by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. More than 7 million people in the USA suffer from vertigo, a condition where they feel the room is spinning around them. One of the most common forms of vertigo goes by the tongue-twisting name of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). It is also one of the easiest forms […]
Coping with No Vestibular (Balance) Function
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man explained, My younger brother is in his 30s. He developed bilateral vestibular problems of unknown cause. Now he doesn’t have any vestibular (balance) function left in either ear. He does OK during the day while walking on a hard surface as long as he has a cane or walking […]
The Latest in Vestibular Implants
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. On September 14, 2012, two people in Holland were implanted with a new kind of vestibular (balance) implant—one that generates orientation and acceleration signals to replace the balance signals that dead or non-functioning hair cells in the semicircular canals of the inner ear used to produce. Although it is too soon […]
Are Serious Vestibular Problems a Wheelchair Sentence?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote, I am very interested in hearing and balance and was looking for your thoughts—I know you are not an MD, but would appreciate your views. If someone is having vertigo from a serious disease such as bilateral Meniere’s disease, is such a person better off without a vestibular […]
Protect Your Balance System—Or Else
Recently, a drug I took severely damaged my vestibular system. Would you explain how the balance system works and how my lack of balance can affect my lifestyle?
You have not just one but three different balance systems. This article explains how they work together and what happens when the balance system in your ears is damaged or destroyed.
Is That a Balance Problem or a Stroke? — Here’s How to Tell
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. If all of a sudden you feel dizzy and your balance is off, has something just happened to the balance parts of your inner ears, or have you just had an ischemic stroke in your brain? Your doctor needs to determine what has happened right away. Up to now, doctors typically […]
Regaining Balance—One Man’s Story
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D., with Tony In 2005, Tony had surgery to remove a large (4.5 cm) acoustic neuroma (non-malignant tumor) growing on his left auditory nerve. In the course of removing the acoustic neuroma, the surgeon, not only had to cut the auditory nerve leaving him totally deaf in his left ear, […]
Vertigo Attacks—What’s Going On?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A woman explained: I read one of your articles on the Internet about SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss), which I had when I was 11 years old. I had 80% loss in my left ear, which has been permanent. I am now 54 years old. The diagnosis of the cause of […]
Losing Balance from Loud Sounds and Sensitivity to Sound
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A veteran wrote: My hearing loss and tinnitus is service-connected. I was exposed to constant cannon fire while in the Marine corp. No hearing protection. Marines were expected to tough it out. Now I’m paying for that silly theory with my hearing problems. I am trying to explain to the […]
Numbness Not Part of Ear-related Balance Problems
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A man wrote: I hope you can help me It all started on March 11. I got to work and started walking to the job and got dizzy and light headed. During the next 3 hours, I felt worse and worse. I got sick to my stomach. I called my wife […]
Weird Hearing and Balance Problem
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A concerned mother explained: Our daughter is 8, and has a bilateral vestibular disorder. She has trouble reading and if she reads too much she will get horrible vertigo spells. Even her gait is affected. When she comes home from school on Friday, her stance is wider than normal and she […]
The Danger to Your Ears of High-Impact Aerobics
High impact aerobics can damage your hearing and balance. Here’s the scoop.
Balance Problems at Night
If you stagger and have other balance problems walking at night, or in low light conditions, but not in the day, you likely have damaged your vestibular system. Read on to learn more.
Meniere’s Disease and Balance Problems
Meniere’s disease can, and does, cause balance problems, but you brain eventually trains itself to use your eyes and proprioceptive system to help you regain your balance.