by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
If you want to find if any captioned movies are showing in movie theatres near you, you just need to ask Fomdi, a cute little guy that lives at
Fomdi is a handy new on-line tool. All you need to do is enter your state, city or zip, the maximum distance from your location you want to travel (5 to 40 miles) and the day you want to go, click “find”–and in a few seconds Fomdi will produce a list of the captioned movies near you. Cool!
The results may not be perfect, but they are far better than nothing. The Fomdi website further explains:
Most sites do not yet add captioned films beyond 7 days.
Fomdi finds captioned films at sites that advertise captioned films, and tells you about it. However, Fomdi is not responsible if the films are not captioned, as the sites advertise them to be.
If too few or no showtimes are found in your area, increase the search radius around your zipcode. Also, try different dates. Some theaters are known to show captioned films, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
Try it out. I think you’ll like it if you are a moviegoer.