by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A man recently wrote:
I recently read your article on AIED. I was diagnosed with AIED a few months ago, and I’ve been through most of the treatments, prednisone, methotrexate. and cortisone injections through a tube. My doctor wants me to try Remicade, a new biological type drug. What do you think about this drug and AIED?
Personally, I think that with AIED the cure can be worse than the disease, especially for some people. I was just talking to a man yesterday who took Prednisone and Methotrexate and ended up with kidney cancer because of them. Not a good trade off in my opinion.
I don’t know much about Inflixmab (Remicade) and its long term effects on our bodies. After reading about the serious side effects it can have, including immune problems, cancer and death, I must say I don’t like the odds, especially since I haven’t seen any data that proves it will cure AIED. Personally, I wouldn’t be in any rush to take it.
In regards to your ears, Inflixmab can cause dizziness and vertigo. Three other drugs in this same family can cause hearing loss so this drug may be found to do the same.
Click the following link to learn more about Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED).