by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A veteran wrote: My hearing loss and tinnitus is service-connected. I was exposed to constant cannon fire while in the Marine corp. No hearing protection. Marines were expected to tough it out. Now I’m paying for that silly theory with my hearing problems. I am trying to explain to the […]
Pets and Tinnitus Reduction
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote: I found a little dog and had him with me for one week before finding his grateful owners. Of course I had to walk him, and I fussed over him (a sheltie/Pomeranian mix—he is super cute). During that time, it seemed the ringing in my ears was much […]
Can Musical Ear Syndrome (MES) Be Caused by Anxiety or Depression?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote: I just discovered references to you on the Internet while I was trying to Google information about what I now know you have coined “Musical Ear Syndrome”. The MES reference fits me to a “T”, and I am so relieved to find that others experience this, too. I […]
Chances of Children Having Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome (LVAS)
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A mother wrote, My daughter has LVAS [Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome]. My husband and I have not had genetic testing done to determine whether we are carriers. Am I to assume that since my daughter has LVAS, so will my son? No—unless you both also have LVAS. The fact that your […]
Squeaking Tinnitus with each Heartbeat—What’s Going On?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Recently a woman explained, I haven’t lost my hearing, but I hear my pulse as a “squeak” frequently. It is only on the left side, but it is very annoying and sounds like a heart murmur. Any suggestions? When you hear your pulse in one or both ears, this is a […]
Grapefruit Juice and Ototoxic Drugs
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady asked: Can a person drink grapefruit juice, or eat grapefruit without taking medications with it and be ok, or does grapefruit affect hearing loss period? If you are not taking any medications, eat/drink as much grapefruit as your heart desires. It doesn’t affect ears. It’s not the grapefruit that […]
Getting Captions On Your New TV—The Good, the Bad and the Downright Frustrating
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Right now we are in a transition between the existing analog TV transmission standard and the new digital TV standard. On February 17, 2009 here in the USA, all analog TV transmissions will cease, and we will enter the 100% digital TV transmission age. (Don’t confuse digital TV with high definition […]
Hearing Stereo with One Ear (good solution)
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. In our article Hearing Stereo with One Ear, a lady wanted to know how to hear both stereo channels in a single ear bud as she only had one working ear. I wrote, “The neatest would be if you could find a single earbud wired to a stereo plug.” At […]
Implantable Hearing Aids—Should I Get One Now?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote: I have a progressive loss rated at “severe” currently. At the rate I’m going, I’ll probably not be helped by hearing aids within 10 years. Many of the ALD’s I have purchased have not really been enough help, I am getting more desperate about means to stay in […]
Invisible (Completely Implantable) Hearing Aids Are Coming
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Clinical trials for invisible (internal) hearing aids are underway. They are seen as a boon to those people who refuse to get a hearing aid because of the negative social stigma attached to wearing hearing aids. In addition, these hearing aids are also waterproof (unless your head leaks!) and obviously will […]
Room Loops and Spillover
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady explained, Our Senior Center has two rooms looped: the computer room where people learn computer skills, and the “lipreading room” where a lipreading class is held. These rooms are next to each other. Each has a separate loop that was installed a few years ago. My friend that is […]
Hearing “Stereo” with One Ear
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote, I am almost deaf in one ear. I have trouble hearing music via headphones that play different parts in each ear piece—specifically when I am listening to my iPod with the earbud headphones. Is there a product out there for people who can only hear out of one […]
Finding Real Time Captioning (CART) Providers
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Real-time captioning (CART) at meetings and events is a blessing for those of us who can’t hear/understand everything the speaker is saying. Sometimes we just glance up at the screen to catch the odd word we miss. Other times, we rely almost exclusively on the words magically appearing on the screen […]
Tinnitus and Sugar—You Mean There’s A Connection?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. I received this interesting email, I’ve had tinnitus for about two years caused by a combination of noise exposure and an over-zealous nurse giving an ear lavage. It can be a real problem at times, especially when I don’t watch the sugar intake in my diet. The only thing that I’ve […]
Tinnitus from Ear Syringing and Middle Ear Infections—What’s the Score?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. An audiologist wrote, I am a newly qualified Audiologist who frequently sees patients that suffer from tinnitus. Most of the patients I see have had tinnitus for quite some time (more than 6 months). We have a very long waiting list at the hospital at which I work, and sadly patients […]
Sudden Hearing Loss from a Virus—Is It Catching?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Recently a man phoned me and explained, My boss suddenly lost the hearing in one ear due to a virus. My question to you is—is he contagious? In other words, can I lose my hearing from being near him? I’ve answered thousands of questions related to ears, but this is the […]
Can Beta-Blockers Cause Tinnitus?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady wrote, While I was on beta-blockers for inappropriate sinus tachycardia I developed tinnitus. Initially it seemed intermittent, but as I had to increase my dose the ringing became constant. The ENT doctor tells me that he has never heard of beta-blockers causing tinnitus, but upon his evaluation found that […]
Is Augmentin Ototoxic?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. December 21, 2007, Revised January 29, 2015 A lady explained, I have an ear infection, tinnitus, and a history of hearing loss in my family. My MD has prescribed a medication that I can not find any information about, ‘Augmomyn’. He says it is a “type of Amoxicillin”. Do […]
Ototoxic Foods?
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. A lady asked, I wondered if you knew about the ototoxicity of food products such as decaffeinated tea. I read that tea is high in Salicylates, as are also a lot of fruits. Does this mean that drinking/eating these things can make my existing tinnitus worse? Interesting question. It is true […]
Hearing Aids Down Through the Years—The New On-line Hearing Aid Museum
by Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Are you intrigued by old hearing aids and hearing devices? Have you ever seen a “pen” hearing aid that you wore in your shirt pocket? Or a barrette hearing aid you wore in your hair? Aren’t you glad you don’t have to lug around a heavy table top hearing aid that […]
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