by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
A man wrote:
I have recently read a number of articles involving the use of Acamprosate (Campral) in treating tinnitus. One Brazilian study showed pretty positive results in giving tinnitus sufferers some relief using this drug.
I am going to see my ENT soon for my annual hearing test. While there, I am going to show him some articles I have printed to see if he would allow me to try this drug to see if I too can achieve some relief.
Prior to seeing him, I thought I would e-mail you to see if you have any thoughts or viewpoints regarding the use of this drug in the treatment of tinnitus. It seems as though the side effects are generally mild and well tolerated. After suffering with tinnitus for seven years, I would certainly welcome a trial with anything that may provide me some relief!
I hear you. There are millions of people in the same boat that would love to get rid of their tinnitus with a magic “tinnitus pill”, but that is not very likely in the near future.
First, be aware that at the present time there is not a single drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of tinnitus. To me this is a pretty strong indication that drugs are not the answer to curing tinnitus. Many drugs have been tried as possible tinnitus cures, but none has been very successful so far.
Now let’s look at Acamprosate (Campral). Acamprosate is approved for helping people overcome their alcohol addiction.
In the Brazilian study you mentioned, the figures sound impressive. After 90 days on Acamprosate there was a significant overall improvement rate of 87%. Nearly half stated their tinnitus had declined by at least 50%. Wow! Impressive results, right? But this was one small study involving only 25 people taking Acamprosate.
The results of this single study have been picked up and spread far and wide. What bothers me is that the research was done 4 years ago, and if the results of this study were so wonderful, why haven’t many other studies been done in the past 4 years verifying the results of this study? Why aren’t doctors prescribing this drug to help people with tinnitus? Why hasn’t the FDA moved to approve this drug for tinnitus treatment, and thus help the 50 million Americans that have tinnitus?
The truth is, Acamprosate is not without serious side effects including suicide and depression. In addition, it can be ototoxic. It has been implicated in hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo as well as [auditory] hallucinations.
When it comes to drugs, it is better to not be on the leading edge because most (about 51%) serious side effects are not discovered in the studies drug companies do—but only become apparent after the drug has been approved by the FDA and is released to the public. Do you really want to be the guinea pig?
One of the problems in finding a drug cure for tinnitus is that we so often think of tinnitus as a single condition—whereas it is really a number of different things that cause the annoying phantom sounds. Since there are a number of causes, it stands to reason that one treatment that not will work for everyone. The treatment has to fit the cause.
For example, some studies show that the herb, Ginkgo biloba, alleviates tinnitus, and other studies show it doesn’t. Who do you believe?
In actual fact, if your tinnitus was the result of lack of blood flow to your inner ears (cochlea), then Ginkgo may indeed “cure” your tinnitus. But, if your tinnitus was caused by ototoxic drugs, or wax in your ears, or a glomus tumor in your neck, then obviously Ginkgo is the wrong treatment.
Therefore, if and when Acamprosate has stood the test of time as an effective treatment for tinnitus, and if its benefits far outweigh its side effects, then, and only then, is it time to give it a try if you value your health.
I suffer from “ringing” in my ears-left one is very loud- I can not sleep with this NOISE-I take Ran-Zopiclone 7.5mg every nite to sleep-I shift work at a demanding job-Can’t keep “booking” off on sick time to catch up on sleep-because I DON’T sleep- without drugs-the sound is too loud-I am currently on a waiting list for a ?Bio-feed back + CBT clinic-way down on the list-in the meantime-I trying to find-almost-anything to help me sleep without using Ran-zopiclone-because of my shift work-I find now that I can’t control “with the use of Drugs”- falling asleep-I find myself -“Drugged” sleeping at work-not good! So -if this Acamprosate is approved for alcholism-they-the FDA must have knowledge of adverse side effects-I am willing to try this drug only-because I need sleep for work- any side effects– well- may be worth it-atleast I will have symptoms that my employer will recognize- the need to use- sick time-which I am proud of the fact I have not used improperly- I have perscription for Acamprosate-willing to try- but not -how can I say?-wanting- any side effects-but just some simple relief-so I can sleep without drugs-I am currently trying-as suggested-in Women’s World Maz.4/7/08-50mg.of zinc+ 1,000mgB12-sorry if I have taken up space-but I am trying not to vent or get in your face-my woe’s-your article I found was-very user friendly-I do value my health.But desperate for relief of tinnitus.ANY
Acamprosate is now in clinical trials in the US to be approved for tinnitus.
Hay Linda,have you still got it?
I think i might have the logical answer to this,and the answer is Julian cowan hill you can look him up on you tube,i have been seeing him for about a month and everytime i visit he manages to switch it off,he is a cranial expert and he works on reducing your adreneline levels,if you want a chat you can email me ,all the best Jonny nassim
yo tengo un ruido en el oido izquierdo a veces como si nada, otras veces muy molesto,no tengo perdida de audicion, pero los ruidos externos me molestan, ya no se que tomar , he visto varios medicamentos que dicen solucionar los problemas del sonido en los oidoscomo el acamprosato y el Neurontin®) . que opinan por favor
Hello fellow tinnitus suffers,
I have had tinnitus for years in my left ear. It started in my right ear about two months age. I have not been exposed to loud noises all my life. My head MRI showed that I have arthritis in my lower jaw bone where it connects to the upper jaw bone next to the ear. My GP thinks that the arthritis is a strong contributor to my tinnitus. My tinnitus in my left ear is blaring most of the time and my right ear is getting there fast. I would like nothing more than to take a wonder drug to stop the RINGING. I will be patient and wait for a drug that really works and has a minimum of side effects. I am a recovering alcoholic and have dealt with hallucinations, suicide attempts, and depression. I do not need a drug that might induce these side affects.
Sometimes, now, my tinnitus is blaring and I wish I had a gun but I am logical enough to know that is not a solution, it is a cop-out. So I will muddle on until a real solution comes along. I have been sober now for over forty years. I just have to practice the principles of recovery and be patient.
Have a good day,
Jon Wenzel
i have hearing loss in left ear and tinnitus in both ears ,but what really is killing me is i get headaches by noon time very bad it even heards to eat . i’ve had MRI and CAT SCAN done it cme back good .ENT doc. said noting he can do come back in 6months . now what . help !
I have been suffering from severe tinnitus for 3.5 years and consulted giant ent doctors who appeared to be helpless towards tinnitus.all treatments have not cured me at all.i tried all kinds of herbs prescribed to me but in vain.the best treatment is habiuation with it.wish you good health.all the long.
One of my friends has recently recovered from severe tinnitus by rubbing his back neck and back ears by particular kinds of oil for forty five days. He rubbed those places at night and cleans them in the morning. I should cosult him to tell me the names of kinds of oil mixed together to be used as indicated.once I get the names I will write them in this website.please accept my best wishes.
Hi. Now I would like to inform you of the three kinds of oil employed by my friend to get rid of tinnitus as indicated in my comment above: olive oil+sesame oil+black bean oil+ castor oil_all mixed together with equal proportions to rub with the mixture the back of both the ears and the neck every night. Clean these places in the morning and do the same thing at night until you get by the will of God recovered. With my best wishes
Do you mean the instructions are to rub the oil in at night behind your ears and on the back of the neck and then wash it off in the morning?
It is now another six years since the original study was published and I’m not aware of another one. Michael Seidman, MD, is an otolaryngologist (ENT physician) and one of the premier tinnitus specialists in the US. He states that he has used Campral on 20 tinnitus patients and it has helped 3-4 of them. The success rate is then at 15 – 20%.
Why would you not try
Camptal? .I am going to and there is a more recent trial that claims it reduces tinnitus annoyance; look at the Tinnitus Treatment Report on the internet. You have to be your own advocate not the FDA. If you want to wait till hell freezes over then be my quest and do nothing! , that seems to be the norm for tinnitus sufferers “Let’s just complain about it and even when their is evidence that something works, let’s not try it!
Hi Scott:
Be my guest and try Acamprosate. We need someone to be the guinea pig and see whether it really works and what all the side effects are. But I, for one, do not feel the supposed benefits are worth the (unknown) risks at this time.
It now been quite a few years since all the studies were done and no one is jumping on the bandwagon. This indicates that this drug is more of a dud than anything.
I’ve been taking acamprosate for tinnitus for about 2 weeks now without any noticeable side effects. If anything it has helped the tinnitus (raised and softened the pitch of a particular tone) , but it’s too early to tell. By 90 days, I should have a very significant drop in my tinnitus IF this stuff works. If it does, it’s worth the downside. Tinnitus for some of us is pretty horrible. If it doesn’t work, then 90 days won’t cause any enduring problem I’d think. Recovering alcoholics use it for years without much problem. I haven’t had any depressive or mood effects at all. And I still drink!
Hello Clint, Any update? Did it work for you?
Hi love! My dad was just prescribed this for tinnitus and I’m getting a little nervous reading the side effects how are you still doing?
Please all Campral users, speak up and let us know the results!
Thanks in advance