by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A man wrote:
A friend of mine with a cochlear implant is considering taking a medical course. During the class she will need to use a stethoscope. Can she just use a regular one over the T-mic on her cochlear implant, or does she need to purchase an special one that plugs into her CI processor? Also do you know of a website that sells such amplified stethoscopes?
I have written about amplified stethoscopes before. You can read this article called “Amplified Stethoscopes“.
In addition, there are several good sources about amplified stethoscopes. Probably the best place to learn about amplified stethoscopes is the Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss (AMPHL) since their members regularly need and use them.
AMPHL has three articles on “Stethoscopes” for hard of hearing or deaf medical professionals.
Also, the Spring 2008 edition of Hearing Health magazine carried an article called “Hearing Help for Medical and Healthcare Practitioners”. It also contains good information on amplified stethoscopes.
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