by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A mother asked:
My teen-aged son got fitted for a hearing aid, but he keeps turning it off, and not wearing it. I am so frustrated. How do I get him to get used to the hearing aid?
First, realize that you are not alone. This is a very common problem among new hearing aid users.
One of the biggest problems with wearing new hearing aids, is that people typically go about it all wrong. Unlike glasses, you don’t just put them on and wear them. If you do that, I almost guarantee that you will not keep on wearing them.
Has anyone ever explained to your son how to begin wearing new hearing aids? There is a very specific process your son needs to work through as he learns to wear his new hearing aids.
To learn the proper way to begin wearing hearing aids, read (and study) the article entitled, “Becoming Friends with Your New Hearing Aids“. By putting these principles into practice, your son will likely soon find that he and his hearing aids have became very close friends indeed!