Inflixmab and other drugs that are used to try to stop Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED).
Ringing In The Ears
People with tinnitus, commonly referred to as ringing in the ears, may hear many different sounds besides “ringing.”
Meniere’s Disease and Balance Problems
Meniere’s disease can, and does, cause balance problems, but you brain eventually trains itself to use your eyes and proprioceptive system to help you regain your balance.
Phantom Sounds–Sane or Psychotic?
A simple way to tell whether the phantom sounds you are hearing are caused by mental illness or whether you have Musical Ear Syndrome caused by damage to your auditory system.
Strenuous Exercise and Resulting Hearing Loss
If you have a condition such as LVAS, then strenuous exercise can permanently damage your hearing. Learn more.
When Everyday Sounds Seem Too Loud
Ear damage can make you even more sensitive to sounds. If this happens you likely have hyperacusis.
Hearing Phantom Music
If you hear phantom music, you likely are not “nuts,” but may have Musical Ear Syndrome.
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