Hearing loss that is passed genetically though generations of a family. Hearing loss can be passed by dominant or recessive genes.
The frequency or pitch of a sound in cycles per second. It is abbreviated as Hz. It was named after the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
HiRes 120 (HiRes with Fidelity 120)
A sound processing strategy that runs the Harmony cochlear implant processor and provides up to 120 spectral bands. Previous technology only provided between 12 and 22 spectral bands. It uses current steering technology to increase spectral resolution to as many as 120 spectral bands. This technology only works with the Harmony and Platinum Sound Processors.
HiRes 90K
The internal part of a particular cochlear implant made by Advanced Bionics. It was released in September 2003. It works with the Harmony and Platinum sound processors.
See Hearing Level.
Abbreviation used on the internet for “Hard of Hearing”.
(HOE-moe-feen) Two or more words that sound differently, but look identical on a person’s lips. For example, pat, bat and mat all look identical on a person’s lips so you cannot tell them apart just by speechreading.
Hearing loss of a conductive or sensorineural nature.
Abnormal hearing sensitivity. Some times described as “noise intolerance.” If you have hyperacusis, you now perceive sound of normal volume as much too loud. In fact, your may perceive them as being painfully loud. Hyperacusis can be caused by exposure to loud sounds, or as a result of taking certain drugs. Hyperacusis can be defined as an abnormally strong reaction to sound occurring within the auditory pathways. At the behavioral level, it is manifested by a person experiencing physical discomfort as a result of exposure to sound (quiet, medium or loud). The same sound would not evoke a similar reaction in an average listener. The strength of the reaction is controlled by the physical characteristics of the sound, e.g., its spectrum and intensity.
The transitional state preceding sleep during which (auditory) hallucinations may occur. (See also Hypnopompic.)
The occurrence of visions or dreams (including auditory hallucinations) during the drowsy awakening state following sleep. (See also Hypnagogic.)
(See also Hypacusis.) Reduced hearing. Hearing loss.
The abbreviation for Hertz. (See Hertz).
Having an unknown cause. If the doctors don’t know what caused your hearing loss, they say you have idiopathic hearing loss.
Impedance Audiometry
Testing to measure the ability of the middle ear to conduct sound to the inner ear.
Impedance Measurements
A physical measurement of a sound reflected off the eardrum and analyzed to reveal characteristics of the middle ear. (See also Tympanometry and Tympanogram.)
Impedance Testing
See Impedance Audiometry.
In-The-Canal Hearing Aid (ITC)
A type of hearing aid that fits partly in the ear canal but extends to the bowl of the ear.
In-The-Mouth Hearing Aid (ITM)
A type of bone conduction hearing aid that fits in the mouth and uses tooth (bone) conduction to transmit the sounds to the inner ear.
The second of the three bones in the middle ear. Commonly called the Anvil.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
A team-developed written document developed with input from the child’s parents, the child (when appropriate), teachers, school administrators and special service providers. The IEP refers to the formal educational plan that is developed for each child who receives special services through a local school district. It outlines the goals for education and therapy for a student with a disability, and provides a guideline for achieving them. An IEP for a hard of hearing child should take into consideration such factors as:
- The communication needs of the child, and the family’s preferred mode of communication.
- Linguistic needs.
- Severity of the hearing loss and the potential for maximizing auditory ability.
- Academic level.
- Social and emotional needs, including opportunities for peer interactions and communication.
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