly! I have always trusted you for your candid opinions and your fact-based and honest opinions even when the truth isn’t what someone wants to hear—J. H.
I just want to say how extraordinary you are for sharing so much of your wisdom with everyone!—S.
I read everything posted last night… Your experience and wisdom are a blessing to me!—J. C.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are AMAZING, and I thank you for taking so much time to answer questions and provide insightful information that other medical professionals do not.—K. C.
It is my good luck that I got a reply from a legend like you. I learnt a lot from your mail and your website, books, articles and your replies on various forums.—K. B.
You have made me feel so much better and truly helped me. Your words and the time you took to respond to me have been a true blessing and I am thankful for kind and genuinely thoughtful people like you in this world.—M. D.
I’m always amazed at how an expert like you takes the time to answer other’s questions! Our world needs people like you!—D.
I always read your comments because I always find them to be spot on. Just thought I should let you know that there are many of us out there who would be lost without you.—B. G.
Thank you so very much for responding swiftly to my questions! Your directions all make such perfect sense. You have been highly helpful and inspirational all the way through my tinnitus and hyperacusis journey—really like no other resource.—R. L.
You are amazing—you always seem to be such an encouragement to me. I hate bothering you with all my questions, but you are the only one who can calm my nerves when it comes to my tinnitus.—M. H.
This is my note of appreciation and gratitude for having helped me in one of the most difficult times in my life because of dealing with tinnitus and hyperacusis. The last time I was in contact, 3 months ago, my goal was to be able to be back on stage by the middle of May. I can report happily that I was able to reach my goal and I am beyond being happy and grateful. Once again, my deepest gratitude and appreciation towards you and your books.—M. G.
I want to thank you for all your help, you’re a true blessing. I’ve learned more TRUTH from you in the last couple of posts then in my countless hours of googling, which, looking back, was a big mistake.—C.
Neil is a great resource. I never got my hands on his Musical Ear Syndrome book, but he talked me through a really intense few days. My neuro-otologist quoted him as did my audiologist.—A. B.
Each day I feel a bit better. I wouldn’t be coping this well if it weren’t for you. I am, and will be forever, grateful for you. I will never forget how you have helped me! —M. W.
It is really comforting to have someone as responsive as you are out there. It is hard to exaggerate how much it matters.—T. M.
Thank you Neil for your quick response and your ever sensible thoughts and suggestions!—P. P.
To put it mildly, Neil Bauman is one of the most extraordinary hearing experts on this planet! Neil has been a phenomenal help to me. He has helped me immensely and I am so grateful for that.—D. L.
Neil, you continue to amaze me with your knowledge and the countless resources you know about.—J. H.
Neil is a treasure trove of hearing loss information.—B. C.
Thank you so much for your tireless efforts in helping the world to better understand this phenomenon [the connection between tinnitus and ototoxic drugs].—D. C.
As always Neil, you are providing an answer to one of life’s strange hearing quirks!—D. A.
I am extremely grateful for your articles and am amazed at your continued support and advice for people with hearing conditions all around the world.—A.B.
I just want to tell you how very much I appreciate your detailed and informative response. I doubted I’d get any reply to my query, much less one so helpful. Thank you for your exceptional kindness and generosity to a total stranger.—L. S.
Dr. Bauman, I’d like to thank you for the tremendous amount of information you provide. In reading your responses it is clear that you truly consider each person’s situation and take the time to reply to them in detail. Your generosity is a rare thing to find these days.—S. B.
I truly value your advice and opinion as it really helps me to make reasonable decisions.—A. G.
Thank you so much Neil – you really are a champion for all of us that are hard of hearing!—D. R.
Dr. Neil, this note is to extend my thanks to you for your in-depth replies, and your offer to help the OR nurse with a drug interactions analysis. It is so very rare to find anyone who offers help out of simple kindness, with no expectation of a reward on the “back end.” The information you provide is much appreciated, and your human-ness – for lack of a better word – is exceptional and all too rare. It warms my heart, to put it plainly, and I am better for having found your work.—N. A.
I just had to email you and say a big THANK YOU for all the information you put out there for us hard of hearing people. You amaze me!—B. M.
Thank you for your kind attention. My friend called to order the Ototoxic book, and, you answered the phone and spoke with her for quite a while. In my religion we call that being a “Mensch”, (a good, caring person).—T. G.
Dr Neil—you may not be a chemist or pharmacist but you have boundless drug knowledge and have helped me enormously when I have had nowhere else to turn—J. V.
Neil, you have a way with words. I must say, you make everything so easy to understand. I appreciate your posts and read every one. Some it takes a couple readings to get it all, but in the end they are so helpful.—L. M.
Neil, I must say what a wonderful help you are. Your knowledge and input are a blessing. Because of you I go to the doctor’s appointments well prepared, and sometime more knowledgeable than the doctors. I know just the right questions to ask. I can never say thank you enough for what you do.—A. R.
Neil, you are so gracious about answering questions—several times from several different directions when necessary. You share your knowledge and insights with this group with such generosity that I often find myself reading with tears in my eyes. —B. B.
I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with me by phone about a year ago regarding hearing problems I was having while taking the beta blocker Metoprolol for hypertension. I know in my heart of hearts that if I hadn’t found your web site and had the opportunity to speak with you, I might very possibly be deaf today. Thank you for helping me figure out what was causing the problem and taking the time to help me. I am so grateful to you for my ability to hear today. —V. S.
Thank you so much for all of the information you’ve provided me Dr. Bauman. My husband and I are immensely grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with us, for the time you’ve taken to correspond with me, and for your empathy and compassion. The time you’ve spent with me has been a gift. Thank you. —M. Z.
I want to thank you, Dr. Neil, for raising awareness of these terrible drugs. I consider myself lucky I only took 5 mg of Citalopram and I have your advice to thank for helping me connect the dots that quickly. I could have gotten in much worse if not for your advice. It really made a positive difference in my life. Thank you for taking the time to speak truth and for your exhaustive and in-depth research. You are DEFINITELY helping people and I am one of the many, I’m sure. I truly can’t thank you enough.—J.
I want to thank you for your recommendations and willingness to share your knowledge and opinions with families that are new to hearing loss. —J. F.
Beautifully said, perceptive, heartfelt and helpful. You are an angel. —V.
There is a place in heaven for people like you who care about others and go out of their way to help even when there is no monetary compensation. You are a credit to your profession and I am humbled by your humanity. The world would be a much better place with more Neil Baumans.—D. M.
I raise my glass to Neil who has clearly gone way beyond the call of duty to help us and our kids deal with all the many HOH/LVAS issues. Cheers Neil! —T.
Your kindness and generosity of heart and spirit have left me in a state of awe and gratitude since our two conversations on the phone. I initially called to ask if a FAX or an email would be more convenient and therefore more likely to receive your response. I knew that you were famous and that your time had to be so valuable. I had no idea that I would actually be able to talk with you! I can’t believe that you devoted so much time to me and then even called me back! Your encouragement and suggestions—I can’t begin to describe how much they helped. Bless you and your dear wife whom you said took my call and could have “swatted” me away. How empathetic you both are! I will never forget your thoughtfulness. Your devoted admirer for life.—J. B.
I have learned the most about LVAS on THIS SITE, Dr. Neil has helped my family so much more than he’ll ever know. (Thank you Neil!) When I left the ENTs office I came home and surfed the net and found Dr. Neil. Thank God for Dr. Neil! —K.
You sound like an absolute angel! What a warm and heartfelt reply—like a breath of fresh air. —M. B – Barrister
Thank you for a very interesting site. It means a lot to senior citizens like me to be able to find information like this on the web. —O. O.
Neil is always answering questions with his knowledge and compassion. —D. S.
You are so good at explaining things! You seem to be the single biggest source of the information I have found. I really appreciate it! —P. P.
Neil, you never fail to amaze me with your knowledge about what seems to be absolutely everything having to do with hearing from the ear itself to the very newest HA’s and CI’s with ALD’s to boot…Not only do you know about them, but have expertise about them!—J.H.
Neil, you are indeed a gem. Your advice and information has just been astounding! —L. G.
Thank you so much for all your help. It is nice to know that people like you are out there to help others. —R. S.
Thank you for your reply, which was (as always) comprehensive and comprehensible. Thank you, too, for sharing your knowledge so readily.—H. T.
You are the best! You honestly appear to be more knowledgeable about the subject of ototoxic medications than all of the doctors and ‘experts’ I’ve talked to. Thank you so much. —C. T.
You speak with authority, you’re an excellent researcher and a wonderful writer. Your website is a beautiful addition to the field. —R. N. – Professor
I can’t tell you what an effect your kind and helpful response had on me when I opened it, as I’ve found it difficult to obtain help.—J. B.
Thank you so much for your help. You have done so much to improve my life and I don’t exaggerate!—D. K.
I want to tell you what a wonderful note you wrote to K____. She is obviously scared and trying to make sense out of her life at this time. I wanted to tell you how wonderful your post was—informative but supportive. Telling her that feeling scared is a normal reaction was just great. You may have thought that you were just giving her information, but you probably gave her a lot more. When I get support like that I mull it over in my mind and remember it during the hard times—and it gets me through. I am sure that you really helped her in a profound way and I wanted to let you know that I think it is great! —C. G.
Neil’s posts ARE always interesting and informative. I’ve learned more about my hearing loss from him since I came here than I’d learned in the 20 years I’ve had it. Don’t know what I’d do without Neil’s wisdom! —P. P.
We would like to express our appreciation to you for your outstanding response to S____ message. Thank you! For years you have been most supportive of and helpful to the SWC with little recognition of your efforts and assistance. But we want you to know that we do appreciate all that you do for so many SWCers consistently. You are one wonderful SWCer! —B. E.
Thanks for answering my teensy weensy question! Your answer was anything but teensy. I learned so much. Thanks again Neil, I know I can go to you when I have questions, or just for comfort. You have the biggest shoulders anyone could ask for! God bless! —M. D.
Our Neil hits it on the mark every time. We are so blessed to have him on our list. —M. D.
Thanks for giving me all the time this has taken! The information you’ve given me has FAR exceeded all the information I’ve gotten from countless DOCTORS over the years! —P. P.
Your advice to J____ was profound. I am certain that it will be of extreme value to him. And surely many other members will benefit from your writing too. —R. M.
I’ve been reading with interest the posts about tinnitus. I was especially interested in Neil’s explanation. Neil, I have been wondering about this for years and never read an explanation as good as yours. Thanks. —K. H.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate not only your expedient reply to my query, but also answers that were explained so well even I could understand them.—C. K.
I’ve heard of many instances when you’ve been supportive to people off-list and they’ve told me about it! That’s wonderful, it’s a ministry all in itself! —L. S.
I just read Neil’s replies and they’re right on target (as usual). —B. I. – Audiologist
I was reading your comments to K____ this morning. There are a lot of useful and informative things that you mentioned. Thanks for posting that. You have a very keen insight into this drug problem and I respect you for the work you have done in this area, as well as other areas of hearing loss. —P. J.
I appreciate your taking the time to answer what was an angry response, but in a very gentlemanly way. You do have a gift, and I think are using it wisely! —M. G.
You will have received Neil Bauman’s response. Neil is our “resident” expert on hearing loss and keeps an eye on us all. We couldn’t do without his expertise and big heart, and you will find his knowledge impressive. —D. B.
Dr. Neil is the SWC’s greatest on technical/hearing issues. Believe me!—D. L.
If you ever leave this list, I’m following you wherever you go! Such a source of information. You are amazing and very accurate, I might add. —L. C.
Dr. Neil Bauman is another fine scholar and author. Neil’s articles contain a ton of good information about a lot of things. He is a world recognized expert. —R. K.
Dr. Neil Bauman is one the best hearing impaired professionals in the United States. He is technically gifted and can write research level responses to any issue posed to him.—D. L.
At the top of my list of great people with hearing losses are some of our very own list mates: Mark Ross, Dana Mulvany, Karen Rockow, Ron Vickery, Mandi Solat, Neil Bauman, and many, many more! —B. I. – Audiologist
Thank you for calling us. We appreciate it very much. I don’t think we would have ever figured things out with out your help. We can’t thank you enough for helping us! —R. W.
Neil, once again you are a veritable encyclopedia of information. Thanks for always being helpful in all you do.—J. C.
I have put some good mentions about your site and service on a couple of web site ratings sites and will continue to do so. You have been great to work with.—R. C.
A person who is phenomenal is Neil Bauman. Everyone will tell you that he walks on water!—D. L.
About Dr. Neil’s Books
I think that your “Ototoxic Drugs Exposed” book it terrific! Thanks for this great contribution—Dr. B. G., MD.
I just wanted to say that I’ve already found your new drug book (4th edition) amazingly helpful —it is a true masterpiece. The appendices are incredibly helpful, as well as the very helpful risk levels assessment for the drugs—don’t know how you do it.—T.K.
I am a retired MD who is profoundly deaf with Eustachian tube dysfunction, tinnitus and vertigo. Keep up your very helpful work. Your book “Ototoxic Drugs Exposed” is great!—Dr. S.F., MD.
Neil, you are one of a kind, and that’s a compliment! Your books that we put in the resource center have been more useful than any others. We have a collection of about 70-80 books at this point and find the answers we need more often than not in your books. They are terrific! —R. K.
Here is a reply I received from my sister who has Meniere’s. I sent her a copy of your book and this is what she had to say about it and you. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I learned more from your book on Meniere’s Disease than I had from any doctor or reading I did in 25 years!” —S. B.
I have read several of Neil’s books. I find them to be the best consumer-oriented books. I not kid you. They are clear, concise and informative. —C. D.
An audiologist wrote, “The book “Talking with Hard of Hearing People–Here’s How To Do It Right!” by Neil Bauman is a staple in my clinic. I have been an audiologist for over 20 years and this book remains one of my favorite counseling tools. Recently, I gave it to a hard of hearing couple who were having difficulty communicating. The next time I saw this woman, she raved about how much this book changed her husband’s habits and most importantly, their relationship! Frustration levels dropped significantly, her husband’s understanding of effective communication with her increased significantly, and both of them were just generally more relaxed and happy. This is an example of why this short, and very much to the point, book is so valuable.”—R. R.
I am so grateful for your books! Some, I’ve just scanned, others, I’ve read and need to re-read. I’ve already loaned some to one of my sisters. “When Hearing Loss Ambushes Your Ears” has been fascinating to read.—L. G.
Neil, your books are well written and very helpful to us non-professionals. Thanks you for taking the time to write them. —B. F.
Neil did a cool job in his usual style of making deafie stuff easy to understand, a feature of all of the books that he has written. —R. M.
You have a way of explaining complicated things in a very understandable way. —S.
Neil, I’m spending most of my “hearing aid specialist approaching closed-book final exam” time reading one of your books instead of my text. The textbook isn’t bad. It’s just that your book is great! You can take a complicated subject and explain it without oversimplifying it. The little side bars, really help with a touch of humor and such. Your book truly makes everything clear and understandable. —V.
I started your “When Hearing Loss Ambushes Your Ears” while soaking in the tub. Great explanation of the terms of hearing loss. Really down to earth and easy reading packed with information. —R. B.
Neil, I just finished reading your books, “Talking With Hard of Hearing People”, and “Grieving For Your Hearing Loss.” They were great! In “Talking With Hard of Hearing People,” you covered everything! It gets right to the point. It doesn’t take long to absorb. In “Grieving For You Hearing Loss,” at first I didn’t think the book was for me. As I read on, I saw a description of myself! I have recently entered the acceptance stage, and things have been changing for the better ever since. Everyone who is hard of hearing, or needs to communicate with hard of hearing people, should read your books. I highly recommend them! —D.
I’ve been busy reading this really great book. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It is called “When Hearing Loss Ambushes Your Ears!” You have packed so much info into this book I have trouble putting it down! It is really a great book! My husband has even taken an interest in it. So has my daughter. I have really learned a lot from this book. Just got my copy of Neil’s book, “When Your Ears Ring, Cope With Your Tinnitus—Here’s How.” I spent the morning reading it. It’s packed full of information and I have to say it’s the first material I’ve ever come across that gives a clear and complete description of tinnitus. It’s obvious that Neil has spent a lot of time and care researching this subject. I felt like I had a friend walking me though the information. He goes into quite a bit of detail, but in a straightforward and digestible manner. This book has certainly given me some good ideas and practical suggestions that I plan to try on my own. Thank you, Neil, for putting this information together in such a great little book. You really have a gift of being able to pull together a lot of technical information and create a very readable and pleasant text. —M. W.
Neil’s books are clear, concise, informative—just what we need! —M. G.
Neil has a lot of wonderful books. I have bought some of Neil’s books for some of my friends who got diagnosis’s they did not understand. He has a very good writing style.—M.W.
A few months ago I ordered Dr. Neil’s book or Grieving. I really cried when I read it—good tears! I felt as if someone finally understood what I was going through. He is so right! We do need to work through the grieving stages. —L. P.
I just read Neil’s book “Grieving for Your Hearing Loss” last week, It really helped me! Since I seem to be losing my hearing by drips and drabs, I keep going through this grieving process over and over and over, every time my hearing decreases. —C. G.
About Dr. Neil’s book, Take Control of Your Tinnitus: “a very well researched and knowledgeable book—J. M.
About Dr. Neil’s Articles
Neil, I had a little time to read some of your incredible articles in your website. You have just absolutely given a gift to so many people. The information is outstanding. Thank you so much for all the work you have put into this website. You are certainly an amazing man. —B. J.
Your writing is remarkably informative! —H.S.
I just read your article on “Sudden Hearing Loss is a Medical Emergency.” Everyone in the country should read your site. You are the only one who seems to GET THIS. —M. F. – Professor
“Hearing Loss—Decibels or Percent” was a wonderful piece of writing—authoritative, but simply put without being in the least condescending. That’s a talent. I also thank you for clearing up why the decibel—percent confusion might have originated. Now I see why that’s an unanswerable question. You were very diplomatic in not portraying it as a dumb question. —L. C.
Thank you for your very informative and well written article on the web about Sudden Hearing Loss. —B. O.
Thanks for compiling this amazing report—so absolutely helpful! This will help so many people with deciding on a drug in unavoidable situations.—T. K.
The list you presented Neil is wonderful. The tips are specific and very clear pertaining to different needs that hard of hearing people have to succeed in hearing conversation. —A. R.
Neil Bauman, in his classic manner of making complicated stuff on hearing loss simple, has now written on Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease, and I might well suggest the read. —B. M.
I just finished reading your masterful article “Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease.” It is truly well done, informative, and helpful to the nth degree. Thank you so very much for providing us all with such helping information. Your writing is really remarkable. —B. E.
I just read your article on “Recruitment.” It was amazing. Now I understand it. That was very interesting reading. —M. H.
Your articles are excellent and very useful. —E. G.
I just read your article “Hearing Loss—Decibels vs. Percent?” and I’m DELIGHTED with it! So many folks need to read it! You’ve contributed a great piece to the literature! Many thanks! —M. J.
I just finished reading your article “Speechreading.” It was very impressive! I can relate to it 100%. —J. F.
What a wonderful article on Speechreading! I really enjoyed it and found it very informative. I especially appreciated your comments about fatigue. It explains a lot in my case. Thank you. I am looking forward to more such articles from you in the future. —A. S.
I’m a medical student in India studying for my final ENT exam, and was having a lot of trouble understanding the concept of recruitment. The way you explained it in your article on recruitment is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.—A. D.
Hey Neil, wonderful article on Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome. I just printed it up for the school nurse. I had given her some other information, but none of it says it quite so well. As usual, you have done a great job—writing in a way that not only provides the technical aspects (and more difficult to grasp), but is also very clear, and easy to understand. —P. W.
I just finished reading your article on Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome and really enjoyed it. I have searched the web and not found much information on it. Your article provided me with more information about this syndrome than I have found in all the other sites I’ve been to. —L. G.
I know one of the things we did, when we first got the diagnosis of LVAS was we started ordering medical journal articles, anything we could find, although, even after reading all of those, I like Neil’s article the best. They are the most comprehensive, and easiest to understand. —P. W.
Your articles are excellent resources from a person who has the hearing impaired person’s perspective. Many times I have given out my business card with your web address, www.hearinglosshelp.com, written on the back. —L. J. (audiologist)
Whatever Neil writes is worthy of the read! —R. M.
I wish you to know that you have built up a marvelous following for your articles that you have contributed. May we count on you to continue in that effort? We need you. —B. E.
I found your web-site with all of the details on the Univox 2A™ Loop Amplifier. This has been the most useful web-site I found on any Loop amplification system from any vendor on the entire internet. It was packed with so much details, I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited I even ordered one late Saturday night, and I can’t wait for it to arrive. I found all of the additional information you provided, such as how to make a double loop, or hooking the system up to a FM wireless system (which I have) or hooking it to the telephone, extremely useful. I was so amazed that you even provided specific model numbers from radio shack, such as what type of patch cord to use for hooking the amplifier to the wireless FM system or what to buy for using the system in the car. No other site provided such information. You answered every single question I could think of and addressed every issue (such as using a boom mic for the telephone), it was truly amazing. I just want to personally thank you so much for all the information you provided. —J. G.
First of all, excellent article (as always) on http://hearinglosshelp.com/blog/ ! I’ve always been impressed with your writings—clear and user-friendly!—J. S. (Program planning coordinator)
I’m a writing teacher and I can tell you that you have done an excellent job of addressing the needs of your readers! You know what they want to know, and you provide the information clearly and thoroughly without being overwhelming or needlessly technical. Great work!—C.B.
I wanted to drop you a quick thanks via email. I just found and read your articles in the ‘Psychological Effects of Hearing Loss.’ section. I am a Hearing Aid Specialist and found your explanations to be very helpful in my communications with the hearing impaired people I work with.—R.
I’m a medical student in India. You have beautifully explained a concept that I never understood in your article on Recruitment.—V
I just wanted to send you a huge THANK YOU for this article (Tinnitus and Other Ear Damage from Shooting Rifles), and the time you have taken to reply intelligently and informatively to everyone that was clearly very worried about their hearing situation. I am experiencing many of the same problems and worries expressed by many of your readers, and your answers were VERY informative, and frankly very comforting. THANK YOU for your time in explaining what’s going on to all of us who have been concerned and we’re fortunate enough to find this.—G. S.
About Dr. Neil’s Presentations
If any of you are planning a conference and need a speaker, try to get Dr. Neil. He presented at our State-wide Hard of Hearing conference in October and people were just thrilled with the information. We are honored to know him as a friend on this site. —R.D.
The honored guest at the Open House was Dr. Neil Bauman. He is a well-known and loved speaker who connects with people through humor and understanding.—J.E.
I have received several comments from members that Neil Bauman’s presentation on Saturday was “world class” and “one of the very best we have ever had.” Sincere thanks to Neil for sharing his knowledge with us.—L.W.
Dr. Neil Bauman’s workshop on Ototoxic Drugs was standing room only, and many of those in the room had personal experience with hearing loss due to ototoxic drugs. Bauman’s presentation was wide-ranging and he answered numerous questions from the audience. —C. H.
I was fortunate in attending one of your seminars in New Haven. It was one of the most helpful presentations I have ever attended.—L. W.
Folks in Lexington, Virginia, just had the honor of hosting the famous Neil Bauman as a speaker on ototoxic drugs. He took the meeting by storm less than 10 hours after he’d stayed up until midnight talking the ears off of his overnight hosts. This brilliant man knows something about everything and is a superb conversationalist. If any of you need a speaker, I would highly recommend him. —J. F.
I just typed up a report for our members here of your presentation and realized how much “meat” was involved in your lecture. Took me an hour just to summarize what you said. Now I’m hearing from some of our members that they are sorry they missed your talk! So a job well done ole buddy. —M. G.
Dr. Bauman on tinnitus is terrific.—A. Z.
Your talk and demonstrations at the Lancaster Hearing Loss Association Chapter meeting this morning were extremely informative and helpful. Thank you for taking time to share your wonderful store of knowledge regarding the various helpful devices.—M. E.
Neil, I want to express my thanks and appreciation for your having come to address our group. Your presentation was fantastic! Also, I tremendously enjoyed chatting with you till hours way past my normal bedtime. —R. K.
About Dr. Neil’s Hearing Loss Help Ezine
I want to let you know how much I enjoy and absorb from your articles—it’s just a fountain of valuable and useful information!—G. D.
So much great information in your eZine. I appreciate that you explain things in layman’s terms so everyone can understand. Thank you again for your excellent information.—N. J.
Keep up the wonderful work with “Hearing Loss Help.” To my knowledge there is no other source of the type of information you so generously provide.—G. C.
I enjoy your newsletter immensely and have sent your newsletter URL to over 400 people around the world interested in the latest intelligent, caring, and humorous information about all aspects of HEARING LOSS.—J. R.
Thank you for your commitment and dedication to this wonderful newsletter you send out each month! I have found it to be very informative and helpful. I like all the topics even if I don’t have that particular problem. I find it educational, and am able to pass on the useful information to someone else who needs the help. I like your sensitivity to the issues that people suffer. I am glad I am not alone in my suffering and am comforted to read a newsletter that understands where I am coming from. It is comforting to know that there is someone out there who understands and is knowledgeable. Thank you for all you do. It is greatly appreciated.—B. S.
OUTSTANDING issue of Hearing Loss Help eZine! Vegetarians wouldn’t like it, as it is FULL of meat (substance).—J. S.
Your newsletters are wonderful! Thank you.—K. T.
Wow, wonderful writing, Neil. I especially appreciated the “Five Facts” article, thank you! You explain it so clearly and simply!—J.
Dear Doctor: I wish to thank you for this outstanding eZine, more like a magazine. There is a lot of information in it, more than I get from my hearing aid provider. The articles are well balanced between explanations, causes and what you can do about it. They are not run of the mill explanations, you thought about them.—A. H.
Dear Dr Neil: Thank you once again for your most interesting and informative eZine that you send out. I am sharing it with one HLAA Chapter and others not able to go to the meetings, and also sharing it with my niece in Florida who has two little girls who, by your writings and advice saved these little girls from being given massive doses of antibiotics that would have harmed their hearing a lot more. My heartfelt thanks. God bless you for your diligent work. Most sincerely.—L. W.
I always look forward to your helpful newsletter!—R. S.
Thanks for the wonderful information and understanding of the different kinds of hearing loss and how we can cope, this is of great comfort to know someone does understand the disabilities that people do have with hearing loss.—L. S.
Thank you yet again for another very interesting and informative eZine. I appreciate the time and research you put into providing much needed support and fascinating stories.—C. T.
This is my first eZine magazine and I am elated! The material contained is very informative. The article regarding our expectations of what hearing aids can do, was profound. I am hooked and look forward to reading additional issues. May God bless you!—G. F.
I’m a reader of your e-Zines. Thanks for the info. I’ve printed off some to use in my ‘talks’ to groups regarding being hard of hearing.—H. W.
I sure do enjoy your eZine and so do the folks who attend my Living With Hearing Loss programs. P. K., Ph.D. Audiologist.
I have to tell you also how much I appreciate your newsletter. It has been a wealth of information. I keep looking for ways to accommodate my hearing loss. I’ve found help in everyone of your newsletters!—K. B.
Thank you so much for the wonderful, helpful articles in your e-Zine.—P. R.
My wife and I LOVE your timely, pithy, knowledgeable and humorous Hearing Loss Help eZine.—J. R.
I wanted to let you know that you do an a first class job with this e-zine! I find your advice extremely practical and its always 100% on the mark! You have a great knack for explaining the technical details without resorting to highly technical language—not an easy thing! Your work is highly appreciated.—M. L.
About Dr. Neil’s Hearing Loss Help Website
I have to let you know that the info contained in the website Hearing Loss Help has changed my life. I have never found so much good information anywhere on hearing loss and the equipment that may be helpful. Explained in such a way that I can understand and with such detail and examples. Thank you so much, I am so grateful.—B. S.
Thank you so much for having such great information available to the public.—C.
You have an amazing website. It has so much calming, credible and helpful information!—P. T.
After looking for answers I found your website where questions are answered intelligently instead of the gibberish on most others.—T. G.
You’ve done an amazing and impressive job of putting together an extremely helpful website, one that clearly has really provided “hearing loss help” to lots of people. Congratulations on a ongoing job well done.—M. R. (Audiologist).
You have a great website—the most helpful of all those out there!—K. T.
Thank you for such an information packed, easy-to-read, helpful website. Your efforts are phenomenal and just plain wonderful. I wish I had found your site many years ago.— C. H.
Thanks for a wonderful website, it is clear, clean and so easily traversed that it is truly amazing.—R. W.
The Center for Hearing Loss Help is one of the most in-depth resources you will find on the Internet related to hearing loss…. I could go on and on about this website, but I challenge you to visit and judge for yourself! This is a gem on the Internet, bookmark it and visit it often!—J (Read this whole review on the HearingAids1000 website.)
Your website is nothing short of fantastic.—B. G.
Thank you for your web site. It has already been a Godsend for me. It has told me so much that my audiologist failed to share.—J. K.
Your website is amazing—so clear and so well written and so informative. Thank you!—A. A.
Excellent presentation; the best I have found on the interest regarding explaining the entire hearing test results.—W. S.
Your web site has been really helpful for me and probably the best source of real info that I have found on hearing loss and related issues.—R. M.
This is an amazing website!—V. M.
While I was searching for information on hearing loss, I happened to come across your site. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for sharing your vast knowledge of hearing loss/medical information. Over the years, I have been on many medical information sites, however, I do not recall seeing a site that is as easily understood as yours, and yet provides a wealth of information.—C. W.
Thank you for your website. What a God-send it is. I am in tears of amazement that I have found such good information on not only the emotional aspect of hearing loss, but the wonderful practical tips!—D. R.
I’ve recently become a member of a really good HLAA chapter. Several people there know about you and simply rave about the information you have on your website.—J. N.
I am writing to thank you for your wonderful website. Hearinglosshelp.com is a great site that is very user friendly and I felt that I could trust the content.—M. H.