by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A mother wrote: My 6 year old daughter just recently told me she is hearing voices talking. She is happy and socially adjusted, thus I don’t believe it is psychotic in nature. She has been taking Zyrtec for approximately 1 year. She said she had already told me before, but I […]
Can Musical Ear Syndrome (MES) Be Caused by Anxiety or Depression?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote: I just discovered references to you on the Internet while I was trying to Google information about what I now know you have coined “Musical Ear Syndrome”. The MES reference fits me to a “T”, and I am so relieved to find that others experience this, too. I […]
Musical Ear Syndrome Caused by Constant Background Noise
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A young lady wrote: I was very interested in your article on Musical Ear Syndrome (MES). The description seems to accurately describe what I have been experiencing throughout my life, and I must say it is relieving to find out that I am not insane. However, I am still a little […]
Musical Ear Syndrome (MES)—A Different Approach
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man recently wrote: Thank you for your research into Musical Ear Syndrome (MES). Also, thank you for your website postings on the subject, and for your book “Phantom Voices, Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds”. My condition is similar to other people that you describe, but there are a few […]
Phantom Music in the Night (Musical Ear Syndrome)
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote: It is with great relief that I read your on-line article on Musical Ear Syndrome as printed in Hearing Health, Volume 20:4 Winter 2004. My elderly mother (who lives alone after the death of my father several years ago) has been complaining to neighbors and her condominium board […]
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Treatment for Tinnitus and Musical Ear Syndrome?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man asked: I was wondering if you could comment on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? I read in an article that this treatment has helped people with tinnitus. A lady with Musical Ear Syndrome asked: I have read that something called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation reduces auditory hallucinations. Is this safe? Good questions. […]
Phantom Music Only in the House—Why?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A grandson wrote: It seems like my grandma may suffer from tinnitus or “aural hallucinations” as she’s complained of hearing music when she’s at home. We’ve discovered that there’s actually no music playing anywhere nearby. Only she can hear it. She asked me to ask you this; “Why is it that […]
Phantom Traffic, Phantom Furance and Other Phantom Sounds
Hearing faint sounds no one else hears is not due to hyperacusis. Rather, these are phantom sounds generated in your head. Read more about Musical Ear Syndrome (MES).
“Real” Phantom Music in the Night–Musical Ear Syndrome
Not everything you hear in the night is real. You may have Musical Ear syndrome and be listening to phantom music. Learn more.
Auditory Hallucinations and Depression
Auditory hallucinations (Musical Ear syndrome) can be triggered by depression. Read more.
Will Lipoflavonoids Help Musical Ear Syndrome?
The lipoflavonoid formulation is designed to increase inner ear blood flow. Will it help people with Musical Ear syndrome? Read more.
Phantom Sounds–Sane or Psychotic?
A simple way to tell whether the phantom sounds you are hearing are caused by mental illness or whether you have Musical Ear Syndrome caused by damage to your auditory system.
Hearing Phantom Music
If you hear phantom music, you likely are not “nuts,” but may have Musical Ear Syndrome.