by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
People have asked me,
When are you going to update the 2nd edition of your book Ototoxic Drugs Exposed, which is now about 8 years old? There are many new drugs that have come out since you put out the 2nd edition. We want to know which of these new drugs are ototoxic.
Here’s the good news. The brand new 3rd edition of Ototoxic Drugs Exposed is now printed and available for you to purchase! This newly-revised and expanded edition contains information on 877 ototoxic drugs and medications, 35 ototoxic herbals and 148 ototoxic chemicals—that’s a total of 1,060 ototoxic substances!
The 3rd edition also includes a good number of personal experience stories (what I call “anecdotal reports”) of real people that have damaged their ears from taking various drugs. This gives you a better idea of how bad the risk may be, and what you might experience if you have an ototoxic reaction.
In addition, I have added two new chapters. One is a general chapter on the Benzodiazepine class of drugs, and why taking these drugs in the long term can cause certain ototoxic side effects to blind-side you.
The second chapter I added is called, “Keep Yourself Healthy While Taking Few or No Drugs”. This chapter begins:
People often ask me how they can protect their ears from the ravages of ototoxic drugs. They want to know about safer alternatives. In fact, one man took me to task. He wrote, “You keep saying what drugs are ototoxic and should not be used if we want to protect our ears and hearing. However, you don’t tell us what we should be taking. It would enlighten us all if you explained some of the safer treatments we can use.”
With this in mind, I have added this chapter. The information in it is not intended to be comprehensive, as that would be a major book in itself. In this brief overview, I give examples of some things you can do in order to help protect yourself from the side effects of ototoxic drugs. For those of you who want to get off the drug treadmill, I think you will find this chapter most helpful.
The new 3rd edition of Ototoxic Drugs Exposed (798 pages) is packed with information to help you protect your ears from the ravages of ototoxic agents.
Here is the link to order the 3rd edition of Ototoxic Drugs Exposed.
Back in 2008, I fell from a nasty MRSA infection. The Doctor had to use Vancomycin. I can’t take many antibiotics. Now I have a throat infection. I don’t like antibiotics, but I can’t get better on my own. I’m a 46 year old lifelong Diabetic. I must use Amoxicillin. I couldn’t find this one antibiotic on your watch list. Are there safer herbal treatments?
Hi Roland:
The good news is that amoxicillin is not known to be toxic, so it should be safe for your ears. Since it is not ototoxic, you will not find it on any of my ototoxic drug lists.